Loading... The Historian's Craft: Reflections on the Nature and Uses of History and the Techniques and Methods of Those Who Write It. (original 1949; edition 1964)Recently added by: Ser22, JuanitaVassallo, agostink, LascaSartoris, 90B1cTDCKK, Matheus_Vilela, deathpyxis, jlallred2000 (show all), KarinaOcampo, dylanda_est, efamello, Ricardoav, pinxi, AllBibleinCommunity, ghibli70, LuanTMBrasil, winckelmann, kearbyc, n.cabral, hotshotdebut, StPaulCenter, asterodia, SamuelCP, Sir_Esprit, Robbie07, custercar, 777shylock, natbabs, Woodward-lvhs, pablomh, hectorm56, feliubooks, lguic89, Shinanoki, kukulaj, scopelma, davex, salva93., merchantofcville, TanRo, DKON, bryce.kuykendall, tmduchow, profrauldantas90, moorho01, spweldon, saladeleituraberna_, aemartin94, ae17, lauramaeward, AnnaPaesdeCarvalho, aureoediego, evaneshel, Ludovicus97, Bumbleshine, BBCMDLibrary, rblackstock, lauratome, Jose_Morales, technopolitics, madadamo, luvucenanzo06, Gordon_E, hddunavant02, JamesVardamanLibrary, Brazgo67, darwinsbulldog, martinoalbonetti, BurtFamily, Den85, anaelle, x13923, GDoulfis, Mark_Feltskog, isaacjoseph, Shamkat, CPF1964, rejane.musis, petralex All members who have the book
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