November's SK Flavor of the Month - 'Salem's Lot
TalkKing's Dear Constant Readers
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Okay guys, tomorrow is the first of November. If I'm reading the tea leaves correctly, our next SK book is 'Salem's Lot. My copy is upstairs, so I'll leave it to CandiBelle to decide how discussion should work.
I just had to start this thread because I'm excited about continuing the SK book club. (Since I write a review for every book I read, I'll eventually wind up with a review for all of SK's work. How cool is that?)
I just had to start this thread because I'm excited about continuing the SK book club. (Since I write a review for every book I read, I'll eventually wind up with a review for all of SK's work. How cool is that?)
Very cool jseger and I'm excited to read the next book. Count me in.
I got my copy out yesterday! I've been really busy lately, but I should finish Carrie today and move on to Salem's Lot.
I'll comment when necessary (or when I feel like it!) until the group catches up with where I'm at in the order of things. I started re-reading all of my King in order not too long ago. I too review them as I finish them.
Oh, and 'Salem's Lot is both my first Stephen King and one of my faves!
Oh, and 'Salem's Lot is both my first Stephen King and one of my faves!
I started Salem's Lot yesterday. Rereading these books is like visiting old and dear friends, strange friends, but still dear ones. :)
I just finished Carrie so I'm on to Salem's Lot. I have to get up to the attic and find it or go to the library. Probably the library would be easier.
I'm about to go hop in the bath and start my re-read of 'Salem's Lot.
I read 'Salems Lot for the first time last month. Very scary, especially to a small town girl! Definitely a keeper.