Hairballsrus 2016 Challenge: Setting Out for the top of Mount TBR with a trusty Sherpa by side....
Talk75 Books Challenge for 2016
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and... any progress on the fab post?
Considering I took an unscheduled 3 hour nap today, nope....except this! As far as I'm concerned , the next 10 to 11 months is strictly a countdown for the new CONNIE WILLIS BOOK!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More to come once I gather my thoughts and my TBR. :)
Oh, and the pot roast I put in the oven two hours ago is starting to really smell good. Time to go add the mushrooms and the carrots.
Considering I took an unscheduled 3 hour nap today, nope....except this! As far as I'm concerned , the next 10 to 11 months is strictly a countdown for the new CONNIE WILLIS BOOK!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More to come once I gather my thoughts and my TBR. :)
Oh, and the pot roast I put in the oven two hours ago is starting to really smell good. Time to go add the mushrooms and the carrots.
Here's the fabulous first post....
Ahem. My name is Paula and I'm a bookaholic. I read/listened to/or otherwise inhaled 114 books in 2015. Most of them were from the sci fi/fantasy genres. A pretty good year all things considered.
I discovered Seanan McGuire and read eight out of the nine books in the October Daye series. I continued my love affair with Sir Terry Pratchett (may he rest in peace) and developed a passion for the Night Watch novels. And have you seen the little hardback copies of Pratchett that The Book Depository sells? Seriously collectible. I became a fan of the Anne Bishop Black Jewels series, completing the first trilogy. I got my socks knocked off by a standalone novel The Library at Mount Char. A seriously strange book, but so much fun! I made time for some rereads: Little, Big, Replay and Shades of Grey being the most notable. I even managed to read some of my own books!
I'm currently in the midst of a culling of my collection. It's time to admit I'm not going to read some these novels. I don't care how great a review it got. My love affair with YA is just about over. I've tried the graphic novel gig, but I don't think it's for me. They're just comics being pretentious. On the other hand, audio books are definitely up my alley. I'll be listening to a lot more in the future.
I've got some sequels that I seriously need to get to. Winter , Shadow Scale and The Paradox being the ones that first come to my mind.
I've got a date with the new Connie Willis novel this Fall.
Here's to 2016!!! There are so many stories out there waiting to be discovered. Let's get to it!!!!
Ahem. My name is Paula and I'm a bookaholic. I read/listened to/or otherwise inhaled 114 books in 2015. Most of them were from the sci fi/fantasy genres. A pretty good year all things considered.
I discovered Seanan McGuire and read eight out of the nine books in the October Daye series. I continued my love affair with Sir Terry Pratchett (may he rest in peace) and developed a passion for the Night Watch novels. And have you seen the little hardback copies of Pratchett that The Book Depository sells? Seriously collectible. I became a fan of the Anne Bishop Black Jewels series, completing the first trilogy. I got my socks knocked off by a standalone novel The Library at Mount Char. A seriously strange book, but so much fun! I made time for some rereads: Little, Big, Replay and Shades of Grey being the most notable. I even managed to read some of my own books!
I'm currently in the midst of a culling of my collection. It's time to admit I'm not going to read some these novels. I don't care how great a review it got. My love affair with YA is just about over. I've tried the graphic novel gig, but I don't think it's for me. They're just comics being pretentious. On the other hand, audio books are definitely up my alley. I'll be listening to a lot more in the future.
I've got some sequels that I seriously need to get to. Winter , Shadow Scale and The Paradox being the ones that first come to my mind.
I've got a date with the new Connie Willis novel this Fall.
Here's to 2016!!! There are so many stories out there waiting to be discovered. Let's get to it!!!!
It's called Crosstalk and will be out next September. It's about telepathy and it's a screwball comedy.
Ah, like Bellwether then, one of my favorites! Yay!
Seanan McGuire, you say? I've had Rosemary and Rue sitting around for a few years now but haven't had the urge to actually pick it up (I think I've even brought it with me on several vacations). Your mention of binge-reading the series is piquing my interest, finally...
dk_phoenix I definitely recommend Seanan McGuire. She also writes under the name Mira Grant, although I haven't read any of those. Those are more horror oriented.
