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Guirguis-Blake JM, Michael YL, Perdue LA, et al. Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [Internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2018 Apr. (Evidence Synthesis, No. 159.)
This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.
Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [Internet].
Show detailsWe reviewed 3,441 abstracts and 418 articles for both KQs (Appendix B Figure 1). The list of included studies (62 trials, 88 publications) and excluded studies (with reasons for exclusion) are available in Appendix B. Because of the numerous interventions analyzed for this report, the results for all KQs (KQ1 [effectiveness] and KQ2 [harms]) are displayed sequentially under each type of intervention.
KQ1. Is There Direct Evidence That Primary Care Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults at Average or High Risk for Falls, Used Alone or in Combination, Reduce Falls or Fall-Related Injury, Improve Quality of Life, Reduce Disability, or Reduce Mortality?
KQ2. What Are the Adverse Effects Associated With Primary Care Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults?
Multifactorial Interventions
Summary of Results
Our examination of the evidence of multifactorial interventions to prevent falls consists of a heterogeneous set of 26 trials. These trials recruited community-dwelling older adults with varying fall risk. The vast majority of the trials recruited participants determined to be at high risk for falls; history of falls was the most common risk factor used for trial recruitment. Each trial examined uniquely designed interventions, such as direct interventions and referrals customized to participants based on an initial risk assessment. Pooled results from 17 RCTs (n=9,737) show that multifactorial interventions reduce the incidence rate of falls at the longest followup time (6–12 months) compared to the control group but also that there is substantial heterogeneity and a lack of precision in the effect size (incidence rate ratio [IRR], 0.79 [95% CI, 0.68 to 0.91]; p=0.001; I2=87.2%). Pooled results from 24 trials (n=12,490) show that there is no statistically significant effect on people experiencing a fall (RR, 0.95 [95% CI, 0.89 to 1.01]; p=0.002; I2=56.4%). While most studies consistently show no or minimal benefit with nonstatistically significant point estimates near 0.9, the effect is imprecise. Multifactorial interventions appear to have no statistically significant effect on mortality (k=23; n=9,721; RR, 0.96 [95% CI, 0.79 to 1.17]; p=0.659; I2=0%). Narrative analysis demonstrates no effect on hospitalization, institutionalization, ADL, IADL, or QOL, but these outcomes are reported in just a small proportion of multifactorial studies.
There is sparse evidence on the harms of multifactorial interventions; conclusions are limited to a few studies (k=4; n=1,466) with incomplete reporting of adverse events. The harms, which are generally minor, include musculoskeletal complaints related to the exercise component of the multifactorial intervention.
Characteristics of Included Studies
Of the included 26 multifactorial trials (31 articles71-101), 15 were from the previous review71, 72, 75, 77, 80, 81, 83, 85, 87, 91-96 and 11 were new.73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 82, 84, 86, 88-90 Three trials from the previous review were excluded for population,102 lack of feasibility for primary care to refer to the intervention,103 or poor quality.104
Study Characteristics
We identified seven good-quality74, 78, 84, 85, 91, 93, 95 and 19 fair-quality RCTs71-73, 75-77, 79-83, 85-90, 92, 94, 96 (n=15,506) with a primary or secondary aim of examining the effectiveness of multifactorial interventions on falls and/or fall-related injuries (Table 2). The majority of the trials were conducted outside of the United States. Six trials were conducted in the United Kingdom,72, 74, 75, 83, 84, 92 four in Australia,78, 85, 87, 90 three in the United States,73, 93, 96three in the Netherlands,76,80, 94 two in Canada,71, 81 two in Spain,79,89 two in Finland,88,91 and one each in Denmark,95 Switzerland,82 Sweden,86 and New Zealand.77 The size of trials (intervention plus control groups randomized for our analysis) ranged from 100 to 5,310 participants. The fall-related outcomes reported in the trials that we included for analysis were falls (k=17; n=9,737), people experiencing a fall (k=24; n=12,490, injurious falls (k=9; n=4,306), fractures (k=5, n=3,236), people experiencing an injurious fall (k=16; n=9,445), people experiencing a fracture (k=5, n=1,937), mortality (k=23; n=9,721), people hospitalized (k=4; n=2,134), people transitioning to institutional care (k=7; n=2,143), QOL (k=4; n=1,104), ADL (k=7; n=2,106), and harms (k=4; n=1,466).
