3.1. Tungstate and Arsenate Sorption
The sorption of tungstate and arsenate in the studied soils, both in single and binary systems, was investigated by determining the sorption isotherms (
Figure 1 and
Figure 2), in which qe and Ce are expressed in mmol/kg and mmol/L, respectively.
The slopes of the isotherms for both anions vary with solute concentration, highlighting the strong affinity between the anions and the soil surfaces. The isotherms typically exhibit L-type behavior [
50], which suggests a decrease in the number of high-affinity sites as sorption progresses. In both the single and binary systems, soils C and V demonstrated lower sorption capacities compared to soil H, a result consistent with the higher pH values in the former two soils.
To describe the isotherms, both the Langmuir and Freundlich models were considered. Although both models adequately represented the experimental data, the Langmuir model exhibited a higher correlation coefficient. Thus, the sorption processes were evaluated using a “Langmuir-type” equation.
Ce is the concentration of tungstate (arsenate) in solution (mmol/L),
q (mmol/kg) is the concentration of tungstate (arsenate) sorbed to the soil, qmax (mmol/kg) is the maximum adsorption capacity of the soil, and
K (L/mmol) is the coefficient related to the bonding energy of tungstate (arsenate) adsorbing sites on soil surfaces.
The Langmuir model is based on the assumption that the bonding energy of all sorbing sites is uniform. This is often not the case in soils, where more than one kind of reacting surface occurs. Theoretically, the Langmuir equation was developed to describe the adsorption of a gas on a solid. However, when the sorption isotherm approaches saturation, the conditions enable us to describe the sorption process with a “Langmuir-type” equation, which is one of the most commonly utilized in soil science [
3.2. Tungstate Sorption
In both the single and binary systems, the shapes of the isotherms were similar, though the maximum sorption varied in the presence of the co-occurring arsenate anion. Tungsten sorption decreased as arsenate concentration increased. The sorption of tungstate on soils is attributed to different bonding strengths, with both inner- and outer-sphere complexes forming simultaneously [
The trend in the isotherms suggests that at low tungstate concentrations, strong specific interactions with soil surfaces occur, leading to the formation of inner-sphere surface complexes. In this scenario, the co-occurring arsenate is unable to compete effectively with tungsten for these specific sorption sites. However, at higher tungstate concentrations, the W sorption mechanism likely shifts toward exchange reactions, resulting in the formation of outer-sphere surface complexes [
55]. The tungstate bonds with soil surfaces become weaker, facilitating the release of tungstate through exchange reactions with arsenate. Similar patterns of strong inner-sphere and weaker outer-sphere complexes have been observed for anions similar to tungstate and arsenate, such as molybdate [
56] and phosphate [
Changes in arsenate concentration can influence the sorption process by affecting the competition between tungstate and arsenate for available soil surface sites. As with the interactions between arsenate and phosphate [
60], the reduction in tungstate sorption with increasing arsenate concentration can be attributed primarily to competition involving outer-sphere complexes. However, stronger inner-sphere complexes may also be involved in this competition. The Langmuir parameters for the single and binary systems are presented in
Table 2.
In all soils, the qmax value of tungstate decreased in the presence of co-occurring arsenate anions. In soil H, the reduction in qmax was 22.3% with 1.5 mmol of arsenic and 35.8% with 2.5 mmol of arsenic. For soil C, the reduction was 9.7% with 1.5 mmol of arsenic and 37.8% with 2.5 mmol of arsenic. Similar results were observed for soil V, with reductions of 8% and 38.1% in the presence of 1.5 mmol and 2.5 mmol of arsenic, respectively.
The increased values of the Langmuir constant K can be attributed to the tendency of arsenic to compete with tungsten for non-specific sites. Consequently, most of the remaining tungsten that binds to soil surfaces is more energetically bound, primarily through specific sorption reactions [
These results indicate that in acidic soils, the influence of arsenic is substantial, even at the lowest concentration added (1.5 mmol). As the concentration of arsenic increases, the competitive effect becomes more pronounced, especially as soil pH rises. By comparing the maximum tungsten adsorption capacity in the single-component system (qmax(s)) to that in the binary system (qmax(b)), the influence of arsenic–tungsten interaction on the adsorption process can be assessed as follows [
qmax(b)/qmax(s) > 1: The presence of a competing anion enhances sorption.
qmax(b)/qmax(s) = 1: The presence of a competing anion shows no discernible interaction effect.
qmax(b)/qmax(s) < 1: The presence of a competing anion inhibits sorption.