Well Peeps, it's been a rough month. We lost two of our cherished companions, our two eldest cats Oreo, age 19, and Cappuccino, age 21, just eight days apart in the middle of the month. Even though there are still seven cats in residence, the house seems quiet. I miss my babies. We got Cappuccino before we were even married and Oreo only the year after. They were great friends and left pawprints on our hearts.
On a more humorous note, I think all my kitchen appliances made a suicide pack. We replaced our thirty year old stove in the first week of the month as a Christmas present to ourselves. I mean, it was time. The door did fall off two years ago afterall. But in the same week, the dishwasher died. Okay, it didn't die. No, it did die, but it was resuscitated for $350! And this morning I awoke to a freezer that no longer freezes and a refrigerator that no longer refrigerates. Which is why at this very moment I am making hungarian goulash, braised pork ribs and taco meat at the same time. And when I finish with this post I gotta figure out what to do with a lot of turkey sausage. Besides throwing it out that is.
Okay, book related stuff. On the plus side, I built five bookcases on my vacation. Yay! Naturally I cursed throughout this project, but I did get it done. We have enough books in our house that they are separated by category (roughly) in different rooms. The bookcases were for the Fantasy room and I really needed them. There are three tall bookcases on the back wall filled with assorted fiction, non fiction, romance, kids stuff and then five smaller bookcases full of fantasy. I chose the smaller cases so I would have the wall room to hang Real Musgrave prints and Discworld maps and stuff like that. Only problem is I own a lot of fantasy. A lot a lot of fantasy. So they don't quite fit and dribble a bit around the edges. I am still culling books. I have five or six boxes and two tubs due to go out to Half Price Books again this weekend if I can somehow manage to get them in the car. That task will require a dolly and a willing husband. Maybe I can bribe him with the goulash.....
1. How Shall I Tell the Dog? I'm proud to say I started out the year by reading something on my TBR mountain, so it counts for my ROOTS challenge.
2. Blindsight by Peter Watts Sometimes I get a hankering for hard science fiction and there's nothing for it but to wade in over my head into a pool of science and math and flounder about going "Oooo! I'm sure I'd be much more impressed by that plot point if I only understood it but the view's still pretty so that's alright." You know? First Contact Story. Not people you really want to mess with.
3. Flex by Ferrett Steinmetz First of all, seriously, the author's first name is Ferrett???? How cool is that. A novel approach to the urban fantasy subgenre. This guy is really good with paperwork. Paranormally good with paperwork. A "bureaucromancer". Loved it although it could be a bit crude. Points off for that. I do want the sequel.
4. Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes Basically Game of Thrones for the YA audience. I don't feel like committing myself to these characters for six books. I didn't any of them that much. Another ROOTS book.
5. The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers If Blindsight is hard SF, this is soft and squishy SF. I watched a couple of over the top reviews for this book on YouTube so I decided to give it a try. It is good, a very warm and fuzzy read, but if felt like tv episodes. In fact, I was listening to this as an audiobook and got some of the sections scrambled and didn't notice. Whoops. So while I enjoyed it, I would have prefered more of a plot driven story and a stronger ending.
Current READS:
I'm reading Bad Monkeys by Matt Ruff, a present from my best friend and trying to decide on my next audiobook. I just recently bought City of Stairs so that may climb to the top of the pile, but I do need to get back to Red Seas, Red Skies as well. The fourth Gentlemen Bastards book is due out this summer.
Well Peeps, it's been a rough month. We lost two of our cherished companions, our two eldest cats Oreo, age 19, and Cappuccino, age 21, just eight days apart in the middle of the month. Even though there are still seven cats in residence, the house seems quiet. I miss my babies. We got Cappuccino before we were even married and Oreo only the year after. They were great friends and left pawprints on our hearts.
