Easton Press Limited Editions

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Easton Press Limited Editions

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Edited: Aug 22, 2010, 2:44 pm

There was much talk in the thread about the Kelmscott Chaucer magnificent limited edition, and the fact that EP should do more limited editions. I did not personally get to see a copy of the book, but I know that EP is a bit behind the Folio Society in that they seldom, if ever, offer limited editions of superfine books.

So, it was of some importance to me that I noticed this new update on their impossible-to-navigate website:

A Midsummer Night's Dream

It is A Midsummer Night's Dream, limited to 250 copies. If the Chaucer is any indication, this will probably sell out fast. The price? $500.00. It is difficult to tell from the picture, but it almost looks like a cloth binding. It comes with a slipcase, which is another feature exceedingly rare to find on EP books.

Who will be the first to buy it and take pictures for the rest of us!? :)

Let's also use this thread to track and document any other limited edition runs that folks come across in their travels. They sometimes slip in under the radar, and any info besides what is available on the EP website is pure gold to us bibliophiles.

Jun 10, 2010, 11:02 am

In another thread about this release ( http://www.librarything.com/topic/87814 ), hamletscamaro mentioned ordering it, but alas no pics as of yet.

Jun 10, 2010, 12:29 pm

I'm not a big fan of W.H. Robinson's illustrations. The are very much vanilla-flavored Arts & Crafts pictures. The Folio Society reprinted this very edition of A Midsummer's Night Dream in 2001 and I have seen it listed on e-Bay from $30--$325 US

Jul 26, 2010, 5:12 pm

So, who here has ordered a limited edition? Although History of the Crusades looks fantastic, I don't have the money for it. Anyway, as far as I know, here is a list of the Limited Editions (looks like EP is going to be producing quite a few limited editions, since they keep announcing more and more):

Kelscott Chaucer -limited to 425 -$600 (SOLD OUT)
King James Bible -limited to 400 -$600 (SOLD OUT)
Midsummer Night's Dream illustrated by Heath Robinson -limited to 250 -$500
HISTORY OF THE CRUSADES -limited to 600 -$500
THE MEDITATIONS of MARCUS AURELIUS -limited to 500 -$200
LEONARDO DA VINCI: THE NOTEBOOKS -limited to 600 -$450

Jul 26, 2010, 8:02 pm

4> I immediately bought the Kelscott Chaucer and the King James Bible, the others are nice to see, not exactly in my favorites and would be very expensive to buy so many limited printings. Any idea what's the third most popular? Did not open the KJ, the Chaucer was very appealing in & out and appears to be with one of the best bindings offered by EP.

Jul 26, 2010, 11:31 pm

This message has been deleted by its author.

Edited: Aug 17, 2010, 10:04 pm

>5 EastonQuality:

I agree, the Chaucer is absolutely wonderful. I didn't have any interest in the KJ bible, although crusades and meditations has had my eye for a little while now. Damn stupid money and the finiteness of it all (yeah, I made up that word. Copywrite copywrite copywrite).

By the way, anyone have an actual picture of the da Vinci? EP shockingly doesn't have a picture of it on their site and I don't recall getting a mailing for it.

Edited: Aug 17, 2010, 8:05 pm

1. For those who haven't stumbled across them already, Easton Press now has pages for both Leonardo Da Vinci: The Notebooks and The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.

2. I received a letter yesterday informating me that the shipping of the Da Vinci Notebooks has been delayed until November 19.

Aug 17, 2010, 9:23 pm

7 - Sorry but according to the OED, finiteness was coined in 1601 by Deacon & Walker in Spirits & Divels, p. 89 - "It ariseth ... from the finitenesse, and dimensiuenesse of the angelicall nature."

Aug 17, 2010, 10:12 pm

>8 SilentInAWay:

Do they start taking payments immediately or only around the time it ships? I've never preordered anything from EP before.

>9 _Chris_:

That entire quote by Deacon & Walker is full of spelling mistakes, INCLUDING finiteness (who writes it with an "e" at the end anyways?!) so we shall disregard any claim by the two gentlemen as ridiculous. Copywrite remains :)

Aug 17, 2010, 10:14 pm

They'll take your order, but won't actually charge you until the book ships.

Aug 18, 2010, 6:17 pm

I ordered books on Aug 3. I have been checking my bank account for the charges to see if they were shipped. To my surprise there were 7 books on my doorstep today. I looked at my bank account today and they were charged just today.

Now that's really fast shipping :)

Aug 18, 2010, 6:19 pm

Oooh --it's Christmas for tames!!

Aug 22, 2010, 12:03 pm

So tames, what did you get? I hope it didn't include all the limited editions noted above or your bank account is larger than mine! :)

Aug 22, 2010, 1:30 pm

Sorry, I was not clear on my >12 bumblesby: post. The books I received on that day were the 6 Tarzans and the first of the Greatest Adventure Books series. The thread had migrated to billing and shipping.

I haven't heard a word about the Famous Editions yet; which I will get month to month.

Oct 1, 2010, 2:17 pm


Kelscott Chaucer -limited to 425 -$600 (SOLD OUT)
King James Bible -limited to 400 -$600 (SOLD OUT)
Midsummer Night's Dream illustrated by Heath Robinson -limited to 250 -$500
HISTORY OF THE CRUSADES -limited to 600 -$500
THE MEDITATIONS of MARCUS AURELIUS -limited to 500 -$200
LEONARDO DA VINCI: THE NOTEBOOKS -limited to 600 -$450
The Divine Comedy (Dore illustrations) -limited to 800 -$396
The History of the Indian Tribes of North America -limited to 400 -$597

By the way, the rare books library at my University has an original copy of History of the Indian Tribes. I'm going to go look at it and I'll take some pics to share with you guys. I know that the book typically sells for MANY thousands of dollars, so $597 for a high-quality reproduction is an excellent price. Of course, the book might not interest everyone...