As shown in
Table 3, all the ratios for the three binary systems were less than one, indicating that the presence of arsenate reduced tungstate adsorption due to competition between the two anions. Even if the results from the three soils cannot be generalized to different kinds of soil and environmental situations (for example, different land use), the results highlight the importance of soil characteristics on sorption. In particular, when characteristics such as pH or organic matter directly affect the chemistry of tungsten in the soil. In these cases, sorption processes are also favored in other types of soil under acidic conditions or with a high humic substance content, as observed in this experiment.
To evaluate the influence of soil properties on metal sorption capacity, linear regressions were performed between the qmax values experimentally obtained and various soil properties. The data show that sorption capacity, as expressed by qmax values, is mainly influenced by pH, clay content, organic matter content, and iron content across all three soils studied. The results are presented in
Table 4. While the high R
2 values are partly due to the limited number of soils investigated, the trends remain consistent. The presence of a competing anion did not alter these trends, only the numerical values.
Soil pH is the utmost critical factor in affecting the properties of soil phases and the W solubility. The data showed that sorption decreased as soil pH values increased, consistent with previous studies on sorption trends in various soil types and soil mineral components, such as iron oxy-hydroxide [
64]. This decrease in adsorption may result from enhanced competition between OH
− ions and tungstate for the same sorption sites [
65] and the increased electrostatic repulsion between tungstate and the solid surfaces [
The qmax values were also correlated with the soil organic matter contents. The highest qmax values were observed in soil H, followed by soils C and V. This result aligns with prior research on tungsten sorption in Italian soils [
51] and various organic materials, attributed to the stability of complexes formed between W and organic matter [
24]. The impact of clay minerals on qmax can be attributed to the reactions of tungstate ions with hydroxyl groups at the edges of clay structures [
24]. The qmax values showed a positive correlation with the clay content of the studied soils.
In line with the general behavior of anion sorption on variable-charge soils, iron oxides play a crucial role in the sorption of WO
42− [
60]. Similarly, in the studied soils, qmax values were well correlated with iron content.
The attraction of tungstate for soil surfaces was also manifested in the distribution coefficient Kd. The distribution coefficient, defined as the ratio of tungstate concentration in the soil solid phase to that in the equilibrium solution, is a suitable parameter for comparing the sorptive properties of the soils under experimental conditions [
67]. Kd characterizes the net result of sorption processes and is particularly useful when the presence of another anion creates competition for sorption sites [
68]. Additionally, the distribution of tungstate between the solid and solution phases in the soil is crucial for evaluating its mobility and potential bioavailability. A higher Kd value indicates high element retention by the soil surfaces through chemical reactions, leading to low element bioavailability. Conversely, a decrease in Kd values suggests higher potential bioavailability due to the increased presence of the element in the liquid soil phase. For each soil, higher Kd values were observed at lower tungstate concentrations, which can be attributed to the presence of sorption sites with high selectivity, also characterized by relatively strong bonding energies [
The Kd of tungstate is significantly affected by the sorption system, whether single or binary. When comparing the Kd values of the soils under competitive sorption of tungstate with those in the single sorption system, the Kd values were lower in the binary systems.
The distribution coefficient medium (Kdm) was calculated across the entire range of added tungstate concentrations [
67] in both single and binary systems, highlighting the differences in sorption among the investigated soils. The data are presented in
Figure 3.
Our results indicate that the highest Kdm value was observed in the acidic soil (H), while the lowest was found in the most alkaline soil (V). In all soil types, the Kdm values decreased as the concentration of the competing arsenate anion increased from 1.5 to 2.5 mmol.
