Extended Data Figure 7: Elevated [K+]e does not permanently affect T cell [K+]i, Vm, or subsequent response to K+-induced suppression of effector function. | Nature

Extended Data Figure 7: Elevated [K+]e does not permanently affect T cell [K+]i, Vm, or subsequent response to K+-induced suppression of effector function.

From: Ionic immune suppression within the tumour microenvironment limits T cell effector function

Extended Data Figure 7

a, Flow cytometry-based calibration of [K+]i. For all values cells were treated with 50 μM gramicidin in titrated doses of [K+]e to provide a known [K+]i. b, Intra-experimental quantification of [K+]i in control conditions and elevated [K+]e based on calibration from a. c, Flow cytometry analysis of the relative Vm of CD8+ T cells of the indicated origin using DiSBAC4(3). d, Cells of the indicated origin assayed in the indicated conditions as in c. e, Flow cytometry analysis of relative [K+]i of CD8+ T cells of the noted origin washed and assayed in indicated conditions, quantified by relative fluorescence of Asante-Green 4. f, Compiled analysis of relative IFNγ production by CD8+cells of the indicated origin washed and subjected to TCR stimulation in the indicated conditions. Centre values and error bars represent mean ± s.e.m. NS, not significant, between experimental and control conditions as assessed by two-tailed Student’s t-test (c) or two-way ANOVA (df). For chronic conditioning, additional [K+]e = 40 mM, n = 3 technical (ae) or culture (f) replicates per condition. af, Representative of two independent experiments.

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