The Higher Power of Lucky BY Susan Patron / 2007 Medal Winner

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The Higher Power of Lucky BY Susan Patron / 2007 Medal Winner

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Sep 30, 2007, 4:28 am


Edited: Sep 30, 2007, 4:36 am

Here's what marfita had to say on our original thread:

I'm not sure how I feel about The Higher Power of Lucky - having just finished listening to the audio book. I had come to think of Newbery Award winners as something special. This was the impression I had gotten from reading The Whipping Boy, The Midwife's Apprentice, and Holes. There is something about the Newbery stories that you can't predict, that will surprise you. Instead, I found Lucky predictable. I did like the bit where Miles pulled something positive out of his mother being in jail. Otherwise, I kept thinking, with a sigh, she's going to run away, she's going to run away, oh man she's going to pick the dust storm to run away in and she's packed a can of beans and no can opener, oh now Miles is going to run away and they're all going to end up in the dugouts, why is she running away into a dust storm and who visits a spot in a totally different hemisphere and only brings one dress?

Maybe I just didn't fantasize about running away when I was a child (the one time my mother thought I had disappeared, I had gone to take a nap in my room on my bed) and now as an adult all I can think of is that it will encourage kids to run away to get attention. If someone held me each night before bed when I was a child, I would take that as a sure-fire sign they were fond of me. Lucky is an idiot.

Oct 17, 2007, 11:32 pm

I wasn't that impressed with this one either. I think if I was asked what stood out to me - I would immediately think of people discussing the fact that this juvenile fiction books used the work "scrotum" a couple times more than any of the other content. I was touched in the end with the red dress, but overall, I wasn't greatly impressed.

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