Anybody Still Here

TalkHomeschool Home Libraries

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Anybody Still Here

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Jul 13, 2009, 1:36 pm

Hi, am starting homeschool program for my 6 year old and am wondering if this is the right group to discuss building up my library, finding good tools to seek out materials, etc.


Jul 17, 2009, 12:19 pm

Hi emagin, I am sporadically in and out. I am glad you posted. One of the best tools that I have ever used for library building is - click on the blue link for Homeschooling books and reviews.
Another great site is: - find the book lists here;
These are great places to start - there are many more that I can list later.

Blessings, Laurie

Jul 23, 2009, 4:35 pm

I am still here. Not much action here. I have found great places to build my library thru library used book sales, gargage sales and goodwill stores. Also in my area we have a store called Bargain books which has also been great.

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