Population Characteristics
Most recruited participants were 65, 70, or 75 years of age or older (Table 3). The recruitment age thresholds were ≥55 years,71 ≥60 years,84, 90 ≥65 years,72, 75,76, 80, 81, 83, 86, 91, 92, 95, 96 ≥70 years,74, 78, 88, 93, 94 ≥75 years,73, 77, 85, 87, 89 ≥80 years,82 and ≥85 years.79
Mean age ranged from 71.9 years71 to 85 years.79, 82 The percentage of women in the studies ranged from 53.2 percent89 to 94 percent.71 Race and ethnicity were not reported in any of the studies except Wagner et al,96 a U.S. study in which 94 percent of participants were white. Measures of socioeconomic status, such as education or income level, varied widely.
Nearly all studies solely recruited older adults living in the community; four RCTs included at least 94 percent community-dwelling older adult75, 76, 84, 91 Trials recruited participants from clinics,74, 77-79, 87,89, 92, 94 emergency departments, hospitals, or ambulances following a fall,72, 75, 80, 83, 84, 90, 95 or multiple settings (e.g., a combination of clinic, emergency department, hospital, self-referral, and/or community).71, 76,81, 82, 86, 88, 91 Two U.S. trials recruited patients from health maintenance organizations93, 96; the third U.S. trial recruited patients from a health insurance database.73 An additional RCT recruited patients in Australia from health insurance member databases.85
A total of 21 of 26 studies excluded patients with cognitive impairment or inability to provide consent/understand instructions. Half of the included studies specifically excluded participants with cognitive impairment based on the results of various tests (e.g., Mini-Mental State Examination [MMSE], mental status questionnaire, abbreviated mental test, clinical dementia rating scale, or clinical diagnosis documented in medical record).72, 75-78, 80, 82, 85, 86, 91-93, 95 An additional eight studies excluded those who could not understand instructions or provide their own informed consent.71, 74, 77, 82-84, 88, 89
Seven trials recruited patients at average risk of falling where the only risk factor for falls was age.73, 79, 82, 85, 87, 89, 96 Nineteen trials solely recruited patients at high risk for falls according to various definitions.71, 72, 74-78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 88, 90-95 Nearly half of the studies (12 of 26) defined high risk as having a history of falling based on either historical recall of one or more falls in the previous 3 months77 or 12 months,81, 91, 92 or seeking medical attention in an emergency department, hospital, ambulance, or clinic following a fall.72, 76,80, 83, 84, 90, 95 The remainder of the trials recruited participants who fulfilled one or more risk factor criteria from a list of possible risk factors. The most common risk factors included a history of one or more falls;74, 88, 94 gait, balance, mobility, high risk medication usage, or high health care utilization;74, 86, 88, 93, 94 ADL impairment;86, 93 osteoporosis or a history of osteoporotic fracture;71, 88 TUG score of >14 seconds;71 or frailty (3+ Cardiovascular Health Study frailty criteria: slow gait, weak grip, exhaustion, low energy expenditure, or weight loss).78
The baseline risk factor measures reported in the studies varied. Measures included a history of falls, fear of falling, comorbidities, number of medications, self-rated health status, ADL/IADL measurements, the MMSE, and/or measures of mobility/balance. In the trials reporting the percentage of participants with falls in the previous year, the range was 31 percent89 to 100 percent.81, 91, 92 Trials reporting some measure of ADL function generally reported fairly independent ADLs,72, 73, 76,79, 81, 83, 87, 92, 95 although there were a few exceptions, such as the trial by Moller et al,86 which required participants to need assistance with at least two ADLs, and the trial by Russell et al,90 in which a third of participants needed some assistance with ADLs.
