SEPTEMBER ROOT - Progress Thread


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SEPTEMBER ROOT - Progress Thread

Edited: Sep 4, 2020, 1:16 pm


Password is ROOTS

Morning glory was first known in China for its medicinal uses, due to the laxative properties of its seeds.

Ancient Mesoamerican civilizations used the morning glory species to convert the latex from the Castilla elastica tree and also the guayule plant to produce bouncing rubber balls. The sulfur in the morning glory's juice served to vulcanize the rubber, a process predating Charles Goodyear's discovery by at least 3,000 years.

Most morning glory flowers unravel into full bloom in the early morning. The flowers usually start to fade a few hours before the "petals" start showing visible curling. They prefer full solar exposure throughout the day. Some morning glories, such as Ipomoea muricata, are night-blooming flowers.

In some places, such as Australian bushland, some species of morning glories develop thick roots and tend to grow in dense thickets. They can quickly spread by way of long, creeping stems. Because of their fast growth, twining habit, attractive flowers, and tolerance for poor, dry soils, some morning glories are excellent vines for creating summer shade on building walls when trellised, thus keeping the building cooler and reducing heating and cooling costs.

BAD NEWS, we are falling farther behind. We did not reach the goal to keep us on track to achieve the yearly goal we have set. This is due to several people who signed up with large goals and have apparently forgotten about us. But, if I do the calculation without those people we are still behind!

At the end of September, I will remove anyone from the calculations who have not reached at least 25% of their goal and have not posted any activity in the past 6 months.

Below is the current list of members that have identified a ROOT goal for 2020 and how many books they read by the end of August. The percentages are calculated and a star awarded for those on _target to reach their goals. More stars for farther toward their goal. If anyone's number is incorrect, please let me know and I will make the necessary adjustments.

ahef1963 0 / 100 0.0%
alexa_d 87 / 100 ★★★ 87.0%
Ameise1★ 12 / 12 100.0%
arubabookwoman 0 / 36 0.0%
Bcteagirl 7 / 20 35.0%
benitastrnad★ 78 / 60 130.0%
bg853 2 / 25 8.0%
bookworm148 1 / 20 5.0%
bragan 49 / 50 ★★★★ 98.0%
brakketh 12 / 30 40.0%
ca_dmv 11 / 12 ★★★★ 91.7%
clue 45 / 50 ★★★ 90.0%
connie53★ 44 / 42 104.8%
crazy4reading 10 / 38 26.3%
curioussquared★ 53 / 50 106.0%
CurrerBell 20 / 40 50.0%
cyderry 60 / 84 ★ 71.4%
deep220 13 / 50 26.0%
detailmuse 27 / 40 ★ 67.5%
DissamblyOfReason 18 / 100 18.0%
easy-reader 0 / 50 0.0%
enemyanniemae★ 59 / 50 118.0%
Erratic_Charmer ★44 / 40 110.0%
Familyhistorian 62 / 65 ★★★★ 95.4%
FAMeulstee★ 26 / 24 108.3%
floremolla 21 / 50 42.0%
fuzzi 47 / 100 47.0%
HelenBaker 33 / 48 ★ 68.8%
Henrik_Madsen 45 / 50 ★★★ 90.0%
humouress 27 / 40 ★ 67.5%
Jackie_K 55 / 60 ★★★★ 91.7%
Jacksonian 4 / 75 5.3%
jenknox 13 / 100 13.0%
kac522 40 / 45 ★★★ 88.9%
karenmarie 23 / 30 ★★ 76.7%
klarusu 2 / 36 5.6%
Kristelh★ 45 / 45 100.0%
Kwharton 3 / 12 25.0%
LadyBookworth 26 / 30 ★★★ 86.7%
lindapanzo 34 / 48 ★ 70.8%
lilisin★ 51 / 50 102.0%
LoraShouse 11 / 15 ★ 73.3%
leslie.98★ 125 / 75 166.7%
madhatter22 21 / 50 42.0%
majkia★ 81 / 60 135.0%
mandymarie20★ 44 / 25 176.0%
martencat 19 / 30 63.3%
Mary_Mignano 1 / 50 2.0%
Merryann 40 / 100 40.0%
Miss_Moneypenny★ 64 / 50 128.0%
MissSos 6 / 25 24.0%
MissWatson★ 59 / 50 118.0%
nebula21 27 / 48 56.3%
Nickelini★ 17 / 15 113.3%
Quaisior 10 / 50 20.0%
rabbitprincess★ 69 / 60 115.0%
rainpebble 29 / 36 ★★ 80.6%
readergirliz 12 / 32 37.5%
readingtangent★ 37 / 24 154.2%
Rebeki 21 / 24 ★★★ 87.5%
ritacate 19 / 24 ★★ 79.2%
Robertgreaves 77 / 90 ★★★ 85.6%
rocketjk 21 / 27 ★★ 77.8%
rosalita★ 42 / 36 116.7%
Sace★ 28 / 18 155.6%
sallylou61★ 30 / 30 100.0%
si 11 / 20 55.0%
sibylline 14 / 30 46.7%
This-n-That 4 / 20 20.0%
torontoc 27 / 30 ★★★ 90.0%
tuna.moriarty 3 / 200 1.5%
Val_Reads 1 / 100 1.0%
vestafan 54 / 60 ★★★ 90.0%
wandaly 13 / 18 ★ 72.2%

