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Ik wou dat ik twee hondjes was : Nederlandse nonsens- en plezierdichters van de twintigste eeuw (1982)

by Vic van de Reijt (Editor)

Other authors: G.B. Alberts (Contributor), Joh. C.P. Alberts (Contributor), Theo van Baaren (Contributor), Frans Babylon (Contributor), Battus (Contributor)81 more, Hans Onno van den Berg (Contributor), Ad die Beste (Contributor), Corobalt Blomhert (Contributor), Jan Boerstoel (Contributor), Godfried Bomans (Contributor), Karel Bralleput (Contributor), Jopie Breemer (Contributor), C. Buddingh’ (Contributor), Charivarius (Contributor), Jan de Cler (Contributor), J.H. Daams (Contributor), Jules Deelder (Contributor), Hans Dorrestijn (Contributor), Drs. P (Contributor), E. Du Perron (Contributor), Jan G. Elburg (Contributor), H. Eldermans (Contributor), Willem Elsschot (Contributor), Trijntje Fop (Contributor), J. Goudsblom (Contributor), J. Greshoff (Contributor), Rudi ter Haar (Contributor), Jan Hanlo (Contributor), Jac. van Hattum (Contributor), Alex van der Heide (Contributor), Toon Hermans (Contributor), Han G. Hoekstra (Contributor), Jan van der Hoeven (Contributor), Theodor Holman (Contributor), Willem van Iependaal (Contributor), Jan Kal (Contributor), Rob Kat (Contributor), Hans J.F. Kemming (Contributor), Simon Knepper (Contributor), A. Koolhaas (Contributor), Alfred Kossmann (Contributor), Rudy Kousbroek (Contributor), Johnny Kraaykamp (Contributor), Tim Krabbé (Contributor), Jantje van Leye (Contributor), P. Lichtveld (Contributor), Rudie van Lier (Contributor), Lucebert (Contributor), A. Marja (Contributor), Frits Müller (Contributor), Richard Minne (Contributor), Frans Muller (Contributor), Pieter Nieuwint (Contributor), John O’Mill (Contributor), Paul van Ostaijen (Contributor), N.E.M. Pareau (Contributor), Michel van der Plas (Contributor), Karel van het Reve (Contributor), Griet Rijmrok (Contributor), A. Roland Holst (Contributor), J.C. van Schagen (Contributor), Carel C. Scheefhals (Contributor), Nico Scheepmaker (Contributor), J.M.W. Scheltema (Contributor), K. Schippers (Contributor), Koos Schuur (Contributor), Thomas Slackenmeel (Contributor), J. Slauerhoff (Contributor), Henk Spaan (Contributor), Eric van der Steen (Contributor), Hans van Straten (Contributor), Igor Streepjes (Contributor), Charles Timmer (Contributor), Marten Toonder (Contributor), Koos J. Versteeg (Contributor), S. Vestdijk (Contributor), Cornelis Veth (Contributor), Simon Vinkenoog (Contributor), Hendrik de Vries (Contributor), Leo Vroman (Contributor), Lévi Weemoedt (Contributor), Erich Wichman (Contributor), Ivo de Wijs (Contributor), Willem Wilmink (Contributor), Driek van Wissen (Contributor), Daan Zonderland (Contributor)

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"Ik wou dat ik twee hondjes was" bevat teksten van Nederlandse nonsens- en plezierdichters uit de 20e eeuw. In Engeland kent de nonsenspoëzie al een langere traditie met 19e eeuwse dichters als Edward Lear en Lewis Carroll. In Nederland kwam het genre vooral in de 50-er jaren tot bloei.
Dit boekje bevat bijdragen van dichters als drs. P met dodenrit, de veerpont en orgaan, Kees Stip (of Trijntje Fop) met zijn dierengedichten, John O'Mill (met een mengeling van Nederlands en Engels), Cees Buddingh met oa. de Blauwbilgorgel, Gerrit Komrij met Komrijs patentwekker, Hans Dorrestijn met de kerkhofganger (en het fameuze refrein: 't Kerkhof, 't kerkhof, 't kerkhof bij nacht.), Nico Scheepmaker met het totale voetbal (ook in het Duits), Marten Toonder met Barlemanje.
Het boekje is snel doorgelezen, maar er staan toch een paar aardige gedichten in. Ik citeer:

Een limerick van Alex van der Heide:
Een zekere Achmed in Bagdad
Lag plat met z'n gat op z'n badmat,
Zo las hij z'n dagblad
En iedereen zag dat,
't is raar, maar in Bagdad daar mag dat!

