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The Sympathizer (2015)

by Viet Thanh Nguyen

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Series: Sympathizer (1)

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4,2591552,949 (3.91)260
Follows a Viet Cong agent as he spies on a South Vietnamese army general and his compatriots as they start a new life in 1975 Los Angeles.
Recently added byprivate library, mjmacdon, FreshReadsGateway, agb317, zoz1996, redruntide, BookDragon28
  1. 40
    The Orphan Master's Son by Adam Johnson (novelcommentary)
    novelcommentary: Similar insights and brilliant writing
  2. 10
    The Meursault Investigation by Kamel Daoud (thorold)
    thorold: Literary accounts of wars of decolonisation as seen from the side of the colonised.

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Loved this! A twisty-turny spy thriller about a Vietnamese double agent that also explores the American immigration experience. Also, reading the gruesomely graphic torture scene at the end of the book whilst sitting in a peaceful public park admiring the sunset on a mild spring evening is one of my favourite incongruous reading memories! ( )
  alicatrasi | Nov 28, 2024 |
I really, really did not enjoy this book. Frankly, I think I only finished it as some kind of act of defiance. It’s a mildly interesting story, populated mostly by characters that I couldn’t care less about, written in a plodding style that makes every minute of reading feel like ten. To make matters worse, it’s stuffed full of long pseudo-politico-philosophical passages, where the only question I could grapple with was the meta-question of whether this was supposed to be a serious exploration, or some kind of postmodern, ironically self-aware, tongue-in-cheek critique of political philosophy itself. I suspect it was actually supposed to be something at a meta-level one or two steps further removed from even those layers. And let me be perfectly clear: I could not possibly care one iota less. Like the protagonist himself, there were long periods of time where all I wanted was a pistol to put me out of my misery. But I finished it, if only so I could say with some credibility: You should not do the same. ( )
  spoko | Oct 24, 2024 |
  LilyCowper | Oct 13, 2024 |
Great book---narrator will make you laugh, fast paced. Recommend you read while drinking 🍷 ( )
  morgana91 | Aug 6, 2024 |
This novel is about a Vietnamese spy, spying for the Viet Kong. When Saigon falls he is evacuated to Los Angeles and begins a new life…sort of. Eventually he is confronted with extreme difficulties that cause him to question everything and evaluate his life. I did not care for the guy: he’s fairly boring yet full of himself. The novel meanders until the last hundred pages when things get super intense and weirdly fever dreamlike. I was hoping for a cool spy novel reveal but was disappointed. I think this book is overhyped just because it’s unique. ( )
  technodiabla | May 31, 2024 |
Showing 1-5 of 149 (next | show all)
...The Sympathizer is an excellent literary novel, and one that ends, with unsettling present-day resonance, in a refugee boat where opposing ideas about intentions, actions and their consequences take stark and resilient human form.
added by thorold | editThe Guardian, Randy Boyagoda (Mar 12, 2016)
The more powerful a country is, the more disposed its people will be to see it as the lead actor in the sometimes farcical, often tragic pageant of history. So it is that we, citizens of a superpower, have viewed the Vietnam War as a solely American drama in which the febrile land of tigers and elephants was mere backdrop and the Vietnamese mere extras.
Très beau roman qui raconte le parcours d’un agent secret Viêt-Cong infiltré côté américain pendant la guerre du Vietnam. L’action débute au moment de l’évacuation des troupes américaines et des Vietnamiens collaborateurs.
added by Marc-Narcisse | editLe sympathisant

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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Viet Thanh Nguyenprimary authorall editionscalculated
Baude, ClémentTraductionsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed



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Let us not become gloomy as soon as we hear the word "torture": in this particular case there is plenty to offset and mitigate that word--even something to laugh at.

-Friedrich Nietzsche, On the genealogy of morals
For Lan and Ellison
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I am a spy, a sleeper, a spook, a man of two faces.
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Follows a Viet Cong agent as he spies on a South Vietnamese army general and his compatriots as they start a new life in 1975 Los Angeles.

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