We had some avid readers that reached their goals this month -- sallylou61,
rosalita, enemyanniemae, Kristelh, curioussquared,Erratic_Charmer, lilisin!

They joined Ameise1, mmandymarie20, Miss_Moneypenny, readingtangent, leslie.98 benitastrnad, FAMeulstee, majkia, MissWatson, Nickelini, connie53, rabbitprincess and Saceby reaching their goal!

Our ★★★★ readers or those closest to reaching their goals, are:

bragan 98.0%
Familyhistorian 95.4%
Jackie_K 91.7%
ca_dmv 91.7%

So go out there and dig those ROOTs. We have some catching up to do!

The goal for September is 2,647.

Sep 2, 2020, 11:51 am

>1 cyderry: Thank you for starting the new thread, Chèli. Those morning glories are just beautiful.

One minor correction: You have several people, including me, listed in the section as being close to our goals who have already reached our goal. Yay, us!

I also want to give a big thank you to this group. I am sure I would not have already read more than 36 books off my own shelves without the encouragement I've received here. It's been very satisfying.

Sep 2, 2020, 12:06 pm

>2 rosalita: fixed! thanks for catching that.

Edited: Sep 2, 2020, 12:13 pm

I've been able to finish my first ROOT this morning, My Name is Mary Sutter by Robin Oliveira.

Edited: Sep 4, 2020, 4:46 am

I finished ROOT 44 and 45 for the year, 2 for September

I saw ROOT 44 in my grand total above. but finished that one yesterday.

44. Een sluier van speren by Bradley P. Beaulieu
45. Koning van Katoren by Jan Terlouw

Thanks for doing the numbers again!

Sep 2, 2020, 3:42 pm

I know I started reading fewer ROOTs when libraries started lending out physical books again and all my holds started coming in. I’ll try to get to some more ROOTs this month.

Sep 2, 2020, 4:49 pm

I also have slacked on my ROOTs since my local library opened back up. My goal for September is to finish 10 ROOTs, so we'll see how it goes. I've already got 2 so far (updating my thread next!).

Sep 2, 2020, 7:15 pm

Whewww. I thought I was going to lose a star because August was very poor for ROOTing, but all my stars are still there.

Sep 2, 2020, 7:47 pm

Since I completed my goal I will be contributing to the group goal so hope I can be helpful there. I have a manga series I plan on reading this month so already that should be 14 easy extra volumes to add to the goal.

Sep 2, 2020, 8:24 pm

Going full steam ahead on contributing to the group goal! I have a lot of crime novels on the TBR pile so hope to get through those fairly quickly.

Edited: Sep 3, 2020, 8:05 pm

I love the morning glories. I grow morning glories every year. I grow them on a tuteur and last Sunday (August 30) I uprooted them. The leaves were all faded and they didn't have many flowers on them anymore due to the heat and the added heat from the reflection off the house. When they are in full bloom that tutuor is a thing of beauty. I have the most success with the old fashioned blue morning glories, but I have also had red ones (when I can get the seed) and white ones. Someday, I am going to get the blue and white streaked flowers. Thanks for including morning glories. Humble but pretty.