Jules Deelder: Beknopte topografie van de Rijnmond:

hoekie om
trappie af


K. Schippers:
Kunst is nooit een lolletje
met mr. K.L. Polletje

Karel Bralleput (pseudoniem van Simon Carmiggelt):
Als jeugdige zendeling ging hij naar de Besoeki's.
In 't oerwoud bracht hij predikend zijn leven om.
En toen hij eind'lijk stierf, van koorts en ouderdom,
droegen - godlof - alle Besoekie's broekies.

Alfred Kossmann: Een rijm:
God schiep als een voorbeeldig dier
de nijvre mier.
Zijn tweede schepping was nog beter:
de miereneter.

K. Schippersd: Repeteertekst:
Zie de laatste zin.
Zie de eerste zin.

John O'Mill: Op een praktizerend papevreter:
Hier rust een jonge kannibaal,
bepaald geen mensenhater,
gestorven na een karig maal
van ouwe missiepater.

Het is een leuk boekje om snel door te bladeren en tot je te nemen. ( )
  erikscheffers | Feb 20, 2014 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Reijt, Vic van deEditorprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Alberts, G.B.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Alberts, Joh. C.P.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Baaren, Theo vanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Babylon, FransContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
BattusContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Berg, Hans Onno van denContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Beste, Ad dieContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Blomhert, CorobaltContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Boerstoel, JanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Bomans, GodfriedContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Bralleput, KarelContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Breemer, JopieContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Buddingh’, C.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
CharivariusContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Cler, Jan deContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Daams, J.H.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Deelder, JulesContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Dorrestijn, HansContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Drs. PContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Du Perron, E.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Elburg, Jan G.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Eldermans, H.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Elsschot, WillemContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Fop, TrijntjeContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Goudsblom, J.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Greshoff, J.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Haar, Rudi terContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Hanlo, JanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Hattum, Jac. vanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Heide, Alex van derContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Hermans, ToonContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Hoekstra, Han G.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Hoeven, Jan van derContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Holman, TheodorContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Iependaal, Willem vanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Kal, JanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Kat, RobContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Kemming, Hans J.F.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Knepper, SimonContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Koolhaas, A.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Kossmann, AlfredContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Kousbroek, RudyContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Kraaykamp, JohnnyContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Krabbé, TimContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Leye, Jantje vanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Lichtveld, P.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Lier, Rudie vanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
LucebertContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Marja, A.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Müller, FritsContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Minne, RichardContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Muller, FransContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Nieuwint, PieterContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
O’Mill, JohnContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Ostaijen, Paul vanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Pareau, N.E.M.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Plas, Michel van derContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Reve, Karel van hetContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Rijmrok, GrietContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Roland Holst, A.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Schagen, J.C. vanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Scheefhals, Carel C.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Scheepmaker, NicoContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Scheltema, J.M.W.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Schippers, K.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Schuur, KoosContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Slackenmeel, ThomasContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Slauerhoff, J.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Spaan, HenkContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Steen, Eric van derContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Straten, Hans vanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Streepjes, IgorContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Timmer, CharlesContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Toonder, MartenContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Versteeg, Koos J.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Vestdijk, S.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Veth, CornelisContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Vinkenoog, SimonContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Vries, Hendrik deContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Vroman, LeoContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Weemoedt, LéviContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Wichman, ErichContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Wijs, Ivo deContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Wilmink, WillemContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Wissen, Driek vanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Zonderland, DaanContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Gubbels, HedyCover artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Vermeulen, RickCover designersecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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Ik zit mij voor het vensterglas
onnoemelijk te vervelen.
Ik wou dat ik twee hondjes was,
dan kon ik samen spelen.
Godfried Bomans
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