Intervention Details
The 26 multifactorial RCT publications described to various degrees the complex assessment and intervention components for the treatment group (Table 4). A trial by Newbury et al87 sent only initial risk assessment results to primary care providers (PCPs); there was no further treatment intervention or referrals by the research team. For the remainder of the trials, the intervention groups underwent both an initial assessment and treatment intervention that was largely individualized and based on the risk factors identified in the initial assessment. Treatment and referrals were generally managed by the research team.
Intervention Groups
Initial assessment. All 26 RCTs used an initial assessment of modifiable fall risk factors to customize the intervention for each participant. This initial assessment could include a multidisciplinary comprehensive geriatric assessment or an assessment of the risk of falls with any number of the following components: balance, gait, vision, cardiovascular health (e.g., postural blood pressure or pulse, carotid sinus stimulation), medication, environment (e.g., home hazards or personal needs), cognition, and psychological health. The initial assessment occurred in a clinical setting and/or the participant’s home. Nursing professionals nearly always performed the initial assessment, with or without additional professionals (e.g., physical therapists, exercise instructors, occupational therapists, medical doctors, dieticians or nutritionists).
Treatment interventions. Treatment interventions varied substantially across the studies. They generally included multiple _targeted intervention components, such as exercise (unsupervised or supervised, group or individual), psychological (cognitive behavioral therapy), nutrition therapy, knowledge (e.g., via DVDs, lectures, pamphlets), medication management, urinary incontinence management, environment (e.g., assistive technology or dwelling recommendations), and referral to physical or occupational therapy, social or community services, and specialists (e.g., ophthalmologist, neurologist, cardiologist).
In the vast majority of trials (22 of 26 trials), treatment interventions were implemented through a combination of direct treatment administered by the research team as well as specialty referrals generated by the research team. In a minority of trials, the research team administered all of the interventions82, 93 or treatment recommendations were solely communicated with the PCP and/or the participant for further action.73, 87 In more than half of the trials (k=14), in addition to making direct referrals or directly implementing the recommended interventions, the research team communicated with PCPs (generally to communicate specific or comprehensive risk assessment results);71, 72, 76,77, 79-81, 84, 88,8991-93, 96 in two of these trials, PCPs were contacted only to discuss medication changes.72, 93 In the majority of trials, the protocols included one or more home visits for initial assessment, environment interventions, and/or physical therapy/exercises. The vast majority of interventions in the trials, however, occurred in the outpatient setting.
We could not quantify the intensity of the multifactorial interventions because total contact time was rarely reported. Most trials reported that they directly offered or referred participants to an exercise or physical therapy intervention. This offer was available either to all participants for one session or serially, or was _targeted to those with balance or gait issues identified in the risk assessment.