On a more humorous note, I think all my kitchen appliances made a suicide pack. We replaced our thirty year old stove in the first week of the month as a Christmas present to ourselves. I mean, it was time. The door did fall off two years ago afterall. But in the same week, the dishwasher died. Okay, it didn't die. No, it did die, but it was resuscitated for $350! And this morning I awoke to a freezer that no longer freezes and a refrigerator that no longer refrigerates. Which is why at this very moment I am making hungarian goulash, braised pork ribs and taco meat at the same time. And when I finish with this post I gotta figure out what to do with a lot of turkey sausage. Besides throwing it out that is.
Okay, book related stuff. On the plus side, I built five bookcases on my vacation. Yay! Naturally I cursed throughout this project, but I did get it done. We have enough books in our house that they are separated by category (roughly) in different rooms. The bookcases were for the Fantasy room and I really needed them. There are three tall bookcases on the back wall filled with assorted fiction, non fiction, romance, kids stuff and then five smaller bookcases full of fantasy. I chose the smaller cases so I would have the wall room to hang Real Musgrave prints and Discworld maps and stuff like that. Only problem is I own a lot of fantasy. A lot a lot of fantasy. So they don't quite fit and dribble a bit around the edges. I am still culling books. I have five or six boxes and two tubs due to go out to Half Price Books again this weekend if I can somehow manage to get them in the car. That task will require a dolly and a willing husband. Maybe I can bribe him with the goulash.....
1. How Shall I Tell the Dog? I'm proud to say I started out the year by reading something on my TBR mountain, so it counts for my ROOTS challenge.
2. Blindsight by Peter Watts Sometimes I get a hankering for hard science fiction and there's nothing for it but to wade in over my head into a pool of science and math and flounder about going "Oooo! I'm sure I'd be much more impressed by that plot point if I only understood it but the view's still pretty so that's alright." You know? First Contact Story. Not people you really want to mess with.
3. Flex by Ferrett Steinmetz First of all, seriously, the author's first name is Ferrett???? How cool is that. A novel approach to the urban fantasy subgenre. This guy is really good with paperwork. Paranormally good with paperwork. A "bureaucromancer". Loved it although it could be a bit crude. Points off for that. I do want the sequel.
4. Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes Basically Game of Thrones for the YA audience. I don't feel like committing myself to these characters for six books. I didn't any of them that much. Another ROOTS book.
5. The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers If Blindsight is hard SF, this is soft and squishy SF. I watched a couple of over the top reviews for this book on YouTube so I decided to give it a try. It is good, a very warm and fuzzy read, but if felt like tv episodes. In fact, I was listening to this as an audiobook and got some of the sections scrambled and didn't notice. Whoops. So while I enjoyed it, I would have prefered more of a plot driven story and a stronger ending.
Current READS:
I'm reading Bad Monkeys by Matt Ruff, a present from my best friend and trying to decide on my next audiobook. I just recently bought City of Stairs so that may climb to the top of the pile, but I do need to get back to Red Seas, Red Skies as well. The fourth Gentlemen Bastards book is due out this summer.
Newly acquired books:
Eleanor by Jason Gurley Multiple universe vibe.
And Again by Jessica Chiarella What if your consciousness was placed in a perfect clone of yourself?
Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits by David Wong All I needed to do was read the first line:
"If Zoey Ashe had known she was being stalked by a man who intended to kill her and then slowly eat her bones, she would have worried more about that and less about getting her cat off the roof. "
Eleanor by Jason Gurley Multiple universe vibe.
And Again by Jessica Chiarella What if your consciousness was placed in a perfect clone of yourself?
Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits by David Wong All I needed to do was read the first line:
"If Zoey Ashe had known she was being stalked by a man who intended to kill her and then slowly eat her bones, she would have worried more about that and less about getting her cat off the roof. "
I always forget a couple when I wait so long before listing reads.
6. Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett First time listening to this particular Pratchett. The football match went on a bit too for me personally, but that's a minor fault.
7. Doctor Who : City of Death by James Gloss Listened to the audiobook read by Lalla Ward. Good fleshed out version of one of my favorite Who episodes.
6. Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett First time listening to this particular Pratchett. The football match went on a bit too for me personally, but that's a minor fault.
7. Doctor Who : City of Death by James Gloss Listened to the audiobook read by Lalla Ward. Good fleshed out version of one of my favorite Who episodes.
