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When Corporations Rule the World

by David C. Korten

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553446,535 (3.95)1
Our Choice: Democracy or Corporate Rule A handful of corporations and financial institutions command an ever-greater concentration of economic and political power in an assault against markets, democracy, and life. It's a "suicide economy," says David Korten, that destroys the very foundations of its own existence. The bestselling 1995 edition of When Corporations Rule the World helped launch a global resistance against corporate domination. In this twentieth-anniversary edition, Korten shares insights from his personal experience as a participant in the growing movement for a New Economy. A… (more)

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For anyone who has doubts about how pervasive corporations are in global politics, this is a book you need to read. Korten published the original edition, which is the bulk of this 20 year anniversary edition, in 1995, but it is as fresh as it was then in unveiling the make-believe world of phantom wealth--money that is not based on any useful product or service. The mantra of continuous growth that, according to libertarian economic theory, will eventually lead to the end of poverty is a myth, and instead is more of a suicide economy which does not recognize the limitations that nature puts on us.

After fully outlining the death spiral we are inexorably heading toward as caused by the transnational corporations, which feel no responsibility to any community or person, Korten outlines what he calls a living economy. Such an economy is locally based, locally owned and responsive to community needs. It does not exploit nature beyond its limits, It is not based on growth of money, but rather on meeting the needs of society and respecting humans and nature. I am convinced, as is Korten, if we do not move more in the direction of market based living economies, instead of capital based exploitative practices, we may do irreparable harm to the earth and the people that inhabit it. It is easy to feel depressed about where we are and how far we have to go to even bring about modest change, but I think it is worth striving for. We do not have to let corporations rule the world, and if we band together and develop alternative market based, local systems, we might just have a chance. ( )
1 vote bness2 | May 23, 2017 |
Dated now ( 1996 ) but, all on the money ( ha ) ~ I never fully considered what would happen when a corporation owns 100 % of it's own stock ... ( )
  Baku-X | Jan 10, 2017 |
Dated now ( 1996 ) but, all on the money ( ha ) ~ I never fully considered what would happen when a corporation owns 100 % of it's own stock ... ( )
  BakuDreamer | Sep 7, 2013 |
Korten does an excellent job explaining the problems caused by our modern global corporate capitalist economic system, the causes of that system, and some methods by which we can change the system. Good use of examples and comparison to Adam Smith's theories. ( )
  derekstaff | Sep 23, 2007 |
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Our Choice: Democracy or Corporate Rule A handful of corporations and financial institutions command an ever-greater concentration of economic and political power in an assault against markets, democracy, and life. It's a "suicide economy," says David Korten, that destroys the very foundations of its own existence. The bestselling 1995 edition of When Corporations Rule the World helped launch a global resistance against corporate domination. In this twentieth-anniversary edition, Korten shares insights from his personal experience as a participant in the growing movement for a New Economy. A

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Book description
Acknowledgments.....xi --
Prologue: A Personal Journey.....1 --
I. Cowboys in a Spaceship.....15 --
1. From Hope to Crisis.....17 --
2. End of the Open Frontier.....25 --
3. The Growth Illusion.....37 --
II. Contest for Sovereignty.....51 --
4. Rise of Corporate Power in the America.....53 --
5. Assault of the Corporate Libertarians.....69 --
6. Decline of Democratic Pluralism.....87 --
7. Illusions of the Cloud Minders.....103 --
III. Corporate Colonialism.....119 --
8. Dreaming of Global Empires.....121 --
9. Building Elite Consensus...133 --
10. Buying Out Democracy.....141 --
11. Marketing the World.....149 --
12. Adjusting the Poor.....159 --
13. Guaranteeing Corporate Rights.....173 --
IV. Rogue Financial System.....183 --
14. The Money Game.....185 --
15. Predatory Finance.....195 --
16. Corporate Cannibalism.....207 --
17. Managed Competition.....215 --
V. No Place for People.....227 --
18. Race to the Bottom.....229 --
19. The End of Inefficiency.....239 --
20. People with No Place.....249 --
VI. Reclaiming Our Power.....259 --
21. The Ecological Revolution.....261 --
22. Good Living.....277 --
23. An Awakened Civil Society.....293 --
24. Agenda for Change.....307 --
Epilogue: A Choice for Life.....325 --
Appendix: The People's Earth Declaration: A Proactive Agenda for the Future.....329 --
Notes.....335 --
Index.....361 --
About the Author.....375
[from Berrett-Koehler Publishers and Kumarian Press ed. (1996)]
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