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Sea Swept (1998)

by Nora Roberts

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Series: Chesapeake Bay (1)

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2,481376,451 (4.03)16
Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:The first novel in #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts' stunning Chesapeake Bay Saga, where the Quinn brothers must return to their family home on the Maryland shore, to honor their father's last request...
A champion boat racer, Cameron Quinn traveled the world spending his winnings on champagne and women. But when his dying father calls him home to care for Seth, a troubled young boy not unlike Cameron once was, his life changes overnight.
After years of independence, Cameron has to learn to live with his brothers again, while he struggles with cooking, cleaning, and caring for a difficult boy. Old rivalries and new resentments flare between Cameron and his brothers, but they try to put aside their differences for Seth’s sake. In the end, a social worker will decide Seth’s fate, and as tough as she is beautiful, she has the power to bring the Quinns together—or tear them apart...

Don't miss the other books in the Chesapeake Bay Saga

Rising Tides
Inner Harbor
Chesapeake Blue

… (more)

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The four books in this series are fantastically done, I love the strength and love between all the brothers and how they deal with their problems. I've read this series countless times and keep going back to it. ( )
  Linyarai | Mar 6, 2024 |
Family Saga
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
Nice, enjoyable book. Nice to read a book from a male point of view. ( )
  soosthemoose | Jul 20, 2022 |
Nora Roberts is an author I like but her books can tend to be pretty cookie cutter and similar. For me her books are the best when they are part of a series and have an interesting set of characters. This series is one of my favorites that she wrote because the story is engaging and the characters are intriguing. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
This isn't really a stand alone. It ends in the middle of things. Marked down a star because I can't get the rest of the trilogy. ( )
  MarthaJeanne | Sep 4, 2020 |
Showing 1-5 of 34 (next | show all)
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Nora Robertsprimary authorall editionscalculated
Ferraz, CarlaTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Mota Gómez-Acebo, Almudena de laTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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For Mary Blayney of the warm and generous heart
First words
Cameron Quinn wasn't quite drunk.

Chapter One:
Cam called in markers, pulled strings, begged favors, and threw money in a dozen directions.

Cameron Quinn n'était pas tout à fait soûl.
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WorldCat returns ISBN 9512064782 for two books:
Aaltojen Armoilla [Sea Swept] by Nora Roberts AND
Marssi Venäjälle: Barbarossa-Suunnitelma by Paul Carell; but shows ISBN to be 9512064790
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Wikipedia in English (1)

Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:The first novel in #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts' stunning Chesapeake Bay Saga, where the Quinn brothers must return to their family home on the Maryland shore, to honor their father's last request...
A champion boat racer, Cameron Quinn traveled the world spending his winnings on champagne and women. But when his dying father calls him home to care for Seth, a troubled young boy not unlike Cameron once was, his life changes overnight.
After years of independence, Cameron has to learn to live with his brothers again, while he struggles with cooking, cleaning, and caring for a difficult boy. Old rivalries and new resentments flare between Cameron and his brothers, but they try to put aside their differences for Seth’s sake. In the end, a social worker will decide Seth’s fate, and as tough as she is beautiful, she has the power to bring the Quinns together—or tear them apart...

Don't miss the other books in the Chesapeake Bay Saga

Rising Tides
Inner Harbor
Chesapeake Blue


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