I think I liked Falling Kingdoms for the same reason you didn''s basically a YA version of Game of Thrones, of which I've only read the first book and didn't love enough to continue with the characters for the next 5?6? however many books G.R.R. Martin has planned. On the other hand, Falling Kingdoms gave me a faster pace, less rambling description of food/clothing/etc. (the food thing drives me nuts...I know some people love it, but I get aggravated by lengthy description that has little bearing on the story) so I felt more willing to invest in the characters and commit to a shorter/faster-paced series.
It's so interesting how readers can both connect to books or be put off by them for the exact same reasons...!
It's so interesting how readers can both connect to books or be put off by them for the exact same reasons...!
15> Some authors can pull off the rambling description game better than others. Like, I really enjoyed Little Big by John Crowley and One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, both biggies in the magical realism game, but I've been trying to read Bees and Mist for the past year and while it should be right up my alley, I find myself zoning out and not getting anything out of whole pages and having to go back. Sigh.
Oddly enough, Game of Thrones has never actually appealed to me,, despite being a big fantasy fan. I think I heard it once described as Low Fantasy because there's not a magical system that controls the world. Is that true? I haven't seen the series either. Honestly, I hate reading books that take place in a medieval setting because they make me cold and I hate reading Westerns because they make me hot.:P
8. Bad Monkeys by Matt Ruff Well....this was sort of like the film Inception. A puzzle box. I sort of saw the ending coming though. Enjoyable, but not as enjoyable as I had hoped. Seriously, do not mess around with the Scary Clowns. Favorite clever idea: the NC gun.
9. Shada: The Lost Adventure Another Doctor Who audiobook read by Lalla Ward. Honestly, I don't want to say anything bad about a story associated with Douglas Adams, but this was a bit drawn out and slightly insulting to women. Just saying.
Oddly enough, Game of Thrones has never actually appealed to me,, despite being a big fantasy fan. I think I heard it once described as Low Fantasy because there's not a magical system that controls the world. Is that true? I haven't seen the series either. Honestly, I hate reading books that take place in a medieval setting because they make me cold and I hate reading Westerns because they make me hot.:P
8. Bad Monkeys by Matt Ruff Well....this was sort of like the film Inception. A puzzle box. I sort of saw the ending coming though. Enjoyable, but not as enjoyable as I had hoped. Seriously, do not mess around with the Scary Clowns. Favorite clever idea: the NC gun.
9. Shada: The Lost Adventure Another Doctor Who audiobook read by Lalla Ward. Honestly, I don't want to say anything bad about a story associated with Douglas Adams, but this was a bit drawn out and slightly insulting to women. Just saying.
10. The Forever War A reread. I had totally forgotten a lot of the plot. Still love this book and one of favorite first lines ever.
11. Me before you This book is what it is and you'll either love it or hate it but it is pretty well done for a melodrama.
11. Me before you This book is what it is and you'll either love it or hate it but it is pretty well done for a melodrama.
12. All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders *** Good urban fantasy that needs a little tightening plot wise. Science and magic at war.
13. 172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad Horror novel on the moon. Slow start but satisfyingly creepy ending.
14. The Fold by Peter Clines Scientific experiment with a Stargate vibe and alternative universes thrown in. Goes off track in the second half. Enough about the flymen!
15. Wolf in White Van by John Darnielle Hair standing up on the back of your neck ending! Woo!!! Go into this one blind. It's worth it. Most memorable book this year.
16. The Immortals by Jordanna Max Brodsky First book in a Greek Gods existing in the present series. Enjoyable, but not a standout.
13. 172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad Horror novel on the moon. Slow start but satisfyingly creepy ending.
14. The Fold by Peter Clines Scientific experiment with a Stargate vibe and alternative universes thrown in. Goes off track in the second half. Enough about the flymen!
15. Wolf in White Van by John Darnielle Hair standing up on the back of your neck ending! Woo!!! Go into this one blind. It's worth it. Most memorable book this year.
16. The Immortals by Jordanna Max Brodsky First book in a Greek Gods existing in the present series. Enjoyable, but not a standout.
17. Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold A reread, or rather relisten. Still a five star.
