For my husband and sons who are my world. For all my friends who are there through thick and thin: Lo, Janet, Brynna, Tasha, "Nick," Dara, Ret, Cathy, Donna, Chris, Rebecca, and Kim.
To the DH fans all over the globe who make the world of the website and loops thrive and who give me endless hours of smiles -- I wish I had space to list all of you by name, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you. For my RBL sister who are always there and for my readers who make it all worth while. I can never, never thank you enough.
To Kim and Nancy for all the hard work you do and for still allowing me to take the DH to the outer limits of my imagination and beyond. And I haven't forgotten either of you, Alethea and Nicole!
Words can never truly express just how much I adore all of you and how much you mean to me.
May God bless and keep you all. Hugs!