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Lioness Rampant (Song of the Lioness) by…

Lioness Rampant (Song of the Lioness) (original 1988; edition 1998)

by Tamora Pierce

Series: Song of the Lioness Quartet (4), Tortall Universe (07 (Song of the Lioness 04))

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5,215512,209 (4.13)131
Alanna continues to create her own life as a female warrior when she and new companions journey to the Roof of the World seeking the powerful Dominion Jewel, perhaps the last hope of saving her country from dissension and hostile magic.
Title:Lioness Rampant (Song of the Lioness)
Authors:Tamora Pierce
Info:Scholastic (1998), Paperback, 320 pages
Collections:Your library
Tags:own, fiction

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Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce (1988)


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A 1988 novel, book 4 of 4 in The Song of the Lioness, and book 4 in the Tortall series.

A king's court wonders if the evil sorcerer living with them might be a problem.

C (Indifferent).

This is disappointing in a number of ways, but the biggest problem is just... the entire story. I was frustrated when they spent book 3 milling around being unconcerned about the set-up of a book 4 villain. But to spend book 4 milling around being unconcerned? That's not the whole book. There's also a quest in the first half. [spoiler:] It doesn't end up having any bearing on anything.

(Aug. 2023) ( )
  comfypants | Aug 3, 2023 |
I just finished rereading the whole Song of the Lioness. Miscellaneous thoughts:

* This is the best story Tamora Pierce has written, by far. If you've read other Tamora Pierce books and didn't like them, I still recommend this one to you.

* While it's sold as four separate books, and each book does manage to stand on its own, they're best read together as a single long story and all at once.

* Simple, straightforward style of writing.

* I just love it, ok? It's not always perfect but I even love the imperfections. ( )
  caedocyon | May 9, 2023 |
In the face of war, Alanna experiences glory, loss, betrayal, and absolution. In the war’s wake, Alanna embraces her identity and thrives.

Tamora Pierce wrote Alanna as a fierce female protagonist who asserts herself as an equal to men. This young adult fantasy filled with friends, family, secrets, learning, and conflict. Due to some large time jumps, there are some major events mentioned without elaboration. Listing to Trini is like music, crescendos, decrescendos, rhythm changes, and staccato! She does it all which is captivating. ( )
  RandyMorgan | Jan 15, 2023 |

The first two books could well be read without the continuation - they end neatly while leaving the future open.

The last two books in the quartet got me almost late with assignments and not quite in trouble with my professors. Well, not books, but rather my unwillingness to put them down.
All is well, now.

A wonderfully complex tale, it makes me reluctant to read any other Tortall stories. At least not yet. I'm fearful to see the world so painstakingly built crumble.

I love the desert-people Bazhir (one of whom I would very well try to become had I been born to their world - veils not withstanding), and K'miri, and Shang, and the Rogue.
The world is a rich tapestry, colourful and complex.

A recommended read.

...And I can't help but wonder if the need for Thayet grew unnoticed until there was a clear view of the great changes in the Lioness who would not sit on a throne for she is a free spirit (not quite, but I think you'll know what I mean).

...And I'm glad for George. I'd like to have that kind of man as my own. ( )
  QuirkyCat_13 | Jun 20, 2022 |
I love, love, love this one and the three before it. ( )
  Nannus | Jan 17, 2022 |
Showing 1-5 of 52 (next | show all)
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Tamora Pierceprimary authorall editionscalculated
Alvarado, TriniNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Chochola, FrantisekIllustratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Heyer, MarileeCover artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Neckenauer, UllaTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Patti, JoyceCover artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed

Belongs to Series

Tortall Universe (07 (Song of the Lioness 04))
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To my husband, Tim, who is teaching me that "the M word" can be a good word. And to my editor, Jean Karl, who changed her initial "no" to "yes."
First words
On a March afternoon a knight and a man-at-arms reached the gates of the Marenite city of Berat.
All her life she'd planned to be a knight-errant, roving the world to do great deeds. But now she was learning that such a life included periods of boredom, riding through countryside that seldom changed. Not every village had a cruel overlord; few crossroads were held by evil knights.

-- chapter 1, p.16
"Now that I think of it, I don't know how the famous heroes of the past were able to take things from the entities that guarded them -- not if they were as noble as the stories claim. When you look at it right, it is stealing."

-- Alanna, chapter 4, p.130
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Alanna continues to create her own life as a female warrior when she and new companions journey to the Roof of the World seeking the powerful Dominion Jewel, perhaps the last hope of saving her country from dissension and hostile magic.

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