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Loading... Sand and Foam (original 1926; edition 1980)by Kahlil Gibran (Author)
Work InformationSand and Foam by Kahlil Gibran (1926)
Sign up for LibraryThing to find out whether you'll like this book. No current Talk conversations about this book. ما زلت مستمراً فى قراءة هذا الكتاب إلا أنني آثرت أن أكتب مراجعتي له - و كثيرا ما سأفعل لاحقا لكتب أخرى - أثناء القراءة لأكتب إنطباعاتي اللحظية مع الكتب الممتعة. هذه أول قراءة لى لجبران ، و أظنها لن تكون الأخيرة - رغم ما رأيت من شطط فى بعض خواطره نابعة لموقفه من الدين عموما - ؛ لحكمة كثير مما كُتب ! خليط الأفكار و الخواطر المحكمة .. رملٌ و زَبَد اجتمعا معا دون تدبير الترجمة رائعة جدا و أراها لا تخل بالمعنى ، بل العربية تزيده رونقاً ! === مقتطفات من الكتاب : كثيراً ما نستعير من الغد لنردّ ديون الأمس ! لمما يُزهى به القتيل أنه ليس القاتل ! أمرُّ ما فى أحزان اليوم ذكرى سعادة الأمس ! Gibran's ability to encapsulate a profound concept in two or three lines is incredible. There's so much to think about on every page of this small book that it will require multiple readings to really appreciate what he's saying. That's not to say that he's obscure, because he's certainly not, he's mostly cuttingly precise and clear. It's that his message is, like most great teachers, a challenging one that for most of us (certainly me) would take a massive change of character and life-style to realise. Sadly, I'm far to lazy to make the changes, but maybe some of it will stick and I will be a little bit the better for it. I bought another two of his books at the same time as this one and will read them soon: I want to learn more. no reviews | add a review
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A collection of inspirational aphorisms, parables, and poems by the acclaimed author of The Prophet. Published in 1926, Sand and Foam showcases Kahlil Gibran's ability to capture complex ideas in just a line or two. As he touches on themes like faith, humanity, youth, knowledge, greed, and apathy, his words are sure to motivate and inspire readers in search of guidance in their daily lives. Gibran was a Lebanese American writer, poet, visual artist, and philosopher. His work The Prophet has been translated into over one hundred languages and has not been out of print since it was originally published in 1923. Fans of Gibran's work include David Bowie, Johnny Cash, John Lennon, and Elvis Presley. No library descriptions found. |
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Google Books — Loading... GenresMelvil Decimal System (DDC)811.52Literature American literature in English American poetry in English 20th Century 1900-1945LC ClassificationRatingAverage:
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Aphorisms might be a bit much to say for this, more or less like platitudes and comments wrapped in poetic speech/writing, to seem more clever than they are.
Some good one-liners, but afterwards, mostly completely forgettable.
50 cent buy from the Hummelstown Library book sale. ( )