Sep 3, 2020, 7:12 am

>1 cyderry: good morning. Thanks, as always, for doing all the organizational work!

I love Morning Glories. I planted some by the side steps about 10 years ago and they have "volunteered" every year since.

Sep 3, 2020, 10:38 am

I should reach my goal in September and then will be able to contribute extras to the total. I'd better get finishing some of the books I have on the go!

Sep 4, 2020, 3:13 am

Gosh Morning Glory is considered a national pest plant to be eliminated in New Zealand, as it runs rampant and smothers and kills other species. It is a stunning flower though.

Sep 4, 2020, 9:34 am

@ Chèli. I think you have missed Erratic_Charmer reaching her goal! I don't see the * before her numbers or her name in the list.

Sep 4, 2020, 5:07 pm

>14 HelenBaker:
Morning Glories are a pest here if they are in the wrong place. I have neighbors who constantly say something to me about morning glories taking over my flower beds and spreading to theirs. They are very hard to kill and have to weeded constantly in order to keep them under control.

Sep 5, 2020, 9:29 am

Added my first ROOT of September to all tickers: Plague City, by Jonathan Morris. A Doctor Who novel featuring the Twelfth Doctor and set in Edinburgh ticks a lot of boxes for me.

Sep 6, 2020, 11:01 am

Added my second ROOT of September to all tickers: Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen.

Edited: Sep 6, 2020, 1:15 pm

I have my first ROOT for the month. I finished River of Doubt by Candice Millard. This work of narrative nonfiction reads like a novel and I can understand why people raved about it when it came out. I am not sure it made me a fan of Theodore Roosevelt. If he were as smart as people at the time thought he was, he should have known better than to embark on such an expedition, but it is clear that his ego got in the way of good sense. His ego and his mid-life crisis. I read this one for my real life Book Discussion group and so it will be interesting to see what they have to say about the book.

Sep 6, 2020, 1:12 pm

I also finished my second ROOT for the month this morning while having my Sunday morning coffee. I finished Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho. This one is part of my short books project that I have been doing all year. This novella is published by and is part of their diversity publishing efforts. It is based in Chinese myths legends and religion. It is set somewhere in the future, but it clearly has its roots in the wars at the end of the Tang Dynasty period in Chinese history. It centers around a pair of shrewd acolytes of a religious order devoted to the worship of the moon goddess. Both nuns have special talents and neither knows the other are devotees of the deity when they first meet. They both hook up with a roving gang of bandits for protection and the story develops from there. There is plenty of action leavened by romance and respect. The novella is well written with only a few awkward moments in the writing. I recommend it for those who like fantasy or the work of Guy Gavriel Kay

Sep 8, 2020, 4:02 am

I finished ROOT 46 for the year, 3 for September

De val van een koning by Joe Abercrombie

All tickers updated.

Sep 8, 2020, 4:03 am

I have finished Leaving Cheyenne and two manga and that's all going to the group goal.

Edited: Sep 8, 2020, 2:28 pm

Got my third ROOT for the month. I finished listening to King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner. I really really like this series. Great writing and plots. Adults would like this series. Steve West is a GREAT narrator. Those of us who like recorded books should be hearing more from him.

Sep 8, 2020, 9:44 pm

I've been reading a lot of ROOTS the last few weeks, but I think that will change for a while. My Mom passed away this evening, suddenly. Even though she was 95, I guess I'm still a bit shocked. Can't seem to get through a single Paragraph.

Sep 9, 2020, 6:39 am

>24 cyderry: I am so sorry to hear this, Chèli. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

Sep 9, 2020, 6:49 am

>24 cyderry: I understand, been there. Wish I were there to give you a hug.

Sep 9, 2020, 6:50 am

>24 cyderry: I'm so sorry for your loss, Chèli. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Sep 9, 2020, 7:55 am

>24 cyderry: I'm so sorry for your loss - I know your mum was a huge presence in your life and you were very close. Take care x

Sep 9, 2020, 7:56 am

So very sorry for your loss, Chèli. Of course you are shocked. I'll be thinking of you and your family.

Sep 9, 2020, 11:06 am

Even when you know it is coming, it is hard to prepare for it. Especially when care for parents has consumed so much of your time in recent years.
My sympathies.

