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Feb 5, 2007, 4:26 pm

(I seem to have pushed the wrong button)
I am a former Earth Science teacher (retired),collector of rocks & minerals & member of our local Rock & Mineral Club.My favorite books on Geology aside from texts on the subject are written by one man,John McPhee 1999 winner of the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction. He received the prize for his epic volume Annals of the Former World. This huge book includes four of his earlier monographs on the subject of Geology including; Basin & Range, In Suspect Terrain, Rising From the Plains, &Assembling California. McPhee is genius at making the science interesting as well as understandable to persons not geologists & even to those of us who do speak rocks! Vanye

2stretch First Message
Edited: Feb 18, 2007, 11:06 am

Well its about time that this board became slightly active.

Any way I'm a Geology unergrad. and I too enjoy John McPhee's masterpiece of armcahir Geology. Really one of the few authors, other Bill Bryson, to really reach the audience without dumping down the science. Recently I found that Earth: An Intimate History by Richard Fortey to be a bit more scientific and more in depth than McPhee's book. I haven't read is book about Trilobites, but I hear nothing but good things about it.

Edited: Feb 16, 2007, 10:16 pm

Vanye, I didn't know this group existed. It's very exciting to see. I agree on McPhee. He is unique because he is a writer first, and became very knowledgeable about geology. Personally I think his four books beat any 101 geology book out there at getting a basic understanding of geology. I have Richard Fortey's Earth : An Intimate history on my 2007 TBR list. But, I haven't read him besides skimming this book a bit.

I'm interested in finding literature with a geologic feel. So, if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Rick Bass quickly comes to mind. He worked as a geologist before he became a full time writer. A more subtle reference can be found in a A River Runs Through It by Normal Maclean. He uses reference to the Missoula lakes and super floods to wonderful effect.

Feb 22, 2007, 12:50 pm

Well I'm not alone in the universe after all! I have posted some of my Earth Science books on LT & you can all visit my library-of course they are mixed in w/all my other books but if you specify the earth science tags it's easier to tell what's there. I had more books till 18 months ago when a house fire took all of them except a couple hundred I had stored elsewhere. I'm slowly rebuilding my library & am still in the process of putting them on LT!
John McPhee's books remind me of all those college geology field trips--of stopping at road cuts & outcrops, pounding on rocks, answering questions from the Prof, & even having the right answers sometimes! Vanye

5MissElliot First Message
Mar 3, 2007, 10:53 pm

This is great! I am a geologist-turned-librarian and I am always looking for interesting books in geology and science.

I second the mention (above) about Bill Bryson who is one of my favorite authors. I will read just about anything he writes, and his recent book A short history of nearly everything was a wonderful, easy to read book about science.