The sorption of tungsten in binary systems across different soils has been scarcely studied, making it difficult to compare our findings with other experiments conducted under varying soil conditions. However, our results align with previous column studies by Bednar et al. [
62], which demonstrated that phosphate competes more effectively with tungstate at acidic pH levels compared to neutral or basic pH. A similar pH-related effect has been reported for ferrihydrite in the competition between tungstate and molybdate. Conversely, the opposite effect of pH was observed for the sorption of these anions on gibbsite [
69]. In general, significant suppressive effects of competing elements on sorption in soils have been frequently documented, both for other anions and for different elements [
3.3. Arsenate Sorption
As mentioned in the introduction, this article primarily focuses on the competition between tungstate and arsenate for sorption sites in soils rather than providing an in-depth analysis of arsenic sorption itself.
Briefly, the trend of arsenate sorption in the three soils, both in single and binary systems, closely resembles that of tungsten, as shown in
Figure 2. The isotherms for arsenate sorption, both individually and in the presence of increasing concentrations of tungstate, can be classified as L-type and are well-described by a Langmuir-type equation. The Langmuir parameters are presented in
Table 5.
Similar to tungstate, the sorption of arsenate is highest in the acidic soil (H) and decreases in the C and V soils. The maximum sorption values (qmax) for arsenate are consistently lower than those for tungstate and tend to decrease further in the binary system as tungstate concentrations increase.
In the studied soils, the effect of the competing anion on arsenate qmax showed a decrease ranging from 53.7% (W 1.5 mM) to 61.8% (W 2.5 mM) for soil H, 31.0% (W 1.5 mM) to 52.5% (W 2.5 mM) for soil C, and 19.9% (W 1.5 mM) to 56.4% (W 2.5 mM) for soil V.
The effects of soil properties on arsenate sorption, much like those on tungstate sorption, can be analyzed through the relationship with qmax values in both single and binary systems (
Table 6).
The results obtained, which closely resemble those of tungstate, align with previous studies on arsenic sorption. Specifically, arsenate sorption tends to increase with higher organic matter content in soils [
74]. Arsenate sorption decreases significantly with increasing soil pH values, in accordance with findings by Rahman et al. [
75] and Fan et al. [
76]. Higher iron and clay content also enhances arsenate sorption, consistent with prior studies [
The interaction between arsenate and tungstate during the sorption process was evaluated similarly to tungsten sorption, with the ratio qmax(b)/qmax(s) reported in
Table 7.
The presence of tungstate as a competing anion reduced arsenate sorption, as indicated by ratio values less than one, highlighting the competition between the two anions for the same sorption sites.
When comparing the qmax values for tungstate, it becomes evident that arsenate is more affected by the competition than tungstate. The percentage decrease in qmax for arsenate in the presence of increasing tungstate concentrations is consistently greater than the decrease in tungstate qmax when arsenate concentrations are increased. These results are detailed in
Table 8.
These differences between single and binary systems can be attributed to the ability of both anions to form inner- and outer-sphere complexes with the soils under investigation [
79]. The observed decreases in sorption can be ascribed to competition for sorption sites, both non-specific and specific, which exhibit a high affinity for both anions. At lower concentrations of the competing anion (1.5 mM), the competition effect is reduced due to the high availability of sorption sites for both anions. However, as the concentration of the competing anion increases (2.0 and 2.5 mM), competition for available sorption sites intensifies, leading to a reduction in the sorption of each anion compared to the single-system scenario.
Interestingly, arsenate had little effect on W sorption in soils C and V, where W is likely to be involved in specific sorption due to the lower sorptive characteristics of these soils (e.g., increasing pH, etc.).
The distribution coefficient (Kd) serves as a useful index for comparing the sorptive capacities of soils under similar experimental conditions. The trend of the medium Kd (Kdm) in each soil for arsenate sorption is illustrated in
Figure 4.
In the single systems, for all three soils, the Kdm values of arsenate are lower than those of tungstate, indicating that a significant amount of arsenate remains in the soil solution. As the concentration of added tungstate increases, the Kdm values further decrease, highlighting the competitive interaction between the two anions, similar to the behavior observed for tungstate in previous experiments.