Control Groups
Control groups in the trials received usual care71-76,78-80, 82-87, 92, 94-96 or usual care plus minimal control (pamphlet, social visit, brief fall-risk advice, letter).77, 81, 88-91, 93
Study Quality
Nearly all of the 26 trials reported randomization methods that were likely to be adequate. (Cohen et al73 modified the probability of assignment to a particular group to ensure reaching _target analysis numbers to balance groups for attrition.) Three studies were cluster RCTs by physician93 or clinical practice site.89, 92 Fifteen studies clearly reported adequate outcome assessor blinding,72, 75, 77-81, 84, 87, 90, 91, 93-96 and nine reported having unblinded outcome assessors (e.g., those administering interviews or abstracting medical records were not blinded).71, 73, 74, 76,82, 86, 88, 89, 92 For the remaining studies, reporting about assessor blinding was unclear.83, 85 The multifaceted and customized nature of these multifactorial interventions precluded analysis of intervention adherence rates. With two exceptions,73, 83 nearly all trials used intention-to-treat analysis where all randomized participants were included in the analysis regardless of their participation at the conclusion of the study. To ascertain falls, most studies had the patient prospectively record falls on a calendar or in a diary, with or without additional confirmation (e.g., medical records or 3–6 recall phone calls).71-89 Six studies recorded falls by patient’s recall every 1 to6 months,90-95 and one study recorded falls as recorded by the patient’s recall at >6 months and in hospital discharge summaries.96 Completion rates ranged from 68.6 to 100 percent (all respondents had at least one data point, allowing them to be included in analysis). Eight trials were designed to have enough power to detect differences in the rate of falls,72, 74, 83, 84, 88, 89, 91, 95 and nine trials were powered for people experiencing a fall.75-77, 80, 81, 88, 89, 92, 94, 96
Meta-analysis of 17 multifactorial RCTs72-75, 77, 79, 81, 83-86, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95, 99 (n=9,737) demonstrated a lower rate of falls at the longest followup (6–12 months) in the multifactorial group than in the control group with substantial heterogeneity (IRR, 0.79 [95% CI, 0.68 to 0.91]; I2=87.2%) (Figure 2 Table 5). In the control group, the rate of falls per person-year ranged from 0.38 to 7.7 events per person-year at the longest followup. Individual RCTs reported substantial variation in effect size, with wide and overlapping CIs and IRR point estimates ranging from 0.42 to 1.12. Two RCTs particularly notable for much greater beneficial effect sizes were conducted by Close et al72 and Logan et al,84 with IRR point estimates of 0.42 and 0.45, respectively. Those studies recruited participants from the emergency department72 or an ambulance84 following a fall; one had specific intervention protocols outlined in the publication,72 and the other included intensive interventions (6 physical therapy sessions, 12 group sessions of supervised exercise or education on preventing falls, and up to 12 home sessions84). We explored heterogeneity by examining the number of falls by country, date of publication, recruitment setting, fall rate of the control group, recruitment inclusion criteria of average or high risk of falls, mean age, followup period, and study quality. We were unable to explain the high heterogeneity by any single variable except recruitment setting (Appendix C Figure 1). In meta-regression, both clinical and multiple recruitment settings were statistically different than that of the emergency department (p=0.030 and p=0.023, respectively). Caution should be used in interpreting this post hoc subanalysis because heterogeneity was high and formal a priori subgroup credibility ratings were not performed.63 Visual examination of the funnel plot (not included in this report) for the 17 pooled studies did not suggest a risk of small study bias and the result of the Egger test was not statistically significant (p=0.678).
Injurious Falls
Approximately one-third (k=9; n=4,306) of the 26 multifactorial trials reported injurious falls at 6 to 36 months (Figure 3; Table 6).77, 78, 83, 86, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95 Injuries were largely defined as severe injuries (e.g., dislocation, severe sprain, fracture, head injury)91, 93 or those requiring medical care,83, 95 although some trials also included soft tissue bruises and contusions.77, 88 Three trials did not define the types of injuries sustained.78, 86, 90 Only one study, by Palvanen et al,88 reported a statistically significant reduction in injurious falls in the multifactorial group compared to the control group (IRR, 0.74 [95% CI, 0.61 to 0.89]). The remaining eight trials showed no notable differences: half of these studies showed point estimates near 1.
Five trials (n=3,236) reported falls resulting in any fall-related fracture or hip fracture78, 88, 90, 91, 95 at 12 to 36 months of followup. The results showed no statistically significant difference between the multifactorial and control groups. Individual IRR point estimates ranged from 0.55 to 1.09 at longest followup (Figure 4; Table 7).
