The Doyle Diary

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The Doyle Diary

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Feb 21, 2008, 3:06 pm

Anyone else run into "The Doyle Diary" subtitiled the Last Great Conan Doyle Mystery with a Holmesian Ivestigation into the Strange and Curious Case of Charles Altmant Doyle"

Heavily illustrated by Arthur Conan Doyle's father. Bizarre and fascinating.

Feb 21, 2008, 4:03 pm

yes, it's an interesting book (although nothing to do with Holmes).
the story of ACD's father is a sad one, and while neither his art nor his poetry are what one might call "great" (and that's putting it mildly ~ lol), it does provide an interesting view into a very disturbed mind.

in fact it's funny this should be brought up right now. i have had this book for millenia, and hadn't given it a thought in years. but last week a friend invited me over to view a documentary on Conan Doyle called 'The Madness of Sherlock Holmes' (not very good, i might add) in which this book was mentioned.
my friend (who is not a Holmes fanatic) expressed an interest in this particular book, and so i am on the lookout for a used copy.

interesting coincidence!

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