18. And Again I finally finished this 2016 debut novel about cloning, which is totally depressing for the first 7/8th of the book. Bleah. Not one of my better choices. Totally put me in a reading slump.
19. To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis This is my go to audiobook. :)
20. The Hollow Boy by Jonathan Stroud
I've been building a lot of Ikea products lately and listening to a lot of audiobooks doing it!
18. And Again I finally finished this 2016 debut novel about cloning, which is totally depressing for the first 7/8th of the book. Bleah. Not one of my better choices. Totally put me in a reading slump.
19. To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis This is my go to audiobook. :)
20. The Hollow Boy by Jonathan Stroud
I've been building a lot of Ikea products lately and listening to a lot of audiobooks doing it!
I've got to start listing the books I've been reading BEFORE I forget about them. Don't you just love my three word reviews?
21.In a dark dark woods *** Thriller. Not my usual genre and it seemed bit over the top to me.
22. Gil's all fright diner**** Reread. I love Duke and Earl and let's not forget Mistress Lilith, also known as Tammy. There's not enough good comic fantasy out there.
21.In a dark dark woods *** Thriller. Not my usual genre and it seemed bit over the top to me.
22. Gil's all fright diner**** Reread. I love Duke and Earl and let's not forget Mistress Lilith, also known as Tammy. There's not enough good comic fantasy out there.
Oh, I *love* Gil's All Fright Diner! Must reread soon...
Where are you? Just finished All the Birds in the Sky, did not particularly care for it. Flat characters, lots of telling rather than showing.
Hey there! I'm not dead in case anyone is wondering. I'm just bad at keeping up with this blog. I don't even do my taxes on time, why would this be any different?
The last book I listed was #22, but I'm up #48. No real reasoning behind my reading this year; almost everything has been an impulse. I'm a mood reader. Currently reading After Glow by Jayne Castle, A Hundred Thousand Worlds by Bob Proehl and listening Curtsies and Conspiracies.
And now that I've listed those, I won't want to finish any of them....
The last book I listed was #22, but I'm up #48. No real reasoning behind my reading this year; almost everything has been an impulse. I'm a mood reader. Currently reading After Glow by Jayne Castle, A Hundred Thousand Worlds by Bob Proehl and listening Curtsies and Conspiracies.
And now that I've listed those, I won't want to finish any of them....
>25 ronincats: Indeed I did! And I started to listen to book four, but I was starting to skip ahead because I'd been in the world too much, so I stopped. I want to appreciate the story when I get to it.
Urgh. Here's another long gap between postings, so Gods knows if any of these books are going to be in order. I went on a binge watching spree of Once Upon a Time on Netflix (Capt. Hook and I are soulmates)which in turn lead to a binge reading spree of romance novels. I revisited some old favorites and continued on with the Harmony series. Now that Halloween is fast approaching, it's time to dig out my pile of supernatural books that's constantly growing. Probably my favorite genre; I cannot lie.
51. After Glow
In all honesty, I did not read these next books in order, but since I'm pulling their titles off of Jayne Castle's page on Amazon, that's how I'm listing them. The romances scaled from good to meh, but the dust bunny storylines were always amusing. The over the top villains and the idiotic henchmen were a bit much. I can't remember which book had the heroine harassed by her yoga instructor. It was a seriously snort worthy moment when the bad guy announced himself. I had fun with these and that's all that matters. I picked most of these up from the local library sale in August for a quarter a piece.
52. Ghost Hunter
53. Silver Master
54. Dark Light
55. Obsidian Prey
56. Dangerous my favorite Amanda Quick book.
Then some Julie Garwood novels that I first read in the 90's.
57. Castles
58. The Gift This book always makes me laugh so much. Sure, the heroine starts out as a dipstick, but that's the point. She actually has a character arc. Oh Lord, the time she spends on the sailing ship is priceless.
59. Autumn Thorns by Yasmine Galenorn Here's another book I picked up at the library sale. The spooky little town was fine, but the romance was awful. Awkward sex scenes. Really awkward. There's a second book coming out this month, but do I want to dip my toe in that pond again? Only if there's a different romantic lead couple. Maybe not even then.