Oct 1, 2010, 5:08 pm

I was told by a representative that the limited edition of Midsummer Night's Dream has sold out.

Also, there is a new limited edition of Cassell's Illustrated Family Bible (I've received the flyer)

Oct 1, 2010, 5:27 pm

Never fear, Silent. Gabrielac will have ten or so copies that he will gladly sell you. How many first-born do you have?

Oct 1, 2010, 6:15 pm

Alas, one.

Oct 1, 2010, 7:50 pm

astropi, how did you find out about the new books? Did you receive a flyer or do you have special sources that you can't divulge? :)

Oct 3, 2010, 12:47 pm

20: oh, you know, perhaps a little bit of both ;)
Actually, I just keep up to date with what comes out, that's all.

Oct 14, 2010, 11:57 pm

Updated: Oct 14, 2010
Looks like the Crusades is sold out! Take your bets as to what gets sold out next? I'm putting my money on the Divine Comedy! I also believe Meditations will sell out quickly.

Kelscott Chaucer -limited to 425 -$600 (SOLD OUT)
King James Bible -limited to 400 -$600 (SOLD OUT)
Midsummer Night's Dream illustrated by Heath Robinson -limited to 250 -$500
HISTORY OF THE CRUSADES -limited to 600 -$500 (SOLD OUT)
THE MEDITATIONS of MARCUS AURELIUS -limited to 500 -$200
LEONARDO DA VINCI: THE NOTEBOOKS -limited to 600 -$450
The Divine Comedy (Dore illustrations) -limited to 800 -$396
The History of the Indian Tribes of North America -limited to 400 -$597

Oct 15, 2010, 11:11 am

I'm torn as to whether I've missed out on History or not, but I think I made the right decision getting Comedy over it.

Oct 15, 2010, 12:30 pm

Your list doesn't mention the limited edition of the Cassell's Illustrated Family Bible -- over 800 illustrations, including "a number of engravings" by Dore. Limited to 800 copies - $396.

Oct 15, 2010, 2:17 pm

24: I haven't heard anything about this, nor is it on their website (yet). It's always possible it was canceled, but I'll definitely add this when I can confirm it :)

Oct 15, 2010, 8:52 pm

It hasn't been cancelled -- at least not yet. Who knows, if they don't advertise it better. On the other hand, maybe they're holding back on the advertising a little so that they don't sell out before they're printed (which is practically what happened with the 1611 King James Bible, if I'm not mistaken).

A week or so ago, I received the letter that is becoming familiar to early responders (I've received it for 6 out of the 7 limited editions that I've ordered from EP -- if I receive the same letter for the Dante, it will be a perfect seven!):

"Thank for your reservation...Due to unforseen production issues, we are unable to ship your book to you by the date we had originally planned. However, we expect to have your custom-bound volume ready for shipment on January 21, 2011."

Although I believe the book was announced before both the Dante and Indian Tribes, I have not yet seen it described anywhere in EP's advertising (other than in the brochure that I received). I only received the "sorry but there will be a delay" letter about a week ago, however, so there's still hope...

Oct 15, 2010, 10:10 pm

What is the item number for the Cassell's Bible LE?

Oct 16, 2010, 2:10 am

Oct 16, 2010, 12:28 pm

So do we know anything about this illustrated Bible? Dimensions? Quality of prints? etc?

Oct 18, 2010, 2:12 am

Ok, folks -- just to prove that this book is not a figment of my imagination...

The size of the book is 10" x 13" -- 1508 pages, over 800 illustrations.

Oct 18, 2010, 9:38 am

To say it nicely, DARN IT! This looks like a nice piece. I missed out on the 1611 King James, I may have to order this one. They are producing too many of the LEs. My wife is going to kill me!

Oct 25, 2010, 7:53 pm

The flood of E/P LEs continues…

The Romance of King Arthur
Re-creating the 1917 edition with all the original artwork by Arthur Rackham .

Oct 25, 2010, 8:51 pm

This is getting out of hand ...

Oct 25, 2010, 9:16 pm

Awwwww crap..........

Oct 26, 2010, 12:19 am

I blew my budget buying so many high end books, this is one I would love to get. The tricky idea is knowing which ones to hold off on and others that will sell out immediately. It will take a year to recover from all of the limited editions, less than half of them are beyond outstanding.. Perhaps the William Shakespeare can have a redo, the one a few years ago didn't seem to have the presentable exquisite quality, no match to the Chaucer.

Oct 26, 2010, 1:31 am

32> Thank you for sharing this, I think ;-)
It looks very tempting.

Edited: Oct 26, 2010, 7:13 am

Seriously EP...
What's going on?

edit: I'm not really complaining... I'm just broke!

Oct 26, 2010, 11:19 am

The late 1990s, a large amount of signed limited editions were offered, many now are difficult to find and highly collectible.

My guess, EP read letters and are now responding to overwhelming requests for heavier, more expensive editions. I do like a group of the recent volumes, not all I would recommend but a number are fantastic with the appearance, quality paper, slipcases, and illustrations.

They are responding to our interests, shouldn't we be excited to have the opportunity to buy heirlooms on a scale at our choosing? lol

Edited: Oct 26, 2010, 1:45 pm

I think this is going to be my first EP purchase! It looks absolutely amazing. I've been kicking myself for not getting the EP Kelmscott Chaucer (though I did purchase the Folio Society version, once it went down to the quite reasonable price of £150) and this one just seems to be too tempting to pass up.

