sajax is an ancient ajax library, it's part of our legacy code. And it
still gets to sneak a license note into our README.
It's probably about time that we start making sure that code is ready for
the day it disappears. Just as code shouldn't be relying on bits and
pieces of wikibits.
Currently the only parts of core that depend on sajax are the legacy
mwsuggest and upload.js.
mwsuggest is going to disappear when Krinkle's work making simplesearch's
suggestions work universally is finished.
I'm not sure what's going on with upload.js.
The real problem however is extensions. For some reason it appears that we
STILL have extensions depending on sajax. And I'm not talking about
ancient extensions on the wiki or in svn. I only did an ack through stuff
that's currently in git.
So I welcome anyone who is interested in going through extension code and
eliminating the use of sajax in favor of jQuery.ajax and RL.
3:window.sajax_debug_mode = false;
4:window.sajax_request_type = 'GET';
7: * if sajax_debug_mode is true, this function outputs given the message
8: * the element with id = sajax_debug; if no such element exists in the
11:window.sajax_debug = function(text) {
12: if (!sajax_debug_mode) return false;
14: var e = document.getElementById( 'sajax_debug' );
18: e.className = 'sajax_debug';
19: = 'sajax_debug';
41:window.sajax_init_object = function() {
42: sajax_debug( 'sajax_init_object() called..' );
61: sajax_debug( 'Could not create connection object.' );
77: * sajax_do_call( 'doFoo', [1, 2, 3], document.getElementById(
'showFoo' ) );
83:window.sajax_do_call = function(func_name, args, _target) {
88: if ( sajax_request_type == 'GET' ) {
105: x = sajax_init_object();
112: sajax_request_type, uri, true );
119: if ( sajax_request_type == 'POST' ) {
130: sajax_debug( 'received (' + x.status + ' ' + x.statusText + ') ' +
x.responseText );
153: alert( 'bad _target for sajax_do_call: not a function or object: ' +
_target );
157: sajax_debug( func_name + ' uri = ' + uri + ' / post = ' + post_data );
159: sajax_debug( func_name + ' waiting..' );
169: var request = sajax_init_object();
489: var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
99: if ( !ajaxUploadDestCheck || !sajax_init_object() ) return;
124: if ( !ajaxUploadDestCheck || !sajax_init_object() ) return;
133: if ( !ajaxUploadDestCheck || !sajax_init_object() ) return;
141: sajax_do_call( 'SpecialUpload::ajaxGetExistsWarning',
287: var req = sajax_init_object();
100: var oldRequestType = sajax_request_type;
102: sajax_request_type = "POST";
104: sajax_do_call(
114: sajax_request_type = oldRequestType;
14: sajax_do_call( 'efPayflowGatewayCheckSession', [], checkSession );
76: var oldRequestType = sajax_request_type;
78: sajax_request_type = 'POST';
80: sajax_do_call(
98: sajax_request_type = oldRequestType;
35: sajax_do_call( 'OnlineStatus::Ajax', ['get'], function( x ){
71: sajax_do_call( 'OnlineStatus::Ajax', ['set', status], function( x ){
36: /*extern sajax_init_object, sajax_do_call */
92: sajax_do_call( "ReaderFeedbackPage::AjaxReview", args,
wgAjaxFeedback.processResult );
95: sajax_do_call( 'wfSecurePollStrike', [ action, id, reason ],
processResult );
450:function FCK_sajax(func_name, args, _target) {
451: sajax_request_type = 'POST' ;
452: sajax_do_call(func_name, args, function (x) {
716: sajax_request_type = 'POST' ;
718: sajax_do_call('wfSajaxWikiToHTML', [SRCtextarea.value], function (
result ){
736: if (!oFCKeditor.ready) return false; //sajax_do_call in
754: sajax_request_type = 'GET' ;
755: sajax_do_call( 'wfSajaxToggleFCKeditor', ['hide'], function(){} )
; //remember closing in session
43: var aj = sajax_init_object();
44: var aj2 = sajax_init_object();
70: // if (!oFCKeditor.ready) return false; //sajax_do_call in action -
what do we do?
35: sajax_request_type = 'POST';
37: sajax_do_call( 'SFAutoeditAPI::handleAutoEdit', data, function(
ajaxHeader ){
55: sajax_request_type = 'POST';
58: sajax_do_call( 'SFAutoeditAPI::handleAutoEdit', new
Array(collectData( form ), false), function( ajaxHeader ){
415: sajax_request_type = 'POST';
418: sajax_do_call( 'SRFSlideShow::handleGetResult', [
results[index][0], template, printrequests ], function( ajaxHeader ){
~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) []
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