People Experiencing a Fall
Meta-analysis of the 24 multifactorial RCTs71-81, 83-86, 88-96 (n=12,490) reporting the number of people experiencing a fall demonstrated no difference at the longest followup (6–18 months) in the multifactorial group compared to the control group (RR, 0.95 [95% CI, 0.89 to 1.01]; I2=56.4%) (Figure 5; Table 8). Four RCTs72, 84, 88, 96 reported a statistically significant modest reduction in people experiencing a fall (range of RR, 0.62 to 0.84). The remaining 20 RCTs71, 73-81, 83, 85, 86, 89-95 showed no statistically significant difference in the number of people experiencing a fall, with one outlier study (Ciaschini et al71) reporting a point estimate of 1.51. The Ciaschini study had the youngest population (mean age 71.9 years), which was recruited from the emergency department after a fall.71 While one cluster RCT by Tinetti et al93 reported an RR of 0.76 (95% CI, 0.58 to 0.98), after adjustment for clustering, this result was no longer statistically significant. Almost half of the studies (9 of 22) showed point estimates greater than 1.0, indicating that the control group had fewer people experiencing a fall, although none of the point estimates was statistically significant. The percentage of people experiencing a fall in the control group ranged from 17.0 to 94.1 percent. We examined variables as listed in the falls results above and were unable to identify any individual factors to explain the heterogeneity.
People Experiencing an Injurious Fall
Meta-analysis of 16 trials72-75, 80-82, 85, 86, 90-96 (n=9,445) showed no difference in people experiencing an injurious fall in the multifactorial group compared to the control group at the longest followup (9–36 months) (RR, 0.94 [95% CI, 0.85 to 1.03]; I2=34.3%) (Figure 6; Table 9).
People Experiencing a Fracture
Only five trials (n=1,937) reported on people with fragility,71 hip,75 fall-related peripheral,90 or any fall-related fracture89, 92 at 6 to 12 months of followup (control group prevalence range, 0.7% to 6.0%). There was no statistically significant difference between the multifactorial and control groups (Figure 7; Table 10). RR point estimates ranged from 0.17 to 1.02 in the studies with relatively few events, which made estimates unstable.
Pooled analysis of 23 RCTs71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79-94, 96 (n=9,721) showed no difference in all-cause mortality at 6 to 36 months in the multifactorial group compared to the control group (RR, 0.96 [95% CI, 0.79 to 1.17]; I2=0%) (Figure 8). Individual study results varied widely, with RRs ranging from 0.20 to 5.03 and wide CIs reflecting a relatively uncommon outcome with few events in most studies (Table 11); not surprisingly, none was statistically significant as the trials were not intended nor powered to affect mortality outcomes.
People Transitioning to Institutional Care
Seven RCTs72, 74, 79, 81, 82, 87, 92 (n=2,143) reported mixed results on institutionalization (Figure 9; Table 12). The prevalence of institutionalization in the control groups varied substantially, from 0.6 to 20.1 percent. The RR from individual trials ranged from 0.43 to 3.07 with wide confidence intervals, which reflected the relatively few institutionalization events in most trials.
People Hospitalized
Four RCTs72, 84, 93, 96 (n=2,134) reported the outcome of people hospitalized, which revealed no difference in the prevalence of hospitalization in the multifactorial versus control group (Figure 10; Table 13). RR and OR point estimates ranged from 0.57 to 0.98. There was wide variation in the prevalence of hospitalization in the control group (1–53%), indicating that the studies had heterogeneous populations with different baseline risks.
Four RCTs (n=1,104) reported QOL outcomes as measured using 12-Item Short Form Survey (SF-12),76 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36),77, 95 EuroQol EQ-5D,78 or EuroQoL EQ-5D Visual Analog Scale (VAS).78 Overall, there was no difference between the intervention group and the control group at 12 months of followup (Table 14). Only the study by Vind et al95, 101 showed a statistically significant difference in changes in the SF-36 physical health component score from baseline in the intervention group compared to the control group at 12 months of followup, but these changes are unlikely to be clinically meaningful. SF-36 mental health-component mean changes from baseline to 12 months of followup were similar between the intervention group and the control group. In the studies by Elley et al,77 Fairfall et al,78, 98 and deVries et al,76 the changes in QOL scale scores (SF-12, SF-36, EQ5D VAS, EuroQol EQ 5D) from baseline to 12 months were similar between the intervention group and the control group.