Sep 9, 2020, 4:16 pm

>24 cyderry: I'm so sorry, Chèli. Thinking of you and your family.

Sep 10, 2020, 9:01 am

It's taken a while as I started September with a chunkster, but I've just added my first ROOT for September to all tickers (#56 for the year). It was a 5* read too, so even better! - Barry Lopez Arctic Dreams.

Sep 10, 2020, 12:12 pm

I was going to slack on the ROOTs for a bit now that I reached my goal, but I'll try to get back to it to contribute to the group total! I was working through a library backlog, but should have my first ROOT of September done in the next few days.

Sep 10, 2020, 1:06 pm

I finished another ROOT. Wasp That Brainwashed the Caterpillar: Evolution's Most Unbelievable Solutions to Life's Biggest Problems by Matt Simon. I read this one for the LT Nonfiction Challenge. The September topic was Science and Technology. This fit into the science part, with some of the animals and plants featured really gross critters. 3rd and 4th graders would love this book, except for the advanced vocabulary.

Sep 10, 2020, 1:25 pm

I am so sorry for your loss. Loss of a parent at any age is hard.

Finished #28 for the year and first ROOT for Sept.

Sep 11, 2020, 10:53 am

ROOT #2 for September (#57 for the year, my goal of 60 is definitely in sight now!) added to all tickers.

Sep 11, 2020, 2:43 pm

I finished ROOT 47 for the year, 4 for September

Boven water by Margaret Atwood

All tickers updated.

Sep 11, 2020, 5:08 pm

Earlier this week I finished Bloody Murder, a Julian Symons book discussing the history of crime fiction from Poe to the 1970s. This was ROOT 72 of 60.

Sep 11, 2020, 5:08 pm

And today I finished The Scheme for Full Employment, by Magnus Mills, one of many books I bought in Hay-on-Wye, Wales, in 2017. This was ROOT 73 of 60.

All tickers updated.

Sep 11, 2020, 6:22 pm

I've read 2 this month, now reading a library book.

Sep 13, 2020, 9:04 am

I just finished #29 for the year and second ROOT for Sept.

Sep 13, 2020, 2:39 pm

I finished ROOT 48 for the year, 5 for September

Caliban's wraak by Tad Williams

All tickers updated.

Edited: Sep 14, 2020, 2:01 am

Finished reading a ROOT from 2018, The Invitation-Only Zone, a nonfiction about the abduction of Japanese citizens by North Korea. Fascinating, and mind-blogging subject, typical when learning anything about North Korea. I did feel the book could have benefited from a linear timeline instead of jumping back and forth between history lessons and personal accounts. But the story is just too crazy not too read.

Sep 14, 2020, 2:26 pm

I finished ROOT 49 for the year, 6 for September

De winter van de heks by Katherine Arden

All tickers updated

Sep 14, 2020, 9:05 pm

Edited: Sep 14, 2020, 9:24 pm

>42 connie53: did you like it?

>45 cyderry: hahaha!

Sep 15, 2020, 3:00 am

>45 cyderry: Oh, this is so true!

Sep 15, 2020, 3:17 am

>46 fuzzi: Yes, it was a nice story. Not brilliant, but nice.

>45 cyderry: I know the feeling.

Sep 15, 2020, 7:15 am

>48 connie53: I have enjoyed most of the books I've read by Tad Williams. Caliban's Hour wasn't one of my favorites, but I recall liking it.

The short book he wrote that I really love is Child of an Ancient City.

Sep 15, 2020, 4:54 pm

>45 cyderry: Ahaha!

Just added another ROOT to all tickers: Gideon's Night, by J. J. Marric (aka John Creasey).

Sep 16, 2020, 4:19 am

3 ROOTs so far, and there's still two weeks left of the month.

Sep 16, 2020, 5:28 am

This user has been removed as spam.

Sep 17, 2020, 10:55 am

> and with snacks!

Sep 17, 2020, 2:48 pm

Finished ROOT #30 and reached my goal for the year. 3rd ROOT Read in Sept and I will continue reading from my piles of books.
No tickers updated.

Sep 18, 2020, 2:03 pm

I finished ROOT 50 for the year, 7 for September

De dode kamer by Bronja Hoffschlag

All tickers updated

Sep 18, 2020, 5:00 pm

And another ROOT for all tickers: Dalek Empire 2.1: Dalek War, Chapter 1, by Nicholas Briggs. Another solid Big Finish audio drama (one of the oldies, too).

