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The Vision, Vol. 2: Little Better Than a Beast (2016)

by Tom King, Michael Walsh (Illustrator), Gabriel Hernandez Walta (Illustrator)

Other authors: Jordie Bellaire (Colorist)

Series: The Vision (2015 - 2016) (7-12)

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26413106,610 (4.34)10
The epic conclusion of the story that everyone is talking about! Once upon a time, a robot and a witch fell in love. But the story of Scarlet Witch and Vision was just the start. Vision has built a new life for himself - a new family. Yet while every family has its share of skeletons in the closet, for the Visions those skeletons are real. And now the family's facade is crumbling. The Avengers know the truth. That Vision's wife has killed. That the synthezoid lied to protect her. And that lie will follow lie, death will pile upon death. The Avengers know they need to act. Tragedy is coming, and it will send the Android Avenger into a devastating confrontation with Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Nobody is safe.… (more)

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I enjoyed this one a lot more than volume 1. Maybe it was because Vision and his family were more "human" than the first comic. Plus backstory that was needed in book 1 with Wanda!!! Put together I enjoyed the story throughout and definitely a sad ending. ( )
  booklover3258 | Feb 8, 2022 |
Continuing from the first volume, we find our characters seemingly back to normal (or as close as they can get to it). However, there are suspicions about Vision being responsible not only for the Grim Reaper's disappearance but also the death of a child who had an altercation with his son, Vin. Tensions mount and the Avengers quietly begin an investigation which quickly goes south when their mole is discovered. [If you want violence you've come to the right place.]

My one gripe with this book was the ending which struck me as hastily wrapped up and somewhat confusing...although that could just be me not interpreting the illustrations correctly. (If you've read this can you please explain the final panels to me please?) ( )
  AliceaP | Apr 8, 2021 |
I think Tom King's tics are a little too on display here (narrator reveals and repetition galore) but for the most part this is a strong ending - the ticking time bomb of part one finally goes off, and in a great way. ( )
  skolastic | Feb 2, 2021 |
the first volume of the Vision was really bloody good. this second volume is absolutely incredible, completely blew me away.
I find that it takes a lot more from a trade paperback comic collection for me to get really emotionally involved and for me to feel all the feels. this one slipped right under my skin and completely thrilled my with the depth of feeling it stirred up.
Probably hyperbole as it's difficult to remember everything I've read, but I'd say it's the best trade paperback I've ever read. Slowly builds up to an uncomfortably harrowing finale and a beautifully touching epilogue.
6 stars from me. ( )
  mjhunt | Jan 22, 2021 |
Great finish to an awesome series. In each single issue we are given some new bit of info or flashback that gets you thinking and pushes towards the conclusion. Most comics you will read once and probably won't read again. This one will have you reading it a 2nd and maybe a third time as it's thought provoking.

The art is fantastic along with the story Tom King wrote. I haven't read much Vision stories and read this because it had high praises. I wasn't disappointed and will be on the look out for some more on Vision.

I haven't read much on Vision and Wanda's romance and relationship, since romance isn't my thing, but I do want to know more of their story.

Overall this is a great run and had a satisfying conclusion. ( )
  payday1999 | Dec 8, 2020 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Tom Kingprimary authorall editionscalculated
Walsh, MichaelIllustratormain authorall editionsconfirmed
Walta, Gabriel HernandezIllustratormain authorall editionsconfirmed
Bellaire, JordieColoristsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
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The epic conclusion of the story that everyone is talking about! Once upon a time, a robot and a witch fell in love. But the story of Scarlet Witch and Vision was just the start. Vision has built a new life for himself - a new family. Yet while every family has its share of skeletons in the closet, for the Visions those skeletons are real. And now the family's facade is crumbling. The Avengers know the truth. That Vision's wife has killed. That the synthezoid lied to protect her. And that lie will follow lie, death will pile upon death. The Avengers know they need to act. Tragedy is coming, and it will send the Android Avenger into a devastating confrontation with Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Nobody is safe.

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3.5 4
4 33
4.5 7
5 43

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