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“Pain was good. If I hurt, it meant I wasn't dead.” ( )
  adrihean | Oct 4, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
I just finished reading Hunted. It is the fifth in the House Of Night Series written by P.C. and Kristin Cast. It is about a girl and her friends working together to stop a fallen angel and a priestess who turned her back on their goddess from taking over their school. With almost the whole school controlled by him, they find it impossible to get away to do what they have to do to save the school they love.

Just like the rest of the four books in this series before this book, I loved this one. I can honestly say this is one of my favorite series of all times. P.C. and Kristin Cast have much talent at keeping readers on edge until the very end. They also keep you laughing throughout it all. It's like feeling what the characters are feeling and go through what they are going through. It's amazing. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
Me gustó. Igualmente creo que este fue el último libro que leí de la saga, ya que no recuerdo si llegué a leer Tentada el sexto libro (y si lo leí, por algo no me acordaré). De todos modos, acá se acabó mi gusto por los vampiros, novelas, películas y demás. Fue una buena época pero ya le di un cierre. ( )
  mahebelen | Aug 25, 2023 |
This used to be my one of my favorite of the series as it had a bit more happening in it than just boyfriends and i heart me brown pop-come on just admit its coke-
However reading Hunted this time round i realised that it was more the same as book 4 throw in a new lad who cant miss a shot with his arrows and a few raven mockers that dont really do much and thats this book which is a shame really as the raven mockers were interesting to read and could have made this book far more gripping, the writing in this has became more condescending to the reader than it already was putting the story in an even more teeny language that is well... non existant -seriously who says bullpoopie at the age of 17??-. Teenagers dont even talk like that if they did they would be beaten to a pulp by today's youth.
Zoey is a boring character, her friends try make jokes and have fun and she shuts them up, she is just to serious and flat. The other thing with this series is that all the way through she has been juggling with all the guys that stroll past her not knowing what to do with them. It's so false and unrelatable to so many people i dont quite understand why the authors have made her into a slag and get away with it because she is Chosen b Nix, if i were her fried id not have held back in saying what all the readers by now are thinking. That comment alone proves that Zoey is a completely distant character that not many could relate to.

The book is however an easy read and though it was lacking anything spectacular it did introduce important characters to the only plot in these novels -which is kill Neferet and Kalona- also the addition of Stark who is witty and fun makes the next additions to this series more enjoyable.

( )
  Enchanten | Mar 12, 2023 |
This re-reading is not going well rate wise. But I still know why I liked this series so much when I was a kid. The plot has a lot of potential (except Zoey's love life, I can't with that). ( )
  inkspellonyou | Aug 10, 2022 |
At this point in the series, I have just a couple things to say. First, that I'm glad to see Zoey starting to mature a little bit---to know her mind and abilities and weaknesses and strengths. And second, that I love Stark. Really, really love Stark. What is it about archers? ( )
  slimikin | Mar 27, 2022 |
If you have read the previous four books in the series (and, if you haven't, you should read those first), you can basically skim the first few chapters, which rehash the characters and plot from the previous book. Once they get through reintroducing everyone, the story starts getting better. I would, however, recommend continuing to skim anything said by Erin and Shaunee, as their dialogue is largely vacuous, annoying, and lends very little to the development of the plot. Damien is slightly less annoying, slightly more insightful.

The end is set up, of course, for the next book in the series, but I think it opens up some interesting questions, such as who will be the head of the school now that Neferet is gone (for now)? What is the significance of more people pledging themselves to Zoey? ( )
  ssperson | Apr 3, 2021 |
awesome read ( )
  JulianaMD | Jun 1, 2020 |
  hixxup79 | Feb 23, 2020 |
I don't know if I can handle any more of this series. Her string of boyfriends, her childish language, her repetitive friends. I might not be able to continue this mess. ( )
  Linyarai | Feb 16, 2020 |
These books just get better and better! I love Grandma Redbird and I'm so glad we got to see more of her and her wisdom and love. Everyone needs a grandma like her. Stark is my favorite guy in the book and I'm glad we saw more of his and Zoey's relationship. So many new crazy things are going on. Red vampyres and fledglings, Kalona rising from the earth with his creepy raven children, ugh. I like that we're adding more side character parts. Darius is cool and Lenobia is a badass! This definitely went quickly, with all the action and drama going on. It ended positively for once which I enjoyed. Moving on to Tempted! ( )
  AlyP59 | Apr 25, 2019 |
3.75 stars

This is book 5 in the House of Night series.
Zoey and her friends, including Stevie Rae (with her humanity returned) are hiding out in the tunnels under Tulsa, because there is something very wrong at school with Neferet and a Cherokee "fallen angel" released after he'd been trapped in the Earth for thousands of years.

