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I just finished The Case of Sergeant Grischa and next will probably struggle through a re-read of Absalom, Absalom!.
I’m reading July’s People by Nadine Gordimer and then I’ll read The Violent Bear it Away with the group read.
I'm reading The Albigenses and will probably do so for next few years. It's so obscure, that when I put it into search engines, the results are: "Excuse me what now?"
About to start The Violent Bear it Away for the group read. On audio, still listening to The Rainbow -- it's taking a long time because I haven't been driving much lately! But am still definitely enjoying this Lawrence.
Almost through High-Rise and still working on Gargantua and Pantagrul. The second is a large undertaking and the ridiculousness is getting a little, well, ridiculous.
Still reading Nicholas Nickleby and just started Quartet. I will start The Violent Bear it Away when I finish Quartet.
I want to read Mother's Milk by Edward St. Aubyn next. However, it is book 4 in the Patrick Melrose series of five books. The first three and the fifth are rather short, so I hope to read them all this month.
I want to read Mother's Milk by Edward St. Aubyn next. However, it is book 4 in the Patrick Melrose series of five books. The first three and the fifth are rather short, so I hope to read them all this month.
I read most of Quartet in Autumn on a long plane ride. I will probably start Cider with Rosie next.
I'm finally about to start last month's group read The Case of Sergeant Grischa. I'm partway through Don Quixote and hoping to read this month's group read The Violent Bear It Away too.
I've finished On the Heights of Despair and have started Indigo.
I am reading Half a Yellow Sun. I was really enjoying it at first but now its become a bit of a chore to finish
I've just finished The lives of girls and women and have started A bend in the river.
Started to read Crash. Oh dear, it has a making of the worst or the best book of the year or possibly both at the same time.
I just started Beyond Sleep by Willem Frederik Hermans, from the Dutch version of the 1001. It's OK, amusing, very Dutch. The translation kind of bothers me, because currently the characters are supposed to be talking in a mix of Norwegian, German, and English, and I think that the translator is putting into German things that must be in English in the original.... So this distracts me. But it's basically an enjoyable book.
Finished off a few this month - Murphy, The Underdogs, The Gathering, Shirley and In a Glass Darkly. I suspect that might be it for a while as I have a load of stuff on the go (and not going anywhere fast).
Currently reading Temple of my familiar, Gosta Berling's Saga and stupidly started Ulysses.
Currently reading Temple of my familiar, Gosta Berling's Saga and stupidly started Ulysses.
I've been on vacation and have finished a lot of list books: A Kestrel for a Knave, Indigo, Cider with Rosie, Looking for the Possible Dance, and The Black Prince. Also, I am nearly done with a re-read of Absalom, Absalom!
>16 ELiz_M: Ahhh, Absalom, Absalom were some of the longest 300 pages I ever read. Good luck with your re-read.
I've just finished A bend in the river and have started The virgin suicides.
I've just finished A bend in the river and have started The virgin suicides.
While away on a little camping trip I ran out of reading material. Fortunately one of my favourite used book stores is in a town near where we were camping so I stopped in there. I found Surfacing by Margaret Atwood and as it is the only Atwood on the list that I haven't read I picked it up. It was actually quite an appropriate choice since the book is all about a graphic artist disappearing into the remote area of Quebec where she grew up. We weren't quite that cut off from civilization (as you might guess from the fact that there was a bookstore nearby) but there were lots of passages that resonated with me. I am almost finished and so I know this is never going to be my favourite Atwood but it does show that she continues to explore the same themes throughout her career.