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Celestia (2019)

by Manuele Fior

Series: Celestia (1-2)

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505536,727 (3.32)1
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Showing 4 of 4
  raschneid | Dec 19, 2023 |
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
European stuff and nonsense. In a post-apocalypse world, a couple of telepaths are on the run/pursuing a vague quest that takes them from their island refuge to the mainland and back. Nothing much of importance occurs, but there is some fan service -- topless women and up-skirt shots for pantyhose fetishists -- if that's what you're wanting. ( )
  villemezbrown | Feb 5, 2022 |
Pierrot and Dora are telepaths who live on the nearly empty island of Celestia, a stone fortress where some people took refuge when a great sea invasion came to the mainland. Pierrot's father has gathered some other telepaths into a group; he says that their thoughts are their own but telepathy belongs to the group; Pierrot resists. He and Dora leave Celestia briefly, meeting others and exploring the hospital where Pierrot's mother used to work; he has visions of a bridge blowing up, his mother being killed. People help Pierrot and Dora return to Celestia. Though there is some resolution, Pierrot is clearly suffering from childhood trauma, and Dora seems traumatized as well.

Much of the story is told in the images in the panels, though there is text (some dialogue and some captions). I'm not sure I gleaned all the meaning there was on the page; it is a strange, dreamy story, cinematic; there is a lot of nudity. ( )
  JennyArch | Sep 12, 2021 |
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