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Crazy Cock (1991)

by Henry Miller

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In 1930 Henry Miller moved from New York to Paris, leaving behind - at least temporarily - his tempestuous marriage to June Smith and a novel that had sprung from his anguish over her love affair with a mysterious woman named Jean Kronski. Begun in 1927, Crazy Cock is the story of Tony Bring, a struggling writer whose bourgeois inclinations collide with the disordered bohemianism of his much-beloved wife, Hildred, particularly when her lover, Vanya, comes to live with them in their already cramped Greenwich Village apartment. In a world swirling with violence, sex, and passion, the three struggle with their desires, inching ever nearer to insanity, each unable to break away from this dangerous and consuming love triangle.… (more)

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Tony Bring (Henry Miller) decide dedicarse a la creación literaria, mantenido por su mujer Hildred (June Mansfield). Esta conocerá a Vanya (Jean Kronski), con la que mantendrá una amistad apasionada y deshinibida. Tony se sentirá anulado por estas dos lesbianas: afectivamente se le considerará innecesario y económicamente, una carga. Miller narra este período de confusión humana y literaria sumergido en la bohemia del Village, siempre escapando de la rutina y gozando del vértigo, entre peleas, whisky, cocaína y lecturas.
Libro en que se basó la película Henry and June
  ArchivoPietro | Oct 26, 2020 |
I'm a huge Henry Miller fan. I've read [b:Tropic of Cancer|249|Tropic of Cancer|Henry Miller|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1408753140s/249.jpg|543143], [b:Tropic of Capricorn|250|Tropic of Capricorn|Henry Miller|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1417652073s/250.jpg|1190908], [b:Black Spring|51089|Black Spring|Henry Miller|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1386921505s/51089.jpg|1190917], and [b:Sexus|252|Sexus (The Rosy Crucifixion, #1)|Henry Miller|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1281419601s/252.jpg|859253].
A little background for those who don't know. This is Miller's third novel and wasn't published in his lifetime. It was believed to be lost and wasn't found until many years after Miller wrote it. I don't think he would've wanted it published, considering it a failure.
I would only recommended this novel to die-hard Miller fans, like myself. For a better introduction to his work, I would recommended all of the Paris books (Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, & Black Spring). ( )
  ZelmerWilson | Oct 31, 2019 |
This was pretty good when it came to the story line, but Miller seemed to go off on these tyraids that can only be explained by his broken heart. People seem to forget that being gay is not a new concept, and so this book reaffirms that point. This was my first book by Miller and so I seem to have had high hopes, but was let down by the lack of substance. You can get the feeling of his life out of control, but true substance seemed to be someting even he was unable to face. ( )
1 vote angela.vaughn | Mar 14, 2010 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Henry Millerprimary authorall editionscalculated
Gunsteren, Dirk vanÜbersetzersecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed

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In 1930 Henry Miller moved from New York to Paris, leaving behind - at least temporarily - his tempestuous marriage to June Smith and a novel that had sprung from his anguish over her love affair with a mysterious woman named Jean Kronski. Begun in 1927, Crazy Cock is the story of Tony Bring, a struggling writer whose bourgeois inclinations collide with the disordered bohemianism of his much-beloved wife, Hildred, particularly when her lover, Vanya, comes to live with them in their already cramped Greenwich Village apartment. In a world swirling with violence, sex, and passion, the three struggle with their desires, inching ever nearer to insanity, each unable to break away from this dangerous and consuming love triangle.

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Rediscovered in 1988 by Miller biographer Mary V. Dearborn, "Crazy Cock" is the tale of Tony Bring, as Miller calls himself in the book, a writer bewildered by his independent wife, Hildred, and the sordid world of Greenwich Village in the 1920s.
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