I found this one a little slow-going in the first half of the book, but it really picked up in the second half. Although I didn't really notice the somewhat childish language/vocabulary of the teens in the first couple of books, it is starting to get to me. Part-way through, I either got used to it again, or was distracted enough by what else was going on that it didn't bother me as much later on. Had the second half not picked up, I was considering not continuing the series but it did and I will. ( )
  LibraryCin | Apr 3, 2019 |
Hunted was OK, but I didn't have high hopes since I was disappointed with Untamed. I was very annoyed with the dialogue in the beginning of the book. I know it's a YA book, but it seemed so juvenile to me. Do teenagers really talk this way? IMO, this was a filler book. There was not much going on through most of the story. The ending was as expected, but it was sort of a let-down. I wanted more action, I guess. I know the thing that bothers me the most is all of Zoey's boyfriends. I just wished she would focus on her craft and realize that she doesn't need a man (or boy) to be complete. I'll read the next in the series whenever it comes out though. 3.5 stars ( )
  mitabird | Jun 10, 2018 |
Another action-packed installment. I wasn't sure how this would resolve without a major cliffhanger, but it managed it. The recaps of events from previous books can sometimes be a little tedious, but are probably necessary if you've had a largish break between books. ( )
  AngelaJMaher | May 24, 2018 |
This one was a little harder for me to get into.
I positively, 100%, hate Heath. I really want him to die a bloody ... no never mind ... I just want him to die. I hate him.

The Catholic faith aspect of the novel picked back up at the very end and was very good. I am really amazed that this novel seems to actually be helping my faith, which I never imagined!

Adrianne ( )
  Adrianne_p | Mar 6, 2018 |
Okay - so the story Finally took off and really started getting beyond the backstory. There were significantly fewer "reminders" of the previous books, which really helped make this one an exciting page-turner. Will be excited to start the next one and see what messes Zoey Redbird is in for now. ( )
  lissabeth21 | Oct 3, 2017 |
Why, oh why, does the author feel the need to rehash everything from the prior novels spanned over the first 70 pages. Nothing happened in the first third of the book. And to make it really annoying, I realized that the entire 70 pages were a flashback! No and NO!

The only reason I kept reading, because true to her other novels, the authors really pick up the pace. Once I hit the second third mark I could stop rolling my eyes, but that was only after Heath made a reappearance. I mean, good grief! And that subplot was entirely predictable.

The only thing that made this novel worthwhile was how the story line with Stark and Kalona played out. And I actually love how the new elements in the poem came into play and drew a variety of faiths together. Vampyre, nuns, Cherokees, and goddess crap. It was very interesting, the outcome, and fostered a sense of unity.

Has foul language and intimate blood drinking. ( )
  LisaRector | Sep 28, 2017 |
Okay, so I was really hesistant in the beginning of this series,... let's just say that my fears have been put to rest. While the secondary characters are still not fully realized and that each book feels like a chapter in a story rather than a full novel (more like the old-time serials), I am really enjoying the ride. The mythos that this mother/daughter team are creating is so inventive and imaginative. The story continues to move itself along and I think I'm in it till the end, can't wait for the next one!

P.S. I listend to this one, though I don't know if that really makes a difference, but for full disclosure. ( )
  lollyletsgo | Aug 10, 2017 |
Decisamente questo nuovo romanzo delle Cast è nettamente superiore al precedente. Ci ritroviamo nei tunnel con Zy, il suo gruppo di vampiri e novizi blu e Stevie Rae e il suo gruppo di vampiri rossi. Nel complesso alla scuola c'è il caos più "ordinato" che sia mai stato generato. Neferet è una cattiva con gli attributi e non perde mai un colpo mentre, invece, Kalona è estremamente ridicolo nel suo tentativo di sedurre Zy e il suo voler "Tutto, voglio tutto!". Fa tanto cattivo dei fumetti!

Stevie Rae è un personaggio che non fa altro che "crescere" di libro in libro e, con tutte le sue luci e ombre, è uno dei protagonisti meglio caratterizzati. Accanto a lei spicca per originalità anche Afrodite che non fa altro che sorprenderci e stupirci con il suo sarcasmo velenoso che nasconde una grande Umanità (e amore visto quanto tiene a Dario!). L'importante è che nessun altro lo sappia, eh!

Per quanto riguarda i maschietti... Trovo questo sia uno degli aspetti negativi del romanzo. Erik, Heath e Stark. E' veramente insopportabile questa Zoey che si fa tutti, vuole tutti, non sa chi scegliere e dispensa baci come caramelle salvo poi farsi prendere dal panico di fronte alla vena passionale di Erik (ormai Vampiro completo, ricordiamo). Non dimentichiamo che la signorina non è più "pura e casta" dai tempi del caro e vecchio Poeta Laureato! E allora che sono tutta questa improvvisa ritrosità? Se ti comporti come una poco di buono non puoi aspettarti se qualcuno ti considera tale o, diversamente, si aspetta che tu sia disinvolta e tranquilla in questi frangenti.

