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Loading... Creatures of a Day: Poemsby Reginald GibbonsI had a difficult time enjoying the short poems of this collection because of the text layout (I had to add the dots so it would display properly, there are no dots in the text, it's just tabbed out):this is how the.................short poems are writtenand it is very.................distracting to me forsome reason.................but I am sure I am justtoo dull to get.................the deeper meaningbut to me it.................seems pointless andarbitrary.However, the longer poems (the odes) are absolutely amazing. Gibbons' ruminations on seemingly quotidian happenings in his life are quite moving - especially one called 'Ode to Citizens'. ( ) |
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Google Books — Loading... GenresMelvil Decimal System (DDC)811.54Literature American literature in English American poetry in English 20th Century 1945-1999LC ClassificationRatingAverage:
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