Seven studies (n=2,106) reported ADL outcomes as measured by the Barthel Index (Table 14).72, 76,78, 83, 84, 92, 95 These studies compared baseline to the longest followup (6 months83 or 12 months72, 76,78, 84, 92, 95) and showed no statistically significant difference in six of seven studies. The one exception was the trial by Logan et al,84 with a statistically significant difference between the intervention and control groups in the proportion of participants with scores above or below the median value of 15 (OR, 2.91 [95% CI, 1.18 to 7.20]); however, the clinical meaningfulness of this difference is uncertain.
Four RCTs (n=1,102) used the Frenchay Activities Index (FAI)80, 94, 95 or the Lawton and Brody scale76 to report IADL, which showed mixed results (Table 14). The RCT conducted by van Haastregt et al94 showed a statistically significant difference in adjusted mean difference in the FAI (1.6 [95% CI, 0.6 to 2.7]) at 12 months that did not persist at 18 months (adjusted mean difference, 1.0 [95% CI, -0.2 to 2.2]). The other three studies showed no statistically significant difference in IADL changes between the intervention and control groups.76,80, 95
Three studies (n=637) reported a combination of ADL and IADL using the Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living scale77, 84 or Sonn and Asberg86 to compare mean differences in scores over 12 months; the results were mixed (Table 14). An RCT by Logan et al84 reported that the Nottingham Extended ADL scale was statistically significantly different between the intervention and control groups (mean difference, 3.47 [2.13 to 4.81]).84 Two studies reported no statistically significant difference in ADL and IADL combination score changes between the intervention and control groups.77, 86
Fall Risk Status
As mentioned above, most multifactorial trials (19 of 26) recruited participants defined as at high risk for falls using a host of different risk-factor criteria. The most common risk factor used for recruitment was history of falls. For any given outcome, the vast majority of the pooled trials recruited high-risk participants (falls: 14/17; people experiencing falls 19/22), and our exploratory analyses did not suggest differential treatment effect based on whether the trials recruited high-risk individuals, nor did we see a linear association between control-group fall rate and treatment effect. Nonetheless, trials recruiting from emergency settings following a fall demonstrated a greater statistically significantly treatment benefit on falls reduction and in general, these trials recruiting from emergency settings had higher control group fall rates compared to the trials recruiting from clinic settings or a combination of clinic and emergency settings. This exploratory analysis suggests that there may be an association between fall risk and treatment effectiveness.
Four RCTs (n=1,466) reported any harm in the intervention group.78, 80, 91, 93 Only one of these RCTs reported harms (back pain) in the control group for comparison, which showed no difference between the intervention and control groups (2/120 vs. 0/121).78 One RCT reported three falls without injury during the exercise component of the intervention.91 In general, adverse events were rare, minor, and associated with the exercise component of the multifactorial intervention.
Critical Appraisal
Populations and intervention design, components, intensity, and personnel are heterogeneous in these 26 trials. This heterogeneity makes it challenging to understand why the statistical results of the rate of falls varied so widely. Our attempts to explore the heterogeneity yielded one apparently consistent finding: studies recruiting participants from emergency settings exhibited greater benefit related to the rate of falls than did participants in other settings. Otherwise, we were unable to identify any trial or participant characteristic that was more likely to be associated with the rate of falls. Our examination of trials with statistically significant reductions in falls or the number of people experiencing a fall did not reveal an association even after we considered the adequacy of the power of the trial for these outcomes.
Harms were inconsistently reported in a small proportion of the total studies (k=4). The harms reported were generally minor and related to rare musculoskeletal complaints associated with the exercise component of the multifactorial intervention. The lack of collection of adverse events from the control groups further limits conclusions regarding harms.
