Algonquin Authors on Tour

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Algonquin Authors on Tour

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Edited: Aug 7, 2008, 11:27 am

I'm sure that many of you have your ways of finding out when authors are coming to your town (I'm curious--how do you find out?), but I thought it might be useful to post authors currently or soon-to-be touring here as well.

To find specific dates and cities, you can go to ( or ( Many of these tours carry through 2 or more months! Kudos to our authors who can keep up with a schedule like that!

Tours beginning in August:
Robert Morgan for Boone: A Biography (this book was chosen as the September New Favorites Pick by Congrats, Robert!)

ZZ Packer for New Stories from the South, 2008

Ariel Sabar for My Father's Paradise

Tours beginning in September:
Brock Clarke for An Arsonist's Guide to Writers' Homes in New England (check out the website as well:

Carolyn Jourdan for Heart in the Right Place

Jayne Pupek for Tomato Girl

Aug 7, 2008, 11:37 am

Oooh, I REALLY want to go and see Ariel Sabar!

I found him at a store not too far from me, but this time can't possibly be right, can it?

Date: September 18, 2008
Time: 12:00 AM
Venue: The Book Stall
Location: 811 Elm Street MAP
City/State/Zip: Winnetka, IL 60093
Phone: 847-446-8880
Description: Ariel will participate in a talk and reading event.

Wouldn't that actually be 12:00 PM?

Aug 7, 2008, 11:54 am

Lindsey - you should make sure the author tour stuff is posted on LibraryThing Local as well - that way it'll show up on every author page (and relevant bookstore pages, etc.)

Aug 7, 2008, 11:54 am

Ah, thank you for catching that! Often if the time for the event isn't set yet, we have to leave that info blank, but the website defaults the time as 12:00am. That's more information than you needed. Point being, the event is at 7:00pm at Bookstall (great bookstore!).

Aug 7, 2008, 11:55 am

Re: Message 3. Thanks! I didn't realize I could do that. What a great feature.