In Memoriam, Armand L. Mauss (1928–2020) / Steven C. Harper
Editor's Introduction / Susan E. Howe
Editor's Introduction / Katherine Kitterman
Working for a More Divine Model / Bethany Brady Spalding, McArthur Krishna
First to Vote: Utah’s Unique Place in the Suffrage Movement / Katherine Kitterman
A Harmony of Voices: Negotiating Latter-day Saint Unity on Women’s Suffrage / Rebekah Ryan Clark
The “New Woman” and the Woman’s Exponent: An Editorial Perspective / Carol Cornwall Madsen
Belva Lockwood: The “Nerviest Woman in the United States,” Who Became the Latter-day Saints’ Irrepressible Advocate and Friend / Melinda Evans
Making the Acquaintance of Eliza R. Snow: An Interview with Her Biographer, Jill Mulvay Derr / Jill Mulvay Derr, Cherry Bushman Silver
A Treasure Trove of Research Resources about Historical Latter-day Saint Women / Connie Lamb
Hope in a Time of Fracture: Turning the Tide / Anne Snyder
Emmeline Wells and the Suffrage Movement / Cherry B. Silver, Sheree M. Bench
Why Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History / Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
Courtship / Claudia L. Bushman
My Life in Art / Richard Lyman Bushman
Psalter for the Eternal Mother / Tyler Chadwick
Learning to Touch / Marilyn Bushman-Carlton
Our Lady of the Unicorn Blanket-Cape / Tyler Chadwick
An Apostolic Journey: Stephen L Richards and the Expansion of Missionary Work in South America by Richard E. Turley Jr. and Clinton D. Christensen / reviewed by Elisa Eastwood Pulido