The shamelessly CUTE animal thread, vol. 5007
This is a continuation of the topic CUTENESS: The Salon stays cute.
TalkLe Salon Littéraire du Peuple pour le Peuple
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The Shark Who Loved Belly Rubs, a romance
Loving all of these, keep em coming
wot is life
Time for a theeeeeme!
Oh gracious. Those are all very beautiful! Poor things though, are they cold? Or do they just do that?
I think it's the cold... at least when you see them fluffing their feathers too...
>26 LolaWalser:
When I first saw this my brain told me it was a caterpillar instead of a row of birds.
When I first saw this my brain told me it was a caterpillar instead of a row of birds.
>39 mstrust: I know him! We went head to head last winter. I barely won, and he's still lurking in the gutters.