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I've got the Peter Pauper Press version, which is modest, but I truly lust after this beauty -
Wow, pretty! You made me realize that I don't have my lovely edition of this book entered on LT yet! So, after doing that, and scanning the photo, here is mine. I hardly ever touch it though, the leather cover is very fragile.
>2 MrsLee: That's wonderful. I love English Ivy; it's my banner token, I think, for everlasting remembrance.
This one is reminiscent of both
but the other one that caught my eye is
Not sure which scene it is meant to portray, but I always like a moonlit snow scene.
but the other one that caught my eye is
Not sure which scene it is meant to portray, but I always like a moonlit snow scene.
I just watched the movie version with Patrick Stewart, where the ghost of Christmas past takes Scrooge back to his old school. Was that in the book? Guess I'll have to go and re-read.
I think all these covers for "A Christmas Carol" are just fantastic. They all have there own spectacular details. #elliottlshifman
I just watched the movie version with Patrick Stewart, where the ghost of Christmas past takes Scrooge back to his old school. Was that in the book? Guess I'll have to go and re-read.
I think so. It's an important scene in the Alistair Sim version.
I think so. It's an important scene in the Alistair Sim version.
Just finished the re-read. There's brief mention of Bob Cratchit joining some boys for sliding on Cornhill, but nothing else that matches the scene on the cover. Still, it's nice to revisit the story and to find that practically everything in it wound up on screen.
>10 MissWatson: I assumed it was that, after all St Paul's is in the background.
Here are some of my copies:
And this is one I took from someone else's copy to use for my ebook:
Here are some of my copies:
And this is one I took from someone else's copy to use for my ebook: