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Dead Reckoning (2011)

by Charlaine Harris

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Series: Sookie Stackhouse (11)

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4,9551942,369 (3.62)109
"With her knack for being in trouble's way, Sookie Stackhouse witnesses the firebombing of Merlotte's, the bar where she works. Since Sam Merlotte is now known to be two-natured, suspicion falls immediately on the anti-shifters in the area. Sookie suspects otherwise, but her attention is divided when she realizes that her lover, Eric Northman, and his "child" Pam are plotting to kill the vampire who is now their master. Gradually, Sookie is drawn into the plot--which is much more complicated than she knows. Caught up once again in the politics of the vampire world, Sookie will learn that she is as much of a pawn as any ordinary human--and that there is a new queen on the board..."--… (more)
  1. 60
    Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris (Mind_Booster_Noori)
    Mind_Booster_Noori: This is the first of the series. If you like this book you should read the series, starting by the first (there's characters' development and references to previous books, so this series should be read in publishing order...)

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Formula for Sookie books:
--nostalgia for her grandmother and a way of life that's been over for about ten years now
--disappointment when nostalgia does not match up with real life
--nail polish
--a sexy dress that shows off her cleavage
--attraction to more than one man
--self-recrimination about attraction to more than one man
--instant orgasmic sex
--judging others for not being Christian/being violent/being sexually 'deviant'
--self-recrimination about being too judgemental
--failing to be a good hostess in a situation that doesn't require hostessing
--self-recrimination about lack of hostess skills
--hanging out with fairies, who are generally acknowledged to be amoral
--self-recrimination for judging fairies and having her illusions shattered
--hanging out with weres and vampires, who are generally acknowledged to have societal structures built on maintenance of power by violent means
--self-recrimination about hanging out with weres and vampires and seeing violent things.
--screaming when surprised by violent things, followed by
--crying when violent things are over
--impulsive, poorly-executed attempts to stand up for herself
--self-recrimination about said attempts

Harris, unfortunately, doesn't vary the formula in Dead Reckoning, reminding me why I burned out on Sookie--she has almost completely failed to develop, continuing to act like a naif, surprised and unaware of the supernatural world she has been immersed in for years.

Take, for instance, when Amelia and Bob visit, and Amelia says she has found out how to break the blood bond between her and the vampire Eric. Nevermind that Sookie spent the first part of the book reflecting on how the bond has offered her protection, and had it reinforced when Eric had to visit his Regent, Victor. Nevermind that Eric came to the bar both times she was in danger, ready to save her. Nevermind that she hasn't said word one of her desire to be free to Eric, or even to herself. Poof, like that, she does it. Completely thoughtless, selfish and heartless. Sookie remains a sixteen year old girl, unsure if she is 'in love' if she isn't in the midst of raging hormones or drama. Worrying what other people think all the time and not taking the time to think for herself, and 'breaking up' because she wants to know if he really loves her. I've come to realize that one sure way to spoil a series for me is if there is no character growth through the stories. By no means is Harris unique--I quit Kim Harrison for the same reason. And Evanovich's Stephanie Plum.

Hmm, I'm noticing a theme here. Protagonists stuck in the emotional issues of the early twenties, struggling with self-awareness and relationships, usually rather feminine but stuck in a non-stereotypically feminine role that highlights their incompetence. Good for three books, perhaps even five or six if one draws it out, but eventually, I'd prefer evolution. And development of competence.

The lack of progression coupled with the writing is a challenge for me. Try this on: "Sam, a compact man who was actually immensely strong, was dusting the bottles behind the bar. We weren't very busy that night." Thankfully, there weren't too many instances of such awkward phrasing, but it highlights the fact that I'm not reading for the prose. Characterization is inconsistent: Alcide does something exceedingly strange when he hasn't made an appearance for the entire book, then isn't heard from again. Then there's the rare 'two-dollar' word tossed into the midst of generally simple and straightforward language, a strange delicate blossom in a forest of oaks. It was justified in an earlier book by Sookie having a "word-of-the-day" calendar.

On the whole, I (gasp) prefer the HBO series over the books. At least I don't have to focus on Sookie all the time, and I get to enjoy the beautiful people.

Cross posted at http://clsiewert.wordpress.com/2013/01/01/dead-reckoning-by-charlaine-harris-or-... ( )
  carol. | Nov 25, 2024 |
This was a pretty bloody book in the series. However, several situations are resolved. Of course, by the end a few new problems and questions have arisen. I don't think there are many characters here who have not betrayed someone else or don't have a hidden agenda. The best part of the book was the interaction between Sookie and her young cousin, Hunter, who has telepathy like her. ( )
  Linda-C1 | Sep 26, 2024 |
I have been an avid reader of the Sookie Stackhouse books for about 5 years now. I was late to the game and caught up with everyone right before "True Blood" came to TV.
I fell in love with the first 8 books, but lately it seems that Mrs. Harris is just filling the books with whatever she can. I have read books 9 and 10; and will continue to read any of the books that she puts out in this series, but I can't seem to get as excited about a new book as I used to.
In the 11th installment of Sookie, we see a person from her past come back, even though I had really forgotten about the Pelt's, I actually had to skim through a few books to get updated on the back story there.
I liked that Mrs. Harris brought back Amelia and Bob, but I was not in the least bit happy about them figuring out how to break the bond between Sookie and Eric. And don't even get me started on the whole Eric being arranged for with the Queen of Oklahoma!! I swear, Sookie just can't catch a break with the vamps in this series!!! Maybe she should actually give a were a shot!

The conflict with Victor was brought into this book, but I felt the demise of Victor and his "crew" was too fast and way too neat. I mean really, I understand that the scene couldn't last for that long, but it wasn't even a full chapter; or so it seemed to me.
I was left wondering about a lot of things through out the book, and I feel that a few things could have been cleared up in this book; like really, what was up with Claude and Dermot? I understand that Mrs. Harris needs to leave some things up in the air so that she can continue the series, but still, some things could have been either cleared up as I said earlier, or answered altogether. I felt that the book just really dragged on way too much. ( )
  chaoticmel | May 18, 2024 |
Well, at least Sookie learns why she's telepathic.and a couple of important things happen in her love life. Oh -- and the Pelt problem is solved. Good thing I hadn't read these books in awhile so that I'm not liking Eric Northman. The Bubba appearance was nice. ( )
  JalenV | Apr 21, 2024 |
Best part: Sookie thinking irrelevant thoughts while laying naked next to Bill in his cellar to hide from random men who want to kidnap her. Why was she naked? Um, how else do you hide your tracks when you're soaking wet? TAKE OFF ALL YOUR CLOTHES. Duh.

Worst part: In general, the rest. In particular, the part where Sookie needs to ice her "yahoo palace" after yahooing Eric.

To sum up: This book was not good, but it did make me laugh a few times. It seems like Harris is dropping some obvious hints that Sookie's true love is Sam, which is fine by me. Just it end already, Charlaine. It is dying.

( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Harris, Charlaineprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Desimini, LisaCover artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Parker, JohannaNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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I have to dedicate this book to the memory of my mother: She would not have thought it strange to have an urban fantasy novel dedicated to her. She was my biggest fan and my most faithful reader. There was so much to admire about my mother. I miss her every day.
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The attic had been kept locked until the day after my grandmother died.
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"With her knack for being in trouble's way, Sookie Stackhouse witnesses the firebombing of Merlotte's, the bar where she works. Since Sam Merlotte is now known to be two-natured, suspicion falls immediately on the anti-shifters in the area. Sookie suspects otherwise, but her attention is divided when she realizes that her lover, Eric Northman, and his "child" Pam are plotting to kill the vampire who is now their master. Gradually, Sookie is drawn into the plot--which is much more complicated than she knows. Caught up once again in the politics of the vampire world, Sookie will learn that she is as much of a pawn as any ordinary human--and that there is a new queen on the board..."--

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