Just received my CueCat in the mail...

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Just received my CueCat in the mail...

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1momathwtk First Message
Mar 27, 2007, 6:33 pm

So I've started adding a few more of my books. Wow does using Cue Cat go much faster than entering stuff into my old database. Of course, that's because I'm not entering all those special details like I do when I use *my* database- like who I bought the book for, where I found it, etc. I guess I'll have to decide whether I want to keep doing that or not. I have a large pile of books to get through so I may just have to give up some of my extras. LOL!

Mar 30, 2007, 4:26 pm

I read about your CueCat on *another* site. :D
Sounds like a huge help.

*Your* database sounds very...um...well...very detailed. Yeah, that's the word: "detailed" :)

Thanks for the headsup about LibraryThing. :)


Mar 31, 2007, 4:52 pm

Hee hee, it's a legacy for my children. Until of course the harddrive crashes and I don't have an up to date backup. Hmmm... sounds like another project.

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