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Upcoming MDPI Conferences (1)

5–7 March 2025 Smart Sustainable Cities 2025: Pioneering Novel Frontiers for Green Urban Living


Dear esteemed colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the Smart Sustainable Cities 2025 Conference, an event dedicated to pioneering novel frontiers for green urban living. As the Chairs of this conference, we are honored to host a diverse meeting of opinion leaders, researchers, industry experts, and policymakers around the globe.

The rapid evolution of cutting-edge technologies presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges for urban environments. Our mission is to explore these frontiers, fostering innovative solutions that improve the sustainability, efficiency, and habitability of our cities. This conference serves as a platform for the exchange of front-line research and groundbreaking ideas that will shape the future of urban living.

Attendees will engage with a rich program that includes five technical tracks covering the most relevant topics of Smart Sustainable Cities: Digital, Urban Operations, Mobility, Infrastructure, and Community. These tracks will include keynotes from renowned experts, panel discussions, and technical sessions.

The first conference’s theme, ‘Pioneering Novel Frontiers for Green Urban Living,’ underscores the critical role of technology in addressing urban challenges and promoting sustainable development. By harnessing the power of smart technologies, we can create cities that are not only more resilient and inclusive but also more responsive to the needs of their inhabitants.

Submit your abstract here

Register for the conference here


On behalf of the organizing committee, we wish you a productive and inspiring experience at the Smart Sustainable Cities 2025 Conference. Together, let us chart a course toward a brighter, more sustainable urban future.

The Conference Chairs,

Javier Prieto and Pierluigi Siano
Smart Sustainable Cities 2025 Chairs


Conference Year
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Upcoming Partner Conferences (2)

24 February–1 March 2025 9th Chronic Hypoxia Symposium and the 1st High Altitude Space Physiology Symposia

La Paz, Bolivia

Dear esteemed colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the joint 9th Chronic Hypoxia Symposium and the 1st High Altitude Space Physiology Symposia Conference, an event dedicated to a mind-changing interpretation of the favorable effects of exposure to chronic hypoxia and this time along with the pioneering novel frontiers for space travel and establishment of space colonies under the advantages of chronic hypoxia. As the Chairs of this conference, we are honored to host a diverse meeting of distinguished scientists, researchers, philosophers, and visionaries around the globe.

The rapid evolution of cutting-edge technologies presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges for urban environments. Our mission is to explore new frontiers in hypoxia tolerance, fostering innovative solutions that improve human survival, efficiency, and adaptation of humans and all living beings with a focus on interplanetary travel.

Attendees will engage with a rich program that includes a visit to the marvel city of La Paz, Bolivia, located at 3,500 meters altitude, as well as itinerant symposium trips to Lake Titicaca, the Amazon tropical forest, and the Moon Valley in La Paz. The themes are multiple and open for discussion. The program will include keynotes from renowned experts, panel discussions, and regular presentations. The second symposium includes the critical role of technology in space travel and addressing habitats on Mars and the moon. This knowledge can lead to the creation of space cities responsive to the needs of their inhabitants.

Submit your abstract here

Register for the conference here

On behalf of the organizing committee, we wish you a productive and inspiring experience at the joint 9th Chronic Hypoxia Symposium and the 1st High Altitude Space Physiology Symposia. Let us chart a course toward a brighter, more sustainable human exploration of chronic hypoxia tolerance.

The Conference Chairs,

Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja and Dr. Alan Hargens


1–2 May 2025 The 12th World Congress of Clinical Safety

Paris, France

The 12th World Congress of Clinical Safety 2025 in Paris is held jointly with 'The 2nd Academic Conference of Safety Psychology and Behavior for Healthcare'. The Congress covers a wide range of safety topics, such as healthcare safety (patient safety, medical worker safety, medication safety, and medical device safety), infectious disease outbreak, and other related safety subjects.

The key concept of the Congress is "Wellbeing With Healthcare Safety". It covers all health risks on physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, and social wellbeing.

Previous Congresses were held in London, Heidelberg, Madrid, Vienna, Boston, Rome, Bern, Prague, and Tokyo.

The Paris Congress provides the opportunity for individuals from various occupations to meet together, share information, and create new global partnerships at the "World City of Arts".


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