Sep 18, 2020, 11:47 pm

I finished reading book 9 in the Erica Flack/Patrik Hedstrom series. Ice Child by Swedish author Camilla Lackberg was another excellent entry in this series that has slowly grown on me. One more to read in the series and I will be caught up with the author and she will have to write more.

Sep 19, 2020, 3:05 am

>57 benitastrnad: I hope that works!

Sep 19, 2020, 6:49 am

I've just added my 3rd ROOT for September (#58 for the year) to all tickers. Hoping to get another book finished this weekend as well.

Sep 21, 2020, 1:36 pm

And that's #4 for September (#59 for the year) added to all tickers.

Sep 23, 2020, 7:36 pm

>24 cyderry: Cheli, I am saddened to hear of your mother's passing. Totally understand your feeling of loss. Take care of yourself.

Sep 23, 2020, 7:38 pm

At last another root,Ladder of Years by Anne Tyler. I have fallen off the wagon. Family life is in the way at present.

Edited: Sep 24, 2020, 8:40 pm

I finished another ROOT. This one was Sweet Little Lies by Caz Frear. This is book one in the Cat Kinsella series. I have had an ARC of it for several years and heard the news that the second book in the series is now published, so I figured I better get this one read and off the shelves. It was fairly popular in Britain and the author won the Debut author award for it on the Richard and Judy Show. I found it to be a standard police procedural. If you like police procedural's this might be a new author you can check out.

Edited: Sep 25, 2020, 1:01 pm

finished ROOT 51 for the year, 8 for September

Het verdwenen meisje by Jodi Picoult

All tickers updated

The grouptickers are not identical

Sep 25, 2020, 6:47 pm

REad #31 for the years and fourth ROOT for Sept- I have reached my goal but am still reading1 no tickers updated

Sep 25, 2020, 8:18 pm

After a long run of library books, I managed to knock out an audiobook ROOT: Dalek Empire 2.2: Dalek War, Chapter 2. All tickers updated.

Sep 26, 2020, 2:23 pm

I've added #5 for the month to all tickers, and with that I've met my _target of 60 ROOTs! All books read from hereon will be donated to the group total.

Sep 26, 2020, 7:12 pm

>24 cyderry: Belated condolences, Chèli. Best wishes for strength and aceptance.

>67 Jackie_K: Congrats on reaching your goal, Jackie.

Sep 27, 2020, 4:43 pm

Yippee! I finished my second ROOT of September, total of 50 in 2020.

Jonathan Blair: Bounty Lands Lawyer by William Donohue Ellis

I bought this book at a library discard sale on a whim, based upon the cover. This time the cover method actually worked!

Jonathan Blair is what is referred to as a "Five Dollar Lawyer" by people on the northwestern frontier of the early 1800s, in what is now known as the state of Ohio. He helps the settlers with land deeds, treaties with the natives, etcetera, armed with just his three water-stained law books, doing his circuit on his unnamed bay mount. When a banker with a desire for more control tries to foreclose on the settlers, they find themselves in need of a 100 dollar lawyer, but all they have is Blair. Is he up to the challenge?

I really liked this book, definitely well-researched and full of early US/American history, but never overwhelmingly so. There's a lot of legal discussions, but I never felt bored, nor did the courtroom scenes slow down the story. And you get to know the characters, their strengths and weaknesses. The writing style reminded me of Conrad Richter and other good frontier fiction authors, but Ellis also adds just a bit of humor to keep the realities of the time from being too grim. Definitely recommended, if you can find a copy.

Edited: Sep 27, 2020, 11:14 pm


I have now reached my 2020 goal of 90 ROOTS.

My ROOTS in September were:

Venus in Copper by Lindsey Davis
Paul: A Very Short Introduction by E. P. Sanders
When God Spoke Greek by Timothy Michael Law
Melmoth by Sarah PerryK
Nine for the Devil by M.E. Mayer
A Cursed Inheritance by Kate Ellis
If Walls Could Talk by Lucy Worsley
Billy's Bones, Screwups, Murder on the Mountain, and Violated (all by Jamie Fessenden in his collection Jamie Fessenden's Greatest Hits
Slan by A. E. Van Vogt
The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

Tickers updated. I will add any further ROOTS in 2020 to the group total.