Oct 27, 2010, 12:28 am

>34 Goran:


Does someone have a 12 step program for book collecting recovery?

Oct 27, 2010, 12:49 am

>40 hamletscamaro: Does someone have a 12 step program for book collecting recovery?

If so, please post it to EPAA.

Oct 27, 2010, 8:51 am

What is the cost for this limited edition? Received the flyer today, but it doesn't say.

Oct 27, 2010, 10:02 am

Has anyone pushed the button on this yet? It looks gorgeous.

Oct 27, 2010, 11:46 am


Oct 27, 2010, 9:28 pm

>42 spacmann: Second page states four payments of $89.

Oct 27, 2010, 11:15 pm

Although Arthur Rackham is the main draw--who is the author?

Oct 27, 2010, 11:49 pm

This is an abridgment of Malory's book, edited by Alfred Pollard. If anyone doesn't want to pay the $356, you are free to get some of the originals from Abebooks. They are selling for a mere $3500.


Edited: Oct 28, 2010, 12:51 am

Wow -- this is the first, second, third, fourth version of Malory that EP has offered (unless there are others that I've not heard about).

Oct 28, 2010, 8:43 am

48: what is the difference between the volumes? For instance, is the first (2 volume) and second (single volume) the same, only with difference illustrations? Or are they both incomplete and the third offering (4 volume) the complete Malory? Other than having the illustrations and special limited edition aside, is there a real benefit to owning this fourth version if you already own one of the others?

Edited: Oct 28, 2010, 9:06 am

I can't comment on the other versions, but the current offering is an abridged retelling of Malory by Pollard, who was a noted bibliographer and Shakespearian textual scholar.

From the extracts that I have read on the internet I rather get the impression that his version of Mallory in the Romance of King Arthur was aimed at the young reader (ages 12 to 17, I would guess). Hence Rackham's involvement - Rackham being an illustrator of children's books.


Edited: Oct 28, 2010, 10:22 am

I have the one-volume version, dated 2000, from the Famous Editions. The text is that printed by Caxton in 1485, from a copy used in an edition published in 1817. It is as complete as it can be. It is very difficult to read; even though some of the spelling has been modernized, there are no paragraph indentations. The illustrations are by Aubrey Beardsley.

From Abebooks, the two-volume version is dated 1983 and has the same text as the FE one-volume version, but the illustrations are by Robert Gibbings.

A 2007 EP catalogue describes the four-volume version as Malory's original English version in a recreation of the 1911 edition illustrated by Sir William Russell Flint. There are 48 color illustrations.

Oct 28, 2010, 12:55 pm

48> What about the EP 4 volume The Story of King Arthur and His Knights illustrated by Howard Pyle?

Edited: Oct 28, 2010, 2:05 pm

>52 kdweber:: The title you mention is volume 1 of EP's 4-volume "Illustrated Legends of King Arthur" Item 0462. Howard Pyle wrote and illustrated these stories for children to mid-teen years in 1902. They are not Malory's work, although Pyle probably based his stories on Malory, at least in part.

Oct 30, 2010, 4:00 am

Does anyone have the item number for the King Arthur LE? I sent Easton Press an email about ordering it and haven't received a reply, but I can't find the book on the website.

Oct 30, 2010, 7:16 am

Oct 31, 2010, 1:38 am

Aww dang, I'm personally disappointed that it's an abridgment and a retelling. If only it was the original(ler) text, enhanced by such an illustrator as Rackham...!

Oct 31, 2010, 4:43 am

>55 Tom41:


Oct 31, 2010, 5:14 pm

Updated: Oct 31, 2010

Kelmscott Chaucer -limited to 425 -$600 (SOLD OUT)
King James Bible -limited to 400 -$600 (SOLD OUT)
Midsummer Night's Dream illustrated by Heath Robinson -limited to 250 -$500
HISTORY OF THE CRUSADES -limited to 600 -$500 (SOLD OUT)
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius -limited to 500 -$200
Leonardo da Vinci: the Notebooks -limited to 600 -$450
The Divine Comedy (Dore illustrations) -limited to 800 -$396
The History of the Indian Tribes of North America -limited to 400 -$597
Cassell's Illustrated Family Bible -limited to 800 -$396
The Romance of King Arthur -limited to 800 -$356

Well, it looks like that's all of them for now! They all look great, although I do have to say, I don't understand why Midsummer Night's Dream is $500? Seems a little excessive for one play. Meditations on the other hand seems perfectly reasonable at $200. Romance also looks great and is not terribly expensive. On the other hand, History of the Indian Tribes is 3 volumes, and that really looks like something special to me (well, all the books are special of course, but I've never seen a color reprint of History of the Indian Tribes before)! What will be your next limited purchase?

Nov 1, 2010, 10:15 pm

Not sure if anyone's got this yet, but we received a notice from EP that Divine Comedy has been delayed until Feb, 2011. They're giving the option to cancel the order, and if they do not receive a response it will be cancelled automatically. Thoughts?

Nov 1, 2010, 11:08 pm

>59 Goran:

The same happened with the King James Bible, the first round offered sold out within 24 business hours. I bought the KJB the second round and received the letter of confirming the order. Contacting by phone is the best option to make certain it is processed, they usually give 3-4 weeks before cancellation.

Nov 2, 2010, 1:34 am

Nov 2, 2010, 5:08 am

>59 Goran: Goran, are you talking about the 1611 King James, and then the Cassell's Bible? I thought they only did the single 400 edition run of the 1611 Bible?