Urgh. Here's another long gap between postings, so Gods knows if any of these books are going to be in order. I went on a binge watching spree of Once Upon a Time on Netflix (Capt. Hook and I are soulmates)which in turn lead to a binge reading spree of romance novels. I revisited some old favorites and continued on with the Harmony series. Now that Halloween is fast approaching, it's time to dig out my pile of supernatural books that's constantly growing. Probably my favorite genre; I cannot lie.
51. After Glow
In all honesty, I did not read these next books in order, but since I'm pulling their titles off of Jayne Castle's page on Amazon, that's how I'm listing them. The romances scaled from good to meh, but the dust bunny storylines were always amusing. The over the top villains and the idiotic henchmen were a bit much. I can't remember which book had the heroine harassed by her yoga instructor. It was a seriously snort worthy moment when the bad guy announced himself. I had fun with these and that's all that matters. I picked most of these up from the local library sale in August for a quarter a piece.
52. Ghost Hunter
53. Silver Master
54. Dark Light
55. Obsidian Prey
56. Dangerous my favorite Amanda Quick book.
Then some Julie Garwood novels that I first read in the 90's.
57. Castles
58. The Gift This book always makes me laugh so much. Sure, the heroine starts out as a dipstick, but that's the point. She actually has a character arc. Oh Lord, the time she spends on the sailing ship is priceless.
59. Autumn Thorns by Yasmine Galenorn Here's another book I picked up at the library sale. The spooky little town was fine, but the romance was awful. Awkward sex scenes. Really awkward. There's a second book coming out this month, but do I want to dip my toe in that pond again? Only if there's a different romantic lead couple. Maybe not even then.
This is the Christmas tree at the end of the Pacific Beach Pier here in San Diego, a Christmas tradition.
To all my friends here at Library Thing, I want you to know how much I value you and how much I wish you a very happy holiday, whatever one you celebrate, and the very best of New Years!
To all my friends here at Library Thing, I want you to know how much I value you and how much I wish you a very happy holiday, whatever one you celebrate, and the very best of New Years!
I'm trying to desperately remember what I've read in the past few months.... This hasn't been the best year for me; I lost focus and decided to play a lot of computer games instead. :) I'm not going to apologize; I enjoyed goofing off.
61. The Creeping Shadow by Jonathan Stroud
62. The Family Plot by Cherie Priest
63. The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore traditional Christmas read
64. The Ballad of the Whiskey Robber by Julian Rubinstein Hysterical non fiction history of Hungary's gentleman robber
65. Shades of Milk and Honey I finally got around to reading this and realized this series isn't my cup of tea
66. Here Comes Santa Cat
67. Crosstalk by Connie Willis
68. Johannes Cabal and the Blustery Day and Other Tales of the Necromancer by Jonathan L. Howard
69. The City of Stairs
70. The City of Blades
71. Shockaholic
72. Coyote and the Butterflies
73. Panacea
74. The Little Grumpy Cat That Wouldn't
DNF'ed-Roses and Rot I was on the fence about finishing this and then it got dropped in a litter box! Problem solved.
Hundred Thousand Worlds I do intend to go back to this, just as soon as I find it..
61. The Creeping Shadow by Jonathan Stroud
62. The Family Plot by Cherie Priest
63. The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore traditional Christmas read
64. The Ballad of the Whiskey Robber by Julian Rubinstein Hysterical non fiction history of Hungary's gentleman robber
65. Shades of Milk and Honey I finally got around to reading this and realized this series isn't my cup of tea
66. Here Comes Santa Cat
67. Crosstalk by Connie Willis
68. Johannes Cabal and the Blustery Day and Other Tales of the Necromancer by Jonathan L. Howard
69. The City of Stairs
70. The City of Blades
71. Shockaholic
72. Coyote and the Butterflies
73. Panacea
74. The Little Grumpy Cat That Wouldn't
DNF'ed-Roses and Rot I was on the fence about finishing this and then it got dropped in a litter box! Problem solved.
Hundred Thousand Worlds I do intend to go back to this, just as soon as I find it..