About Nature Portfolio journals

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Nature journals

Nature journals publishing primary research

Most papers published in the Nature journals are submitted to them directly. But because each Nature journal has to decline many papers of very high quality, an editor may suggest that a paper declined for editorial (not technical) reasons may be suitable for submission to another Nature Portfolio journal.

Authors who have had a paper declined by one Nature journal and who wish to resubmit to another Nature journal or other journal published by Nature Portfolio can use an automatic manuscript transfer service via a link sent to them by the editor handling their manuscript. It is entirely up to the authors whether they wish their paper to be considered for another journal, and the choice of where to submit is entirely up to them. The advantage to authors wishing to publish in another Nature Portfolio journal is that referees' comments (including any confidential comments to the editor) and identities are also transferred to the editor of the second journal in question, which can save significant time. Details of this service are provided here.


Editor, Magdalena Skipper. A weekly, international journal, publishing papers from any area of science with great potential impact and whose importance extends well beyond the confines of the specific discipline concerned. Nature has the highest impact factor of any journal publishing basic scientific research. Nature also publishes Reviews, as well as a broad range of informal material in the form of Editorials, News and News Features, Correspondence, Opinion, News and Views, Books and Arts, Futures (the award-winning science-fiction series) and NatureJobs (articles on careers and recruitment). The journal also publishes regular supplements, including Insights, Outlooks and Technology Features. Nature publishes much online-only information, including the award-winning daily Nature News, blogs, regular web focuses (collections of topical material, often from the journal's archive) and other web-only special features. Nature has editorial offices in London, New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Tokyo, Berlin, Munich and Paris. Submit to Nature  or email the journal editorial office.  For more information about the journal visit Nature.com.

Nature research journals

These journals publish selected research of the highest quality and impact in their specific disciplines. They publish papers online weekly, with an issue compiled monthly (most in hard copy). Besides original research, these journals include informal material and reviews. Editorial offices are in New York, London, Boston, San Francisco and Tokyo, with several editors based in other locations (see individual journals' websites for details and contact information).

Nature Communications

Nature Communications is an open access journal publishing original research in all areas of the biological, chemical and physical sciences through a rapid, yet rigorous, peer-review process managed by an in house editorial team of professional editors. It offers authors high visibility for their papers, access to a broad readership, and efficient peer review with rapid publication. Nature Communications is an open access journal: authors make their manuscripts freely available from the point of publication through an article-processing charge. Submit to Nature Communications or email the journal editorial office.  For more information about the journal visit Nature.com/ncomms.

Nature Protocols

Editor, Melanie Clyne. Nature Protocols is an online publication presenting authoritative peer-reviewed protocols from leading researchers in all areas of the biological and biomedical sciences, including methods grounded in physics and chemistry that have a practical application to the study of biological problems. The editorial office is in London. Nature Protocols is complemented by Nature Portfolio's Protocol Exchange, a free and open, interactive resource that allows researchers to share their laboratory protocols quickly (within just a day or two of upload), discuss them with fellow researchers, and help to accelerate scientific discovery. Submit a protocol to Nature Protocols for consideration by our editors and referees or share a protocol through Protocol Exchange.  For general inquiries email the journal or visit Nature.com/nprot

Nature reviews journals

With an ever-increasing number of primary-research journals to be monitored, and the expanding volume of information to be found on the web, it is becoming increasingly difficult for scientists and clinicians to find the information they need in a form that is immediately useful. The Nature Reviews journals address these needs for the life sciences and for the clinical sciences. Using cutting-edge online technology and pioneering formats, the journals are dedicated to filtering, highlighting and reviewing the latest information from a broad range of scientific and clinical areas. For contact information visit a Nature Reviews journal.

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Communications journals

The Communications journals are a family of broad scope open access journals. To be considered for publication papers should show a significant advance that brings new insight to a specialised field of research. Visit the Communications journals page to learn more about these journals.

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npj Series

The npj Series are online open access journals, published in collaboration with preeminent scientists, and developed in close partnership with their respective research communities. Each journal in the series brings together strong editorial leadership and world-class publication infrastructure to deliver high-quality, peer-reviewed original research to the global scientific community. Multidisciplinary in scope, each journal offers authors a high-quality, highly visible open access option for their research, covering disciplines in both applied and basic science. Visit the npj Series page to learn more about these journals.

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Scientific Reports

Scientific Reports is an online, open access, multidisciplinary publication that publishes research in all areas of the biological, chemical, physical, and earth and environmental sciences. Scientific Reports provides rapid peer review and publication of research without barriers to access. To be considered for publication in Scientific Reports, a paper must be technically sound original research, without any requirement for impact or a conceptual advance. Submit to Scientific Reports

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Scientific Data

Scientific Data is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal for descriptions of scientifically valuable datasets. Our primary article-type, the Data Descriptor, is designed to make your data more discoverable, interpretable and reusable. Scientific Data is open to submissions from a broad range of natural science disciplines, including descriptions of big and small data, from major consortiums and single labs. Visit us online to learn more about our scope and submission process.

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