Nov 2, 2010, 8:45 am

>62 hamletscamaro:

Its very likely EP prints their limited editions in batches rather than all at once.

Nov 6, 2010, 4:04 pm

I think Goran is correct, KJB 1611 is once again availible on site. They must have printed the first half and waited for them to sell out and are now doing the second half.

I ordered one today, so hopefully I didn't miss out altogether. Now if only I could get a new copy of Kelmscott.

Nov 6, 2010, 6:09 pm

Either they found more in the stock of books or there were returns when the price was too much. It did happen with the Chaucer, was sold out for a few months, came back, and lasted another week.

Edited: Nov 6, 2010, 6:30 pm

Either way, I'm happy to get a copy from the source rather than from the secondary market at an increased cost.

Edited: Nov 6, 2010, 7:31 pm

Wootle Hoo! Thanks for the heads up! Guess I won't be buying your $1279.44 copy after all, engineer-69, or your $1510.91 copy either, gabrielac. =)

Nov 6, 2010, 8:05 pm

You're welcome, I figured someone other than myself would be happy.

Nov 6, 2010, 8:41 pm

>64 Wootle:, Wootle, these are from the original printing, I just got my copy of the KJB this week. They called me and told me that they had one availble. When I asked why, the rep said that some had been reserved but not paid for (since they do require that you pay at least one payment before they ship.)

I didn't care, and I was glad to get my copy, #171. Its a great book. I wish I had an inside source all the time to let me know when books pop up. This just happened in this case because I sent in a letter about my appreciation about one of their other LE's and voiced my disappointment that I missed the KJB. I guess I just had good timing on the letter! :)

Nov 6, 2010, 8:50 pm

>69 hamletscamaro: Thats good to know, an inside source would be great to have there. I went ahead and paid the $9.95 for expedited so hopefully if they sell out this weekend, I might not be at the bottom of the stack, if you will, and get stiffed.

I ordered the Crusades a week or two before it sold out. When I received it, some of the corners were bumped from shipping. Very little protection for that 25 pound set, two thin layers of cardboard all the way around. I immediately called them about a replacement. It had recently went OOS on the site, so I was worried about that. They told me that wasn't a problem and would have my damaged set picked up and send out a new one. Great. Two weeks later I hadn't heard anything so I called again. They were refunding my payment, no sets left availible. If I would have known that, I might, might have kept the original set, now I don't have any, and am not willing to pay ebay prices for it. So, hopefully, in a month or two, it will be availible again for a short time.

Nov 6, 2010, 9:40 pm

>70 Wootle:

I would not worry as much for the Crusades, saw two that sold online for less than the original amount. I am sure another set will come up once again. Other massive books I received were well protected, no problems so far for books over 10 pounds.

Nov 6, 2010, 9:51 pm

>71 EastonQuality: Before this summer I had never had a problem with damaged shipments. A couple of weeks before I received the damaged Crusades, I received a 5 volume set that had 3 damaged books in it. Of course they were easily replaced because it is something they normally stock. I just couldn't believe the packaging on that Crusades set, two pieces of cardboard between the books and asphalt. I've seen the packaging for some of the other limiteds, it appears to be much better than what I received. For a $500 set, I was pretty disappointed.

Edited: Nov 6, 2010, 10:58 pm

70> I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that the first Crusades volume was initially sent out by itself (due to production issues, the second volume shipped about a month and a half after the first one). If I understand you correctly, you ordered your set after the second volume was ready, so both books were shipped together in the same box (no doubt using different packaging than for the original shipments).

Nov 6, 2010, 11:03 pm

>73 SilentInAWay: Yes, I was pretty late to the party. I put off ordering them until it was almost to late, then it did turn out to be to late. The packaging was way inadequate.

Nov 6, 2010, 11:08 pm

>40 hamletscamaro:, Wootle, that really sucks. Sorry to hear about that.

My Crusades also came with very slight dings, but I decided to live with it. I also was surprised on how weak the shipping box was. The boxes on the Kelmscott and the KJB were great. I'm hoping that future LE come well packaged.

Nov 6, 2010, 11:39 pm

>75 hamletscamaro: I had seen the packaging from the other LEs, and didn't expect to have any issues. Didn't quite happen that way. I can live without it for now. I'm sure I'll be able to pick it up somewhere along the way. I've never really had any complaints about Easton, so when something like this happens, it kinda takes me by surprise. Customer service has always been great also, except for this one time when I was told I would receive a replacement and didn't. I'll keep buying them though. Looking forward to receiving the KJB.

Wonder what other LEs are coming our way. I would like to see something a little more modern. Maybe some of the classics done up proper.

Nov 7, 2010, 4:14 pm

>74 Wootle:>76

My point wasn't that you were late (sorry if it seemed that way), but rather than EP had to cancel their original packaging plans (when the shipment of volume II was delayed) and probably decided that it was not worth the extra cost to resurrect them when they shipped the remaining full sets to those who did not pre-order the books.

At least, I hope this was the case; the alternative--that EP decided that they over-protected the Kelmscott and 1611 KJB--is far less palatable. I've got five more of these limited editions on preorder!!

Edited: Nov 7, 2010, 5:59 pm

>77 SilentInAWay:

For protection of the books is an absolute must during shipment, especially on heavy books. Easton can either spend a few $1 extra for double boxing w/foam along the edges or take the chance with UPS or USPS. It is well worth the insurance of a possible return to avoid damage to the books, which cost a great deal of postage and time.

Nov 7, 2010, 7:35 pm

>78 EastonQuality:

You're preaching to the choir, don't you think. I seriously doubt that any of us that have ordered a $600 book would want anything less than the best protective packaging possible.

