Free Library of Philadelphia - Parkway Central Library
- Type
- Library
- Web site
- Catalog URL
- Twitter account
- @FreeLibrary
- Amenities
- wifi, food/drink
- Description:
- between 19th and 20th Streets on the Parkway
Wifi Access:
Monday - Wednesday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Thursday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sunday 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. - Added By
- froggie
- Contacted
- Not contacted
- Venue ID
- 3303
- Edit Venue
- Favorited
- private, lbeller, MCDyson, kmg387, lefthandeddrawing, blueandgreen, bookwoman84, private, Archivist13, killearnan, Kegsoccer, kidzdoc, karmabodhi, LeeFishman, yonyitz, girlcommaisland, bertilak, LiterarySara, Pharmacovigilant, collopy, the.dormouse, jgreerw, kim.bravo, themockturtle, mbruchet, soBella, MyriadBooks, vincent1959, librarybkworm, ddelmoni, 50Watts, Shmoos, davidt8, private, cherlyng, nicolaerricotenaglia, papyri, reesetee, StoutHearted, private, parelle
- Visited
- sladdusaw, private, samalots, donutage, private, MarykayH, LancasterWays, lauralkeet, freyaheart, MCDyson, bookwoman84, papyri, 06nwingert, LiteraryFiction, killearnan, lefthandeddrawing, kidzdoc
- Cataloged
Garrison Keillor will be at the Library on Sunday, October 5 at 7:30 p.m. Website:, click on Author Events.
September 2008 by librarybkworm
I'm a little confused, the website has Garrison Keillor listed as coming on October 5th.
September 2008 by biblioholic29