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I just joined LT to keep track of my classroom library. I set a goal for the school year of 70 books but I think I can out do that. So far in 2014 I have read: Wild Bill Donovan by Waller, Rage Within by Roberts, The Serpent's Shadow by Riordan, Origin by Khoury, Requiem by Oliver, Quatantine:the Saints by Thomas, Ruined by Morris, Unbroken by Morris. Most are YA. That is 7 so far. :)
Glad to have you with us MsHooker! What ages do you teach?
I went to your page and saw your library. How can they resist? But -- I know some will. When my son (a reluctant reader with ADHD) was that age a history teacher recommended Donald Burgett's books on World War II and he gobbled them up. I see you are wooing them with sports and sci fi and other things that should be tempting.
Good luck and if you have a wish list, please post it! I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love the chance to entice a middle schooler to read.
Good luck and if you have a wish list, please post it! I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love the chance to entice a middle schooler to read.
Thank you. I am still learning this site. That is only half my library. I had to pay for membership before I could continue. Really need a scanner :)
Welcome to LibraryThing, and to the group! Looks like you're off to a flying start.
Nicely done!
I liked it. It started slow. I just kept thinking that it was like a Percy Jackson for adults.
Just finished Realm Walkers: One Realm Beyond by Donita K. Paul. It was a very good action adventure book mixed with fantasy for tweens and teens. Also had a good message throughout.
Just finished Happy Utopia Day, Joe McCarthy by J.T. Lundy I would recommend it for anyone who enjoys a enjoying but thought provoking story. 14 done this year so far.
Just finished Rebirth by Debbie Brown. And Down at the End of the River by Angus Woodward reviews are on here as well as on my newly revived blog.