I'm just making an argument (wishful thinking, actually) that this might have been a one-time occurrence and not the beginning of a trend.

It will be interesting to see how the upcoming limited editions (the Da Vinci notebooks ship in a week or two, if I remember correctly) are packaged. Although they are all significantly smaller than the Kelmscott, and the 1611 KJB, I hope that the same attention is given to protective packaging.

Nov 7, 2010, 7:44 pm

I really hope it's not a trend. I saw how the Kelmscott was packaged and expected something similar, they just were not. For $600, I really didn't want to take less than perfect copies.

Nov 7, 2010, 11:10 pm

Which are the next LEs to be released? I think both Leonardo DaVinci and Meditations supposed to ship this month?

Astropi, maybe when you reprint the LE list you can add the estimated ship date since these seem to keep slipping.

Nov 7, 2010, 11:23 pm

>79 SilentInAWay:

Just stating the facts that come to mind, a little surprising a $600 set would have less cushion during shipment. Bought two of the rare titles, the others can wait. Returned only one book so far that was mistakenly shipped over the phone, no bumped corners so far.

Edited: Nov 11, 2010, 4:47 pm

I have a question that no one here will be able to answer definitively but that's not going to stop me from asking it as a topic for conversation. How many copies do you suppose Easton Press really prints of a typical, non-subscription book, Merry Christmas, Curious George, for instance? I wonder if it is significantly more than 800 copies, which seems high when you think of it in terms of people willing to pay $79.00 for a pre-reader book. I've noticed that some of the newer advertised 'Limited Editions' are limited to 800 copies. I'm wondering how this compares to the number of copies of other titles that aren't marketed as limited editions but may, in fact, be just as limited. Curious George's Christmas volume has been around for a number of years now but that could simply mean they haven't sold their original stock. And when those do sell out, will they print more? Of course, with the 'Limited Editions' we supposedly have their 'word' that they will never print more, a promise not made with other volumes. But the question remains, how many of the common fare books do they print and how many do they actually re-print?

Are we falling for another marketing gimmick or are Easton Press' 'Limited Editions' really much more limited than any of their other one-time offerings? Is it possible that we are simply paying for the promise?

Nov 11, 2010, 4:52 pm

A somewhat related question - would anyone care if Merry Christmas, Curious George (and others like it) were limited? I think the fact that there is only a certain number produced is a small part of the draw. I wanted the dore divine comedy because I find that the etchings he did for them were really quite amazing. The size of the books, the slipcase etc all contributed to wanting this work over the fact there were 800 copies. Infact, if it had not been marketed as limited (simply a $396 'normal book set') I would have been just as excited to purchase it.

When Easton Press use the word limited, I think alot of us (or maybe its just me), get more exctied over the fact that a really nice edition of a great work is coming our way, rather than the fact that only a certain number of people will recieve it. Though in general I reckon you're right - people do put far too much stock on the word 'limited'. Two hobbies in particular come to mind, stamp and coin collecting...

Nov 11, 2010, 4:53 pm

They probably start off printing 1000, and then depending on how fast it sells, they will order another 1000 copies. If something doesn't sell the first 1000 within say 6 months, then they will discontinue it after they all sell. I can't imagine them wasting time with books that they don't think they can sell at least than many of. They probably have 2000-5000 printed up at a time of the 100 greatest and other successful series.

Nov 11, 2010, 5:31 pm

I fully anticipate that some of their non-limited editions will in fact be limited. I have already purchased 200 copies of Merry Christmas, Curious George and am simply waiting for them to discontinue that classic so that I can sell them on ebay a couple at a time marked up by, 4, 5 6 and even 10 times their original cost.

You just wait. Those of you who haven't already snatched up your copies will be crawling back to me in a few months begging to get a copy marked up only twice the original value!

Mwaa, haa, haa!

Nov 11, 2010, 5:33 pm

for a moment there I thought your were deeply serious. Pheew

Nov 11, 2010, 7:51 pm

> 58

Not only to your post in particular but since you listed them all, then I wonder how often do Easton Press announce LE, do they come more in batches throughout the year or is it a somewhat steady stream.

On the list I count 10 and thats already quite a bit, well at least in my opinion.

Nov 11, 2010, 9:22 pm

86: Thanks for the heads up. I'm heading over to the EP site right now to order my copy of Merry Christmas, Curious George so that I don't have to pay you $800 in a few months. America's favorite monkey in a leather bound edition is a must-have, right?


Nov 11, 2010, 9:27 pm

89> I don't think I can afford to add poor George to my list of "Christmas Gifts to Self." I hope that someday I don't regret not having picked up a copy...especially with hamletscamaro driving up the value...

Nov 11, 2010, 10:13 pm

$800 for one book is steep, luckily I went to a g-sale and bought a nice thick new good quality paperback copy of Curious George for one dollar. Price does not always mean happiness, my two nieces love it!

btw, will they publish another book of Ballard anytime soon? The signed Titanic volume sold out quickly last year, was able to buy one copy before it doubled in price on eBay.

Edited: Nov 11, 2010, 10:21 pm

Why I want to add that book (Merry Christmas, Curious George) to my collection is testimony to my sickness, since I can hardly bear the excruciating, mind-numbing, anxiety of absolute tedium every time my daughter brings out just the simple, original Curious George for bedtime reading.

She never picks Tolstoy, Bronte, or Melville ... always the great master Rey!

Nov 12, 2010, 12:01 am

Wailofatail, how about Curious George Orwell? He is more fun.

