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How Do Dinosaurs Say I'm Mad?

by Jane Yolen, Mark Teague (Illustrator)

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1,3991514,242 (3.98)2
Illustrations and rhyming text explore some of the things that dinosaurs might do when they are angry--and how they should control their tempers.

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Illustrations and rhyming text explore some of the things that dinosaurs might do when they are angry--and how they should control their tempers. -- Rutherford Public Library
R-O-A-R! What happens when little dinosaurs get mad? And how do they calm down?Brimming with humor, this sparkling new book handles a timeless children's topic with wit and wisdom. Romp and stomp! Roar and slam! Almost everyone gets angry. But how can young dinosaurs also learn to calm down, take a time out, and behave?The award-winning team of Yolen and Teague have created a fun, engaging book sure to help children handle anger and frustration. Readers will laugh at the antics of an Afrovenator's tantrum and a storming Pachyrhinosaurus.Anger can be difficult to talk about with your child, but even when little dinosaurs are furious, it's important to help them handle their feelings and remind them they are always loved. -- Annapolis Valley Regional Library
  EKiddieKollege | Jul 31, 2020 |
This is another book in a series by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague. In this book, children will find out what dinosaurs COULD do when they are angry, but will find out what they actually do and should do when they are angry. With big words and easy-to-read pictures, this humorous picture book will grab young readers attention as well as bring up some important life skills and life lessons to be discussed.
  abbye183 | Feb 10, 2019 |
Summary: this picture book is about dinosaurs who react in an over exaggerated way when they are upset.

Classroom use: I would use this book in my classroom to engage students in a discussion about appropriate ways to express their emotions. ( )
  ayatsexton | Mar 17, 2018 |
This book could be used to introduce setting in the first grade classroom (R.L.1.3) because the the book has a consistent setting, in their house, and all of the things that the dinosaur does relates to something in the home. This book could also be used to teach about how rhyming supplies rhythm and a beat to a story for a second grade class (R.L.2.4) because the rhyming helps the story flow from page to page and it is consistent and continuous throughout, being a great example for the kids. It would be a read aloud for both so that the teacher could model the rhythm. It would also be good for the kids to see how it is proper to deal with their emotions.
  rstrohmeier | Feb 19, 2017 |
a fun book that discusses all things that dinosaurs shouldn't do and then all the things that dinosaurs do. (do dinosaurs scream and yell? no... they take a breath)
1 book
  TUCC | Dec 2, 2016 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Yolen, Janeprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Teague, MarkIllustratormain authorall editionsconfirmed

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Illustrations and rhyming text explore some of the things that dinosaurs might do when they are angry--and how they should control their tempers.

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