Multi-Microworld Conversational Agent with RDF Knowledge Graph Integration
:1. Introduction
- Introduce a personal assistant built for the Romanian language on top of the RASA framework that supports concurrently multiple microworlds, each _targeting a different domain and in which additional microworlds can easily be plugged in;
- Propose a novel processing pipeline, custom language models, and syntactic features to improve intent classification. This approach is, to the best of our knowledge, a unique take on the chatbot’s architecture and can be further used to improve its performance;
- Consider integrating RDF knowledge graphs with the conversational agent to ensure the extensibility of data modeling.
2. Literature Review
3. Method
3.1. Microworld Definition
3.1.1. Microworld for University Guidance
- Professors: name, description, teaching degree, and office;
- Classrooms: ID and direction (guidance description);
- Activities: ID, name, student series or groups, room (link to a classroom node), teacher name, type (course, seminar, or laboratory), and time slot (workday, time, and duration).
3.1.2. Microworld for Memory Assistance
3.1.3. Generic Microworld
3.2. Language Models
3.3. Syntactic Features
- “Cine?” (Eng., “who?”): defines the subject of the action;
- “ROOT”: label marking the verb;
- “Pe cine?”, “ce?” (Eng., “whom?”, “what?”): identify a direct object;
- “Care?”, “ce fel de?” (Eng., “which?”, “what kind of?”): identify the attributes of a noun or a substitute of a noun (creating together a noun phrase, or a grammatical structure that performs syntactically similar to a single noun);
- “Unde?” (Eng., “where?”): identifies a location complement that can define a source or destination location (depending on the prepending prepositions);
- “Când?”, “cât timp?”, “cât de des?” (Eng., “when?”, “how long?”, “how often?”): identify a temporal complement defining a point in time, a duration, or a frequency, respectively;
- “Care este?”, “cum este?” (Eng., “which is?”, “how is?”): describe tokens representing the predicative of a nominal predicate where, semantically, they express the value and qualification of the subject, respectively;
- “Al cui?” (Eng., “whose?”): marks the ownership of the entity;
- “Cui?” (Eng., “to whom?”): identifies an indirect object;
- “Prep”: label marking a preposition (no syntactic role, but necessary for linking the tokens in structures such as noun phrases);
- “Cât?” (Eng., “how much?”): describes a quantity of the entity that it determines, and it is expressed in general by a numeral or a quantitative adjective such as “mult” (Eng., “much”) or “puțin” (Eng., “little”).
3.4. Knowledge Representation and Retrieval
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
BERT | Bidirectional encoder representations from transformers |
DBMS | Database management system |
DIET | Dual Intent and Entity Transformer |
NER | Named-entity recognition |
NLP | Natural language processing |
NLU | Natural language understanding |
RDF | Resource Description Framework |
SPARQL | SPARQL Protocol and RDF query language |
UUID | Universally unique identifier |
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Microworld | Class | Properties |
University Guidance | Professor | Name, academic position, description, office |
Room | ID, location indications | |
Activity | Type, name, ID, student groups, classroom, time slot | |
Memory Assistance | Entity | Location, description, specifier |
Event | Timestamp | |
Property of entity | Value | |
Subject | Owned entity |
Language Model | Syntactic Features | Precision M (SD) | Recall M (SD) | F1 Score M (SD) |
None | No | 79.2 (2.5) | 76.7 (2.6) | 75.9 (2.9) |
None | Yes | 80.7 (3.3) | 78.5 (3.1) | 77.9 (3.2) |
SpaCy Ro | No | 80.5 (2.4) | 77.8 (2.8) | 77.1 (3.0) |
DistilMulti-BERT-base-ro | No | 78.2 (2.7) | 75.9 (2.4) | 75.2 (2.6) |
RoBERT large | No | 82.4 (2.3) | 81.0 (2.5) | 80.1 (2.9) |
RoBERT large | Yes | 85.2 (3.0) | 83.2 (3.1) | 82.6 (3.1) |
Sentence | Real Intent | Predicted Intent | Confi-Dence | Discussion |
Ok | generic. affirm | generic. goodbye | 90.6 | Short sentence (harder for count vectors), foreign words (harder for language model) |
Mi-ai fost de mare ajutor. (Eng.: You have been really helpful.) | generic. thanks | mem_assistant. store_request | 64.4 | Insufficient generic microworld support in the data set |
Care sunt lucrurile pe care știi să le faci? (Eng.: What are the things that you know how to do?) | generic. agent_abilities | mem_assistant. get_attr | 99.9 | Phrase “care sunt” (Eng.: what are) similar to the predicted intent |
Help | generic. agent_abilities | generic. goodbye | 45.1 | Short sentence (harder for count vectors), foreign words (harder for language model) |
Hotelul la care ne-am cazat anul trecut la mare e acesta. (Eng.: The hotel where we stayed last year at the seaside is the following.) | mem_assistant. store_following_attr | mem_assistant. get_specifier | 99.9 | Phrase “la care” (Eng.: where) specific to the predicted intent |
Programul de la notarul de la Universitate este acesta. (Eng.: The program from the notary at the University is the following.) | mem_assistant. store_following_attr | mem_assistant. store_attr | 60.0 | Examples of the two intents have similar prefixes |
Sunt în grupa 232. (Eng.: I’m in group 232.) | university_guide. find_schedule_fill_slots | university_guide. find_room | 77.3 | Sequence (232) interpreted as room ID |
Cursul de Programare Orientata pe Obiecte (Eng.: Object-Oriented Programming Course) | university_guide. find_schedule_fill_slots | university_guide. find_schedule | 99.9 | Some “find_schedule_fill_slots” examples are subsequences of “find_schedule”-specific sentences |
Cum pot ajunge rapid la laserul de la Măgurele? (Eng.: How can I quickly get to the Magurele laser?) | generic. find_transport | mem_assistant. get_specifier | 34.1 | No obvious justification for confusion, but the low confidence indicates possible wrong detection |
Sala laboratorului de PP este EG321. (Eng.: The PP laboratory room is EG321) | mem_assistant. store_attr | university_guide. find_room | 94.8 | Entities specific to the university guidance microworld (activity type: laboratory, classroom: “EG321”) |
Suprafața apartamentului de la București este de 58 mp. (Eng.: The surface of the apartment in Bucharest is 58 sqm.) | mem_assistant. store_attr | mem_assistant. store_location | 99.9 | Sentence contains a location, although as an attribute and not a complement |
Am mers cu mașina până la Iași. (Eng.: We drove by car to Iasi.) | mem_assistant. store_location | mem_assistant. get_timestamp | 42.8 | No obvious justification for confusion, but the low confidence indicates possible wrong detection |
Chitara mea este de la Andrei. (Eng.: My guitar is from Andrei.) | mem_assistant. store_location | mem_assistant. store_attr | 75.4 | Phrase “<subj> este” similar to the predicted intent |
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Boroghina, G.; Corlatescu, D.G.; Dascalu, M. Multi-Microworld Conversational Agent with RDF Knowledge Graph Integration. Information 2022, 13, 539.
Boroghina G, Corlatescu DG, Dascalu M. Multi-Microworld Conversational Agent with RDF Knowledge Graph Integration. Information. 2022; 13(11):539.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBoroghina, Gabriel, Dragos Georgian Corlatescu, and Mihai Dascalu. 2022. "Multi-Microworld Conversational Agent with RDF Knowledge Graph Integration" Information 13, no. 11: 539.
APA StyleBoroghina, G., Corlatescu, D. G., & Dascalu, M. (2022). Multi-Microworld Conversational Agent with RDF Knowledge Graph Integration. Information, 13(11), 539.