Nov 12, 2010, 2:20 pm

Also, just spoke with someone at EP, looks like Divine Comedy won't go out before Feb. That's fine by me, I need to pay off some of these other LEs.

Nov 12, 2010, 5:43 pm

>94 hamletscamaro:

I got a letter about that a couple of weeks ago. It says we have to re-pre-order Divine Comedy or they'll have to cancel the order per some state law.

Nov 20, 2010, 7:28 am

If anyone is interested, the 1611 King James Bible is now showing available again. Speaking to a rep there were people who never paid for the bibles that they originally ordered so they are releasing some additional stock. This is not a reprint, so when these are out they are officially gone.


Nov 20, 2010, 5:31 pm

96- Its been availible for at least 2 weeks. I ordered two and got them right away, I did use the expedited option.

I received the History of the Indian Tribes of North America yesterday. Packaged cheaply as the newer limiteds have been lately, two thin pieces of cardboard all the way around, luckily they arrived undamaged, but then again they don't weigh 25 pounds like the Crusades set does. I haven't opened them yet, but hopefully the interior will be more impressive than the exterior. Basic EP exteriors, nothing spectacular like the other limiteds.

Nov 20, 2010, 9:03 pm

>96 hamletscamaro:

I'm debating whether or not to remove the shrink wrap from the volumes of Indian Tribes of N.A. when they arrive: on the one hand, it's obviously good to be able to have some protection from dust, etc. but on the other the color plates are what make the book what it is and it would be a shame not to see them. Any thoughts?

Nov 20, 2010, 9:05 pm

(Sorry, that last msg was in response to #97)

Nov 20, 2010, 11:37 pm

98- Buy a second set. :)

I'm the same way. I really think I want to see the illustrations more than reading the text. So I haven't decided whether I will open them or not. I am buying some of the limiteds as investments, so I am kinda leaning towards not opening them. That's why I ordered 2 of the KJB 1611s, 1 to open, 1 for later. I think these early limiteds could be worth some serious cash in ten years, especially the ones that are only having 400 or so printed. We've already seen the Kelmscott sell for a nice profit less than a year after selling out. I don't know if the Indian limited will do that, but I do think the KJB 1611 will.

I also ordered two sets of the Notebooks, I will definetely open one of them to read.

Edited: Nov 21, 2010, 1:49 pm

> 100

Please tell me that you do not have any intention of becoming one of those people that stock LE at the expense of other booklovers that miss their chances only for you to get some extra cash at hand :-P

Actually I wonder how many unique owners there are of a LE printed in, lets say 600 copies.

Edited: Nov 21, 2010, 3:03 pm

101- I don't know about becoming one of "those people", but considering how hard I have to work to make $100, that way certainly looks much easier. I don't resent those people, I have equal opportunity to buy them as they do, but for whatever reason I decided not to at the time. I recently paid $80 over retail for a used copy of Kelmscott. My fault for not buying it when it was availible, sure I would have rather spent $600 instead of $680 used, but hey, it's a great book, and worth more than I paid, IMHO.

I guess ultimately I am right dead in the middle of the issue. I can see both sides equally. As a collector, I would of course like to have items at retail, but I can see why dealers buy extras of good books. If you are in business, profit is profit.

Besides, I think it is us collectors that ultimately set the price. If it is priced to high, it doesn't sell until we see a price we like. The seller can price their items at any price they want, but if it doesn't sell, it will eventually drop.

Nov 21, 2010, 6:16 pm

This message has been deleted by its author.

Nov 21, 2010, 6:22 pm

Wouldn't it be great if Easton Press came out with a way to please both worlds. Have a period in which there is one purchase per household allowed on limited editions and if all copies are not sold, open it up to those who would like multiple copies. I reckon in most cases the collector's would get their second copy, however if there was a particularly popular volume it would allow more people who want a copy to get one.

Edited: Nov 21, 2010, 6:27 pm

>102 Wootle:

Yes of course that is fair, I just commented upon it as a joke linking it to some other posts on this forum that discuss some sellers on the bay thats all, nothing personal really, well at least not intended.

In relation to my last post though it would be fun to know (not that we ever will) how many unique owners there initially are of a 600 LE set going out.

> 104

The book "High Adventure" by Hillary has a limit of 2 per costumer at least on the Easton site, I have not seen anything similar on other titles.

Nov 21, 2010, 6:45 pm

105- Some of the Vonnegut titles now have a limit on them as well. I believe they do that when they are about out of the title, at least on the Vonneguts.

Out of 600, it would probably depend on how many the dealers buy up. I can't imagine the dealers buying more than 5 of a title, who knows. That would be a lot of money to be shelling out for a maybe sell for more later, but I guess that is their business and know it better than I. Hopefully me buying two copies of a title that I like, would not hinder another collector from being able to acquire a copy.

Seems like High Adventure has been in stock for a really long time, about time for them to go out of stock.

Dec 1, 2010, 7:18 pm

Looks like Indian Tribes has sold out.

Dec 1, 2010, 8:59 pm

Talked with an EP rep this morning: they just received the Da Vinci books from the printer; they should ship within the week.

Edited: Dec 1, 2010, 10:31 pm

I got my Da Vinci last week. In fact, it looks like they may have shipped me two sets from my billing, but the second set shiped a week later. If that is the case, I will have to return the second set. I can't afford two. Although maybe I can list it on Ebay for $20,000 as soon as they sell out. :)

The packaging on the Da Vinci is better than the Crusades, but not nearly as nice as the Kelmscott or KJV Bible. However, the box with the additional cardboard reinforcement insert was sufficient for this size book.

