
TalkBooks on the Paranormal

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Oct 23, 2008, 1:52 pm

I finally got to read Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon.
I've seen several reviews on this book and they either love it or hate it.
His story is filled with physical and mental abuse. It's a hard subject to be sure, but I wasn't put off by it. I feel it shaped his character fully.
I also feel that Artemis' character is better explained and the hows and whys of their love/hate relationship.
IMHO this book was well written, I was transported to that time and place.
I'd like to know your thoughts about Acheron or if you've not read it, do you plan to?

Nov 1, 2008, 5:54 am

I saw your last post on Acheron and got a lil'bit curious. i wanted to read that book so much ever since i saw its description on Kenyon's page but somehow when i saw those negative comments n reviewsabout how bad it was i got discouraged.
since u read that book can u tel me honestly if it was worth ur time?
i am an avid fan of paranormal and i found Sherrilyn's books to b fantastic reads.
have u read Devil may cry? Sins book was great!!

Nov 11, 2008, 7:58 am

Aithinne, Thank you for your response. Yes, I have read all of Kenyon's books so far and I agree, Devil May Cry was an excellent read.
Like you, I read the negative comments and was dismayed to say the least. I had put the book on hold at my local library and decided that it was for ME to decide.
Reviews are personal opinions, and I knew I needed to form my own opinion. Being a big Kenyon fan, I owed it to her and myself.
Yes, Acheron was worth my time! But please, don't take my word for it, read it for yourself and tell me how you feel. :-)


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