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The Downing Street Years (1994)

by Margaret Thatcher

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1,211617,240 (3.6)17
This first volume of Margaret Thatcher's memoirs encompasses the whole of her time as Prime Minister - the formation of her goals in the early 1980s, the Falklands, the General Election victories of 1983 and 1987 and, eventually, the circumstances of her fall from political power. She also gives frank accounts of her dealings with foreign statesmen and her own ministers.… (more)

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A riveting first hand account from the leader of Great Britain from 1979 to 1991. Some tedious bits about economic policy but generally interesting stuff. ( )
  charlie68 | Dec 9, 2023 |
2576 The Downing Street Years, by Margaret Thatcher (read 5 Feb 1994) This is a fascinating book, brimming with energy. Thatcher is a an extremely able, hard-working, and committed woman and her time as prime minister (May 1979 to November 1990) was good for Britain and the world. There were times in this book--as in Harold Wilson's book, which I so enjoyed and found memorable when I read it in May 1987,-- that the obscurities of internal English affairs were daunting. Long stretches on health, education, and housing politics, filled with obscure Briticisms, were hard to follow. But the foreign affairs and parliamentary intricacies were a breeze. I liked the book much, and was much moved by her quote from her final speech in Commons. This is a great book by a great leader whom I agree with on many things. ( )
2 vote Schmerguls | Apr 12, 2008 |
Know your enemy. ( )
1 vote Mockers | Aug 15, 2006 |
I was kind of disappointed, because it seemed to me like a laundry list of "and then I did this, and then I did that, and then I met this head of state, and then this bloody fool stabbed me in the back, and the liberals said this stupid thing." I am by no means a fan of her politics, but I used to love to watch the PM's Question Time on C-SPAN because she was a marvelous debater. Maybe the volume that covers her early years would be more interesting to me. ( )
1 vote lunza | Mar 3, 2006 |
With Warm Regards, Margaret Thatcher
  efeulner | May 2, 2014 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Margaret Thatcherprimary authorall editionscalculated
Blot, PatriciaTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Claron ChristopheTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Denès, HervéTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Gnaedig, AlainTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Kościukiewicz, AnnaTł.secondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Michalska, KatarzynaTł.secondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Mortimer, PhilippeTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Pacuła, JoannaTł.secondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Quadruppani, SergeTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Tophinke, HeinzÜbersetzersecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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We knew we had won by the early hours of Friday May 4, but it was not until the afternoon that we gained the clear majority of seats we needed--44 as it eventually turned out.
...in a market economy government does not--and cannot--know where jobs will come from: if it did know, all those interventionist policies for 'picking winners' and 'backing success' would not have picked losers and compounded failure.
We were seeking to secure greater financial stability, within which business and individuals could operate with confidence. We knew that we could do this only by controlling those things which government could control--namely the money supply and public borrowing. Most post-war economic planning, by contrast, sought to control such things as output and employment, which ultimately government could not control, through batteries of regulations on investment, pay and prices, that distorted the operation of the economy and threatened personal liberty.
...what we were fighting for...was not only the territory and the people of the Falklands, important though they were. We were defending our honour as a nation, and principles of fundamental importance to the whole world--above all, that aggressors should never succeed and that international law should prevail over the use of force.
...the generalized approval of the silent majority is no match for the chorus of disapproval from the organized minority.
...even governments acting on the best of motives are wise to respect legal forms. Above all, democracies have to show their superiority to totalitarian governments which know no law.
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This first volume of Margaret Thatcher's memoirs encompasses the whole of her time as Prime Minister - the formation of her goals in the early 1980s, the Falklands, the General Election victories of 1983 and 1987 and, eventually, the circumstances of her fall from political power. She also gives frank accounts of her dealings with foreign statesmen and her own ministers.

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