Dec 1, 2010, 11:30 pm

Damn, I really was considering getting Tribes, but did not have enough revenue. Ah well, that's how it goes. I'm sure people will soon sell it on ebay for only 4-10 times it's cost. Consequently, if anyone here has Tribes for sale, please let me know. The other possibility, if that EP took it off since their first run sold, but they are printing more?

Dec 1, 2010, 11:38 pm

>110 astropi:, It is a Limited Edition, so they won't be printing more. However, when a book sells out like this quickly, keep checking. The normal trend is that the orders may come in quickly but after cancellations they seem to free up some after they start shipping.

Dec 2, 2010, 12:44 am

Check this *beep* out!
This bookseller wants $1000 for the Tribes set, and guess what? Quantity available, over 20! I really WISH Easton Press would NOT sell books to resellers!


111: I will certainly keep my eyes open, and hope there are some cancellations!

Dec 2, 2010, 10:41 am

Dec 2, 2010, 4:34 pm

Indian Tribes is back. I guess they can't make up their mind if they have any left or not.

Dec 2, 2010, 4:38 pm

112- That seller has that quantity on all of their listings. Even some of the real rare Eastons where I highly doubt they have 1 copy less alone 20. I think they list that way thinking they can find a copy if they sell it at a highly inflated price. Maybe Abe gives them some commission break or something if they have a certain quantity, who knows.

Dec 2, 2010, 6:09 pm

I have the Crusades Limited Edition and have just ordered the Da Vinci set and it disgusts me seeing the crusades set on ebay for $1500!! These sellers are vultures!

I am pretty much upset and angered by such prices. I don't see my books as an investment and it angers me that they put these outrages prices on them so to put me in a position that I will have to buy a set from EP immediately because any delay of which will cost me 2 or 3 or 4 times as much as originally intended.

I am not proud of saying this but I am continually struggling with my sanity by being tempted to buy a second copy of every purchase I do just to sell on ebay to commission my future purchases. My better half always wins as I am not in it for the money and don't have that kind of capital to initially to purchase another copy nor do I have the space required for such. There are too many nice books I want to buy with my money.

It is pretty much seller's market and some here, maybe everyone support such inflated prices when we decide ultimately to sell at some point. I will not sell as my collection will probably go off to my niece.

Edited: Dec 2, 2010, 7:26 pm

>109 hamletscamaro:

Any pictures of the Leonardo Notebooks?

I really want those Notebooks but I fear that it is to expensive for me at the moment, even with the instalments. I have just gotten the FS edition though and I might put it up for sale to fund the EP set.

And about the LE in general, I have just recently started to look at Easton Press books so I wonder if any of the oldtimers could tell me for how long EP have published LE and how many they publish each year, roughly?

Dec 2, 2010, 10:36 pm

>113 Goran:, 117, I'll get pictures shortly. I need to have my books, my camera and myself together at one time to get some pics. I'll do that this weekend.

>117 WinterGloaming:, Easton Press has been in the business of the "Limited Edition" for a very short time depending on how you define LE. The current phenomenon of the EP as a published limited count has only recently started the end of 2009 with the Kelmscott Chaucer. The entire list of all the recent LEs is contained in this thread (see astropi's posting on message 58).

However, there have been other books that have a fairly limited run, such as the signed books, for a while. The practice of publishing these books as a "Limited Edition, with only XXX copies" has been a more recent business model that Easton has started with the Kelmscott, and it appears that it is working fairly well for them since they have quickly sold out of most of these.

Someone like wailofatail may have more data since he seems to have just about every flyer published for the past 25 years. My history with EP only goes back about 16 years. :)

Dec 3, 2010, 12:41 am

> 116: I want to be your niece!

Dec 3, 2010, 3:38 pm

>116 ironjaw:
I scratch my head every time a set is listed double or triple what the going prices should be or still in print, there is a upside to all of this. The ones who attempt to resell immediately have merchandise no one will pay close for and have less leverage to buy a real gem or two once in a while. There are a number of nutty sellers who don't care at all if they resell quickly or not, it looks more like bragging rights to show what they have and others don't. Just crazy to offer a set for over 1500 that originally was $500 two months earlier & not one to be sold, just sitting to be looked at attempting to fix a false market. Have seen this many times before of false price sales that seem to good to be true.

>118 hamletscamaro:
I do have the brochures from Easton dating back to 1995, cannot locate ones before then. Perhaps there was a change in advertising, 1995-96 were big growth years for all sorts of collectibles and technology.

Dec 5, 2010, 8:50 am

>113 Goran:, >117 WinterGloaming:, I know it is not needed now, but just for future reference here is the link to the pics of the Leonardo Da Vinci Notebooks:

Dec 5, 2010, 6:37 pm

Has anyone else taken delivery of "Indian Tribes..."? (One or two of us have, I see.) I haven't gotten mine yet, tho' EP has credited my first payment. I'm hoping they ship it by UPS, as UPS delivers in my area around the same more-or-less predictable time each day, whereas FedEx tends to be at random times. Hopefully they will visit soon, with the X-mas shipping crunch fast upon us and attendant risks of stuff going astray (!) Apropos of which, anyone know if EP uses one carrier more than the other for shipping their LEs? I get the "100 Greatest" titles in the regular mail.

Dec 5, 2010, 7:33 pm

I've received all the LEs via UPS.