Sep 28, 2020, 4:45 am

>70 Robertgreaves: well done Robert! :)

Sep 28, 2020, 6:36 am

I have finished 6 ROOTs in September, and since I have now embarked on a 900+ pages non-ROOT there won't be any more.

Sep 28, 2020, 10:57 am

My September ROOTs were:

Mothers and Daughters by Evan Hunter
Out of the Past by Patricia Wentworth
Archie Goes Home by Robert Goldsborough
Casting Off by Elizabeth Jane Howard
Next to Last Stand by Craig Johnson

I've got one other on the go but I won't finish it by the end of the month so this is the final tally. I'll update my ticker on the main thread now.

Sep 28, 2020, 1:35 pm

Sep 28, 2020, 8:44 pm

I've read five in September and reached my goal of 50.

Sep 28, 2020, 8:48 pm

Well done, Luanne. Congratulations

Sep 28, 2020, 10:19 pm

>75 clue: Great job, Luanne!

Sep 29, 2020, 1:35 pm

>75 clue: Congrats!

Sep 29, 2020, 1:36 pm

I have read a couple of ROOTs this month and have updated my thread and ticker but haven't touched the group tickers...

Sep 29, 2020, 9:48 pm

10 this month for a total of 69. Updating personal ticker.

Sep 30, 2020, 10:42 am

Finished ROOT 52 for the year, 9 for September

De verdenking by Michael Robotham

All tickers updated

Sep 30, 2020, 11:53 am

I had hopes that I would finish one more book tonight, but I won't. My total for September will be 8 books. No tickers updated.

Edited: Sep 30, 2020, 12:56 pm

I've added my 6th ROOT for September to my own ticker. I left the group tickers this time as there was a discrepancy in the numbers between the two tickers. This is #61 for the year, so my first donation to the group. I won't get any more finished before tomorrow.

Sep 30, 2020, 5:33 pm

I have read two ROOTs in September, not yet reviewed.
All tickers updated.

Sep 30, 2020, 6:36 pm

Squeaked in one last ROOT for the month: an impulse re-read of The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax, by Dorothy Gilman. All tickers added to.

Sep 30, 2020, 8:14 pm

Forgot to mention Dalek Empire 2.3: Dalek War, Chapter 3, by Nicholas Briggs. I've updated my personal ticker but left the group ones as they are.

Sep 30, 2020, 10:16 pm

>86 rabbitprincess: I love Mrs. Pollifax! She is such a character.

Sep 30, 2020, 10:27 pm

>88 cyderry: She is! I love how unflappable she is.

Sep 30, 2020, 10:31 pm

Finished another ROOT! 13 for the month!

Oct 1, 2020, 1:28 am

Sorry to hear about your mum, Cheli, my condolences.

It was a slow ROOT month for me. I am now at 64/65.

Oct 1, 2020, 12:00 pm

I want to thank everyone here for your kindness and sympathy during this difficult month for me. Believe it or not, I managed 13 ROOTS even though there was a week where I didn't read at all. I made a conscious effort to read as much as I could after my Mom was laid to rest, trying to get back to some semblance of normal, but also to fill those hours that I normally spent talking to Mom on the phone.

I happened to come across a title to a book that made me laugh - The First Phone Call from Heaven - I know that if anyone can convince God to put in phone service in heaven, it will be my Mom. I will wait patiently for the call.

Oct 1, 2020, 12:21 pm

The TICKER THREAD has gone berserk!

The following people's tickers are not working so I have no numbers for them.
Could you please EDIT THE TICKER THREAD TICKER for me so that it will be functioning for the remainder of the year.


If there is no correction, I will have to assume that there were no new ROOTs for September. If you need help editing your ticker or replacing it, please send me a message ASAP.

Oct 2, 2020, 12:57 pm

Oct 3, 2020, 8:48 pm

>92 cyderry: I missed talking to my mom, for a long time.

I wish I were there to give you a hug.

Oct 3, 2020, 10:31 pm

>92 cyderry: My condolences on your loss. My mom passed away over 2 years ago and I still find myself thinking 'oh, I'll have to tell Mom about that' several times a week.