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The Witching Hour (Lives of the Mayfair…

The Witching Hour (Lives of the Mayfair Witches) (edition 1993)

by Anne Rice

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9,864120825 (3.96)144
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. HTML:"[A] huge and sprawling tale of horror." —The New York Times Book Review
Demonstrating once again her gift for spellbinding storytelling, Anne Rice makes real for us a great dynasty of four centuries of witches—a family given to poetry and incest, murder and philosophy, a family that over the ages is itself haunted by a powerful, dangerous, and seductive being called Lasher who haunts the Mayfair women.
Moving in time from today's New Orleans and San Francisco to long-ago Amsterdam and the France of Louis XIV, from the coffee plantations of Port-au-Prince to Civil War New Orleans and back to today, Anne Rice has spun a mesmerizing tale that challenges everything we believe in.
… (more)
Title:The Witching Hour (Lives of the Mayfair Witches)
Authors:Anne Rice
Info:Ballantine Books (1993), Mass Market Paperback, 1056 pages
Collections:Your library

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The Witching Hour by Anne Rice

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» See also 144 mentions

English (118)  Spanish (1)  Italian (1)  All languages (120)
Showing 1-5 of 118 (next | show all)
This book drags horribly. There is way too much history in the book. There are letters in a file that are read during the book. They take up at least 60% of the book. Those are the parts that drag. The rest of the book is actually pretty interesting. The ending was sad but I kind of expected it. Will I read the rest of the series? Probably not. This book took way too long to read because I was bored during most of it. The interesting parts were way too short. ( )
  dkflynn33 | Oct 11, 2024 |
I absolutely loved almost everything about this, except for the ending. Of course, the ending is not really an ending, this is only the first part of a trilogy after all, but I found it deeply unsatisfying anyway, and it is keeping me a bit from continuing in number two. That, and number two not starting out very well with a disgusting young brad seducing the honorable male lead.
The parts that I loved were exquisite world-building (sounds funny, given that this takes place in an existing world, so maybe the building part is not really accurate, but in any case, the descriptions are done really well), very nice characters and a highly immersive storyline. I can imagine a lot of people would have problems with the copious amounts of incest and other types of sex, but for some reason, this didn't really bother me. There was one thing that bugged me: the main character at some point refers to rough sex as rape, even though it was completely consensual. She doesn't say this to anyone else, it was either in her own thoughts, or mentioned to him during the sex, but even so, I thought this was ridiculous. By definition, I'd say you cannot ask someone to rape you. ( )
  zjakkelien | Jan 2, 2024 |
So I finally finished this book... I needed breaks every hundred pages or so, not my favorite Anne Rice but I didn't hate it.

And just for the record- Lasher has nothing over Lestat, I mean come on the guy can fly, I think that trumps flowers any day... ( )
  jskeltz | Nov 23, 2023 |
Great until the ending :) ( )
  ankhamun | Nov 2, 2023 |
Wat ik geweldig vind is de opbouw van de hele stamboom van de mayfairs en ook de voelbare warmte van de familie, gecombineerd met wat ijzige types. Wat ik èn geweldig èn frustrerend tegelijk vind, is het einde. Nu heb ik nog niet het gevoel of ik echt weet wat er gebeurd is en of dat echt erg is of niet.

Ik werd ongeduldig op bepaalde stukken. Vooral op de stukken die meer beschrijvend waren. Niet dat die niet interessant waren, maar soms wilde ik dan gewoon meer informatie hebben over die personen en andere keren wilde ik gewoon weten hoe het verder ging in het nu en niet meer geschiedenislessen lezen.
( )
  weaver-of-dreams | Aug 1, 2023 |
Showing 1-5 of 118 (next | show all)
Novela escrita por Anne Rice, y primer libro de la trilogía de "Las Brujas de Mayfair", en el que se explica el origen, tanto de la familia de brujas más antigua, (sobre la que se tenga conocimiento en el universo creado por Anne Rice), como el de las criaturas llamadas Taltos, las cuales son tratadas con mayor profundidad en el tercer libro de la saga.

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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Rice, Anneprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Reading, KateNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed

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Goldmann (43193)

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And the rain is brain-colored.
And the thunder sounds like something remembering something.

With Love:

For Stan Rice and Christopher Rice

For John Preston

For O'Brien Borchardt, Tamara O'Brien Tinker, Karen O'Brien,
and Micki O'Brien Collins

And for
Dorothy Van Bever O'Brien, who bought me my first typewriter in 1959, taking the time and trouble to see that it was a good one.
First words
The doctor woke up afraid.
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Wikipedia in English (1)

Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. HTML:"[A] huge and sprawling tale of horror." —The New York Times Book Review
Demonstrating once again her gift for spellbinding storytelling, Anne Rice makes real for us a great dynasty of four centuries of witches—a family given to poetry and incest, murder and philosophy, a family that over the ages is itself haunted by a powerful, dangerous, and seductive being called Lasher who haunts the Mayfair women.
Moving in time from today's New Orleans and San Francisco to long-ago Amsterdam and the France of Louis XIV, from the coffee plantations of Port-au-Prince to Civil War New Orleans and back to today, Anne Rice has spun a mesmerizing tale that challenges everything we believe in.

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Book description
Rowan Mayfair, a neurosurgeon with special powers and the descendant of a dynasty of witches, is drawn to Michael Curry, gifted with strange powers after a near-fatal accident, as they seek to unlock the secret of their talents.
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