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House of M: World of M Featuring Wolverine

by Daniel Way, Javier Saltares (Illustrator), Mark Texeira (Illustrator)

Other authors: Brian Michael Bendis (Author), Ed Brubaker (Author), Trevor Hairsine (Illustrator), Reginald Hudlin (Author), Richard Isanove (Cover artist)4 more, Michael Lark (Illustrator), Danny Miki (Cover artist), Joe Quesada (Cover artist), Lee Weeks (Illustrator)

Series: Black Panther Vol 4 (2005–2008) (7), The Pulse (10), Wolverine (2003) Collections (6), Black Panther (complete) (Black Panther [2005] #7), House of M, Wolverine Vol 3 (2003–2009) (33-35), Captain America Vol 5 (2005–2009) (#10), Wolverine (2003, 33-35)

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Collects Wolverine #33-35, Black Panther #7, Captain America #10 & Pulse #10. Explore the people and places of the World of M! Includes stories of how Wolverine, Black Panther, Captain America and more have been transformed by the House of M.

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The Wolverine story is quite good. The premise is good, the execution is good, the ending is good. I'm unsure if it adds anything much to when Mystique shows up in the main story (this being the background for how and why she does), but it definitely is worth reading in its own right. The Black Panther story is alright, with some decent moments, but it feels a bit facile, a bit overly easy and shallow. Magneto rules the whole world and yet his efforts at toppling T'Challa seem so lacklustre, weak half-measures that even the terrorist version in the regular comics could have pulled off. It is also the only story here that feels like a random "here's a story set in the House of M world" type story (like the Iron Man and Doctor Doom stories in another one of these volumes), rather than an actual tie-in that relates to and takes place in part during the main "House of M" arc. Which isn't a problem in itself, but as the other three do a pretty good job at this, the weaker of the four also having to stand on its own is probably not very good for my enjoyment of it.
The Pulse story is good, and actually adds something to the main story if read as a tie-in (as one might expect, it being written by Bendis himself). Finally, the Captain America story feels a little empty. Though perhaps that's the point. The end page certainly feels very powerful, though I'm unsure if it's undermined by or actually made more sad by knowing what happens directly after in the main story. ( )
  Lucky-Loki | Sep 17, 2021 |
I'm a big Cap fan but the House of M tie in was a bit meh for Cap. The Wolverine story was much better as a tie in. ( )
  Chris_El | Mar 19, 2015 |
This was pretty much the "leftover" book; the one-shot stories that didn't really have any other place to be in the House of M were collected here in this trade. There's three issues of a Wolverine story, one issue of a Black Panther/Storm story, one issue of a Captain America story, and one issue of a Hawkeye story. The Captain America one was probably the best in my opinion. It's definitely not a stand-alone book. You need to know what's going on with the House of M before reading this one. ( )
1 vote schatzi | Sep 19, 2009 |
Wolverine #33-35
Black Panther #7
The Pulse #10
Captain America #10 ( )
  angellreads | Apr 12, 2009 |
The actual main Wolverine story was pretty incoherent, and with the whole plot being an elaborate misfooting and no actually Nick Fury at all, it just reminded you how none of this stuff actually happened or mattered in Marvel continuity - thus encapsulating the whole problem with "House of M": a million great ideas and character moments that never came together into anything because the exigencies of the megacrossover meant that they were just treated too perfunctorily for you to care. It's an unusual reason for failure - they didn't FAIL to sell it as real and alive and fraught with human drama, they succeeded and then went "but who cares?" Created something interesting and then totally didn't respect it. The other stories in this book are the same, really. ( )
2 vote MeditationesMartini | Jan 4, 2008 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Way, DanielAuthorprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Saltares, JavierIllustratormain authorall editionsconfirmed
Texeira, MarkIllustratormain authorall editionsconfirmed
Bendis, Brian MichaelAuthorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Brubaker, EdAuthorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Hairsine, TrevorIllustratorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Hudlin, ReginaldAuthorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Isanove, RichardCover artistsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Lark, MichaelIllustratorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Miki, DannyCover artistsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Quesada, JoeCover artistsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Weeks, LeeIllustratorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
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Collects Wolverine #33-35, Black Panther #7, Captain America #10 & Pulse #10. Explore the people and places of the World of M! Includes stories of how Wolverine, Black Panther, Captain America and more have been transformed by the House of M.

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