Tomato Girl author Jayne Pupek doing Author Chat!
TalkAlgonquin Readers Round Table
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Hi all, I know Jayne Pupek has been spreading the word, but I wanted to send a reminder that she will be participating in Author Chat September 3 - September 17 right here on LibraryThing! If you haven't already talked a bit with her, now is your chance! She's a lovely lady with a stellar book, so be ready for some great conversation.
Thank you so much! The chat has started. I look forward to seeing you all there---and please invite some friends to come along!
Many thanks to everyone who stopped by with comments and questions about Tomato Girl. Although this chat officially ends today, readers are welcome to email me directly at You'll also find news, updates, etc on my blog
All my best,
All my best,
Ah! I've been away! I'm so sorry I missed it!
Thanks Jayne I got your book in the mail. Going to start it today. Can't wait to read it.
#5 So sorry you missed the chat, Tammy. It looks like LT keeps the chat posted for awhile. If you had other questions that you didn't get to ask, feel free to ask me here or email me at
#6 That's great to hear, Cindy! I wasn't sure how long it might take to get to you.
#6 That's great to hear, Cindy! I wasn't sure how long it might take to get to you.