Erik è un bel personaggio. Per alcuni è una "zerbino" perchè accetta che Zy abbia anche Heath nella sua vita, per altri è un maniaco possessivo quando le fa una scenata di gelosia. IN realtà è solo un vampiro adulto, con pulsioni da vampiro adulto, che è alle prese con una ragazza che ama ma che, ormai è rassegnato, non riesce a tenere la lingua in bocca! E' un miracolo che non l'abbia legata e chiusa nell'armadio!

Heath è dolce, sa cosa vuole Zy ma alla fine è solo un umano. Coraggioso, piacevole ma non fa altro che creare casini. Incoerente. La lascia, se la prende con lei per l'Imprinting, le urla contro quando lo rompe... Insomma. Per quanto perfetto dovrebbe capire che lei gli vuole bene ma non l'ama davvero. L'abbiamo capito perfino noi!

Stark è un bel personaggio che merita. Ha uno spessore, molto più degli altri due, ma è anche vero che c'è un tale assortimento di uomini che quando è rientrato in scena l'unico pensiero è stato "Ancora!!!".

La storia è carina, senza essere troppo impegnativa, si legge tutta d'un fiato e con piacevole rilassatezza. Siamo curiosi di vedere come andrà a finire ma, di fatto, questa leggerezza della protagonista mal si accorda con il suo lato saggio di Sacerdotessa di Nyx. E' come se le autrici avessero il timore di creare una Mary Sue e quindi non fanno altro che farla svolazzare di fiore di fiore per darle un lato umano e adolescenziale. Che Dio le perdoni, e speriamo davvero che Zy non sia il prototipo di adolescente media! ( )
  Nasreen44 | Jun 8, 2017 |
It's way better then before but the twins are giving me headaches by just reading about them. I'm confused how there came to be such a fuss over the boyfriend scenario. Maybe just maybe this will get better. ( )
  RinHanase | Mar 11, 2017 |
Sadly, this one is not as great as the others. But it's still very good. ( )
  kyndyleizabella | Jan 23, 2017 |
I just can't get over how juvenile this book is written. I'm intrigued by the story and the plots but ... These girls could be bad ass vampires but no! They're all stereotypical Cali valley girls. Air headed with no substance. All they do is hit on guys (maybe hookup) and then "save the world" but that comes way last.

And seriously, how many boyfriends does Zoey need?! Get real. Gah! I'm okay if a book has a love interest(s) but when it gets to the point of greater than two, I draw the line. But I did not like this book, I tried, really tried because the plot is intriguing and I'm Cherokee, so I liked the idea of having Cherokee heroine and our legends being mixed in with vampire lore but man, Zoey and her friends fell short and I mean really short. ( )
  danaaa_99 | Apr 6, 2016 |
I just thought of that!! Zoey actually is Captain Planet:
Stevie Rae Johnson: "EARTH!"
Shaunee Cole: "FIRE!"
Damien Maslin: "WIND!"
Erin Bates: "WATER!"
Zoey Redbird: "SPIRIT!"

Her friends: "Go Priestess!"
Zoey: "By your powers combined, I am PRIESTESS ZOEY!"

Her friends:
Priestess Zoey, she's our hero
Gonna take Kalona down to zero

She's our powers magnified
And she's fighting on the planet's side

Priestess Zoey, she's our hero
Gonna take Kalona down to zero

Gonna help her put asunder
Bad vamps who like to loot and plunder

Neferet: "You'll pay for this Priestess Zoey!"

Her friends:
We're the Vampires
You can be one too

Aphrodite LaFont:
'Cause saving our planet is the thing to do!
Looting and polluting is not the way
Hear what Priestess Zoey has to say!

Nyx: "The Power is Yours!" ( )
  mrsdanaalbasha | Mar 12, 2016 |
I just thought of that!! Zoey actually is Captain Planet:

Stevie Rae Johnson: "EARTH!"
Shaunee Cole: "FIRE!"
Damien Maslin: "WIND!"
Erin Bates: "WATER!"
Zoey Redbird: "SPIRIT!"
Her friends: "Go Priestess!"
Zoey: "By your powers combined, I am PRIESTESS ZOEY!"
Her friends:
Priestess Zoey, she's our hero
Gonna take Kalona down to zero
She's our powers magnified
And she's fighting on the planet's side
Priestess Zoey, she's our hero
Gonna take Kalona down to zero
Gonna help her put asunder
Bad vamps who like to loot and plunder

Neferet: "You'll pay for this Priestess Zoey!"
Her friends:
We're the Vampires
You can be one too

Aphrodite LaFont:
'Cause saving our planet is the thing to do!
Looting and polluting is not the way
Hear what Priestess Zoey has to say!

Nyx: "The Power is Yours!" ( )
  mrsdanaalbasha | Mar 12, 2016 |
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