Dec 7, 2010, 9:11 pm

O fantabulous day, calloo-callay!! "Indian Tribes..." arrived today, delivered by UPS. It was once again left on top of the mailbox in the foyer of my building with some other packages (q.v. my post/thread "A serendipitous delivery"), and I found it behind a big package/box left for another tenant when I got home from work (good thing I've been on the "qui vive" for it!) -- no sign of a "signature required" on the label this time. At first I thought it might be another title I've ordered but the box was too big, heavy and square, and I checked the number printed on the side against the EP catalog item # and it's definitely "Tribes". I haven't opened it yet, first I have to decide whether to keep the shrink wrap on and also importantly, where the hell I want to store it for the long term in my very cramped apartment. (I will keep it in the shipping box, with the volumes on their sides to prevent stressed bindings, which is a good idea for any heavy tomes.)

Dec 7, 2010, 9:42 pm

Congrats, now open them, we need interior pics of that set.

Isn't it amazing the places UPS leaves $600 lying around.

Dec 7, 2010, 11:06 pm

>124 iluvbeckett:, I just want to know how you people can stand not opening these boxes. Any time I get a book I want to open it, smell it, hear that initial cracking sound as a new EP spine is opened for the first time. Yes get some photos. I didn't order these so someone else has to take some photos. :)

Dec 8, 2010, 1:11 am

A sealed volume can be viewed both ways, an unopened book does keep the value a bit higher a number of times & good for preservation. I could not resist not opening the Chaucer, the pages are non colored yet the quality exceeds any volume I have owned, not to mention the size! Will open books, if the curiosity outweighs the collectible idea of book keeping. The main attraction for these volume is primarily the outside for exquisite photo or pattern work, some may not agree but why risk a book worth 100s of $ when a 1st edition can be obtained with high quality & a dj protector for under $34.95. Preserving the books brings in more fun too, and a long term investment depending on the title.

Dec 9, 2010, 4:25 pm

Updating astropi's list with some revised shipping dates I just got from EP:

King James 1611 Bible – #2537 limited to 400, AVAILABLE Again.
Midsummer Night's Dream -#2289, limited to 250 -$500, now shipping
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius -#2548, limited to 500 -$200, ships Dec 27
Leonardo da Vinci: the Notebooks -#2550, limited to 600 -$450, now shipping
The History of the Indian Tribes of North America -limited to 400 -$597, noted as available again.
The Divine Comedy (Dore illustrations) -#2630, limited to 800 -$396, Ships Feb 16
Cassell's Illustrated Family Bible -#2564, limited to 800 -$396, Ships Jan 15
The Romance of King Arthur -#2671, limited to 800 -$356, ships Mar 21

Dec 9, 2010, 6:21 pm

>128 hamletscamaro:

It seems like the Kelmscott and Crusades are the only limited editions that are ACTUALLY sold out..........

Looking forward to getting my copy of the Divinve Comedy, though the da Vinci and Arthur are looking tempting......

Dec 12, 2010, 11:44 pm

Well, I opened "Indian Tribes..." today, including shrink wrap (couldn't help myself, there goes $5,000!!) mine is set #216 of 400. Packaging is four cardboards inside the box plus one on top, no styrofoam (a good thing if one doesn't need the little crumblies); the volumes have marbled endsheets, tho' not as fancy re printing as on the "Midsummer Night's Dream" LE, for example. Overall quality is very good, but not much difference on the outside from the usual EP books (except for being a facsimile of the original 1870 edition), i.e., gilded page edges, ribbons, etc.; color plates are nice, I'd post pics but I don't have a camera, only a phone...any impressions from others who've gotten their copies?

P.S. - re removal of shrink wraps; there are good points either way, it seems: on one hand = good for preserving condition and dollar value; other hand = why spend major $$ on books that you can't fully look at and enjoy because you're limited to the covers?

Dec 13, 2010, 9:14 pm

The plastic is not always a good thing. It can leave a residue on the leather and/or spots with discoloration. Personally, I'd rather buy a book that the seller promised was in pristine condition rather than with plastic on it. I think its sad that there are so many books on ebay with the plastic still on them-- why did people buy them, if they weren't going to enjoy them?

Dec 14, 2010, 10:06 am

Has anyone received the Romance of King Arthur LE? I was tempted to order that myself, being a lover of both the Arthurian legends and Arthur Rackham.

I would love to see some photographs.

Dec 14, 2010, 10:24 am

132: I believe it's coming out in March.

Dec 14, 2010, 10:29 am

> 133

Thanks. No wonder no one has received it yet. Still tempted but I should imagine that it has sold out by now. Anyway, I have rather overstretched myself on some recent FS LE's.

Dec 14, 2010, 2:04 pm

>133 astropi:, Romance of King Arthur has not sold out yet, and beyond their direct mail flyer, I don't believe they have shown it in a catalog.

It doesn't ship until late March sometime.

Dec 21, 2010, 5:01 pm

Indian Tribes

Sorry, this item is currently out of stock

Dec 23, 2010, 1:17 am

136: that is unfortunate, but what can you do? I would nevertheless love to see pics of the set! People are being lazy, it's not that hard to upload pics ... come one let's see them already :P

Dec 23, 2010, 2:18 pm

137> People are being lazy

...or greedy!!

Dec 23, 2010, 5:14 pm

>136 Wootle:,137 Oh come on people, I have posted photos to most of EPs recent Limited Editions, I didn't order this one set, so someone else has to carry the weight. Come on, post some photos! :)

Dec 28, 2010, 3:14 pm

My copy of Marcus Aurelius came in today. I haven't really had a chance to look through it in any detail but was glad to see that they finally shipped.

Dec 28, 2010, 8:57 pm

That is good to hear as I have ordered it as well, I had to think hard between Aurelius and Leonardo's Notebooks but I am sure I made the right choice.

It will be my first LE edition as well.

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