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Carioca Fletch (1984)

by Gregory Mcdonald

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Series: Fletch Mysteries: Chronological Order (Book 5), Fletch Mysteries: Publication order (Book 7)

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In this installment of the popular Fletch series, McDonald brings to life the vibrant, provocative culture and indomitable spirit of Brazil. After escaping to South America on a questionable "arrangement," Fletch has all but settled in to his new life of never-ending vacation, shacking up with the young and beautiful Laura Soares, enjoying the expansive Copacabana Beach, making new friends from all walks of life, and preparing for the most exciting time of the year in Rio de Janeiro: Carnival! But right before the festivities begin, an old woman off the street tells Fletch that he's the reincarnation of her husband and implores him to solve the mystery of his death. Caught between the rhythmic chaos of Carnival and this past-life murder, Fletch starts to lose more than just sleep as he pokes around through favelas and sambas through nightclubs searching for answers.… (more)

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Reading books older than 2000 on my to-read shelves. It’s interesting to see how they handle race, gender and other social behaviors. Fletch is actually more progressive than others. This was the worst of the series so far. It just seemed less organized and interesting then the previous. ( )
  shanep | Aug 23, 2024 |
I finished the book while on a plane flying from Florida to San Francisco so I couldn’t go on line to post a review. I guess I forgot to do it later. It starts with the celebration of Mardigras in Brazil but moves to the death of a companion when he visits a mountain home that belongs to a puta with four of his companions friends. The companion dies and things spiral from there. To comp[licate matters the wife of the man who dies in the first Fletch novel looks him up in Brazil and then disappears. He goes to the police to help locate her but they laugh at him saying it would be impossible to locate any missing person during Carnival. ( )
  waldhaus1 | Jan 18, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this selection. I enjoyed it more than most other readers seem to have. It is set in Brazil. ( )
  BoundTogetherForGood | Dec 29, 2022 |
A small mystery wrapped in Rio’s Carnivale. A small mystery wrapped in Rio’s Carnivale. In a sense the sequel to the first Fletch. Fletch is the look alike of a man who had been murdered thirty years earlier. The widow asks him to reveal who murdered him. ( )
  waldhaus1 | Dec 11, 2022 |
Fletch goes to Brazil for Carnivale in Carioca Fletch and gets into all the sorts of semi-comical scrapes that longtime Fletch readers know all too well.

This is not one of the better entries in the Fletch series although it does get a later shout out in Son of Fletch when Fletch compares the dancing of some of his Brazilian friends to the "moves" of some neo-nazis he encounters. ( )
  MiaCulpa | Jul 20, 2021 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Gregory Mcdonaldprimary authorall editionscalculated
Gent, SigridTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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Dedicated with affection and admiration to Gloria and Alfredo Machado, their family and friends
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In this installment of the popular Fletch series, McDonald brings to life the vibrant, provocative culture and indomitable spirit of Brazil. After escaping to South America on a questionable "arrangement," Fletch has all but settled in to his new life of never-ending vacation, shacking up with the young and beautiful Laura Soares, enjoying the expansive Copacabana Beach, making new friends from all walks of life, and preparing for the most exciting time of the year in Rio de Janeiro: Carnival! But right before the festivities begin, an old woman off the street tells Fletch that he's the reincarnation of her husband and implores him to solve the mystery of his death. Caught between the rhythmic chaos of Carnival and this past-life murder, Fletch starts to lose more than just sleep as he pokes around through favelas and sambas through nightclubs searching for answers.

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