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The Walking Dead, Volume 15: We Find…

The Walking Dead, Volume 15: We Find Ourselves

by Robert Kirkman

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5751744,104 (3.78)30
Comic and Graphic Books. Fiction. HTML:

The events of 'No Way Out' have affected everyone in the community, and not everyone has survived to pick up the pieces. Rick and the survivors must now try to pick themselves up and carry in the wake of disaster... and by doing so, they find hope. Collects THE WALKING DEAD #85-90

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Title:The Walking Dead, Volume 15: We Find Ourselves
Authors:Robert Kirkman
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The Walking Dead, Volume 15: We Find Ourselves by Robert Kirkman


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It was quite a slow volume, there wasn't too much going on for me asides from some internal drama. ( )
  EdwardL95 | Jan 7, 2020 |
Not sure how I feel about the "I can't do this anymore!"
Feels like the story is at it's end ... but it's really not!

Adrianne ( )
  Adrianne_p | Dec 24, 2018 |
One of the most interesting parts of The Walking Dead is how it deals with the psychological trauma of living in a post-apocalyptic world. While, yes, I would love to learn more about what caused The Plague, how it affects people, if the zombies are sentient in any sense of the word, etc... those questions largely take a backseat to the very human question of survival and the drama of trying to sustain a community in the most extreme of conditions. Yeah, it's a bit soap operay, but at least they have reason to be.

While all the human drama and the way people change is interesting, the series really shines with how it portrays the children. In my opinion, at least. Carl is a fascinating character, and the way he tries to change and adapt, and in many ways succeeds is what makes him so compelling to me. Living like this should change people, and kids more than adults in many ways. Adults have seen a better world, kids largely haven't. How do they deal with that? Contrast Carl with the kids in this community and... well, you got some good narrative.

Add to it Rick trying to be a better person, tension due to classism in the community. This is a great issue, and they only seem to be getting better. I'm thoroughly enjoying these comics. Also, poor Glenn. Man does he get the short end of the stick a lot of the time. ( )
  Lepophagus | Jun 14, 2018 |
Eh. Probably important for furthering the plot, but on its own, this volume was definitely lacking the punch of the last one. ( )
  imahorcrux | Jun 22, 2016 |
Carl lingers in a coma, Abraham and Rosita break-up, and a group of people decide that Rick is forming a dictatorship and make plans to kill him. ( )
  mstrust | Apr 21, 2016 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Robert Kirkmanprimary authorall editionscalculated
Adlard, CharlieIllustratormain authorall editionsconfirmed
Rathburn, CliffIllustratormain authorall editionsconfirmed
Ã…restedt, SaraTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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Comic and Graphic Books. Fiction. HTML:

The events of 'No Way Out' have affected everyone in the community, and not everyone has survived to pick up the pieces. Rick and the survivors must now try to pick themselves up and carry in the wake of disaster... and by doing so, they find hope. Collects THE WALKING DEAD #85-90


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