Single Interventions: Exercise
Summary of Results
The evidence examining exercise interventions to prevent falls consists of a heterogeneous set of 21 trials (n=7,297). About half of the trials recruited participants determined to be at high risk for falls; physical function/mobility limitation was the most common risk factor (alone or in combination) used for trial recruitment. The trials included single or multiple exercise components, and the exercise interventions were primarily conducted in a group setting. Pooled results from 14 RCTs (n=4,663) showed that exercise interventions may reduce the rate of incident falls at 6 to 24 months of followup compared to the control group (IRR, 0.87 [95% CI, 0.75 to 1.00]; p=0.052; I2=57.3%). Pooled results from 10 RCTs (n=4,622) showed a 19 percent reduction in injurious falls (IRR, 0.81 [95% CI, 0.73 to 0.90]; I2=0.0%]). Pooled analysis of 15 RCTs (n=4,926) demonstrated that exercise interventions may reduce the number of people experiencing a fall at 6–24 months compared to the control group (IRR, 0.89 [95% CI, 0.81 to 0.97]; I2=43.9%). Pooled results from 11 RCTs (n=4,263) suggested that exercise interventions have no statistically significant effect on mortality (RR, 0.93 [95% CI, 0.71 to 1.22]; I2=0.0%). There is limited evidence of the effect of exercise on fracture, people hospitalized, people transitioning to institutional care, QOL, or IADLs based on one to three trials for each of these outcomes.
Conclusions about the harms of exercise interventions are limited by a small number of studies (k=8; n=4,107) and incomplete reporting of adverse events. Harms, including musculoskeletal complaints associated with exercise, were generally minor.
Characteristics of Included Studies
Of the 21 included exercise trials105-125 (35 articles105-139), nine were from the previous review105-112, 122 and 12 were new.113-121, 123-125 Eight trials from the previous review were excluded because the population was not representative of general primary care populations,140-144 they had less than 6 months of followup,145, 146 or they were of poor quality.141-147
Study Characteristics
We identified 16 fair-quality105-111, 114-118, 121-124 and 5 good-quality112, 113, 119, 120, 125 RCTs (n=7,297) with a primary or secondary aim of examining the effectiveness of exercise on reducing falls and/or fall-related injuries at 6 to 60 months of followup (Table 15). Three trials were conducted in the United States,105, 111, 125 eight in Europe (not including the United Kingdom),107, 108, 113-115, 119-121 seven in Australia or New Zealand,106, 109, 110, 112, 116,117, 122 two in Asia,123, 124 and one in the United Kingdom.118 Trial sizes ranged from 55105 to 1,635125 participants randomized to exercise and control arms (for our analysis).
The outcomes reported in the trials we included for analysis were falls (k=14; n=4,663), people experiencing a fall (k=15; n=4,926), injurious falls (k=10; n=4,622), fractures (k=3, n=2050), people experiencing an injurious fall (k=5; n=2,776), mortality (k=11; n=4,263), IADL (k=3; n=363), QOL (k=3; n=1,179), people hospitalized (k=1; N=98), and people transitioning to institutional care (k=2; n=206). No studies reported ADLs.
Two studies (n=2,480) reported adverse events for intervention and control groups.118, 125, 131 An additional six studies (n=1,627) reported adverse events for participants in intervention groups only.113, 115, 117, 120, 121, 123
Population Characteristics
The most common _target population was aged 65 years or older (7 of 20 studies105, 109, 116, 118, 121, 123, 124) (Table 16). Other age _target thresholds were 60 years or older,111, 112, 117, 119 70 years or older,108, 113, 114, 120, 122, 125 75 years or older,106, 115 80 years or older,110 and at least 85 years.107 The mean age ranged from 68 years119 to 88 years.107 Six of the studies were conducted exclusively with women,110, 113-115, 119, 124 while in one study less than half of the participants were female (42%).120 The majority of participants in the remaining studies were women. Three studies reported race/ethnicity; in those studies, participants were almost exclusively white.105, 118, 125 Ten studies reported a measure of socioeconomic status (primarily education).105, 108, 112, 115, 116, 118, 120, 121, 123, 125 Each study reported socioeconomic status differently, making it difficult to summarize this measure, but most participants who reported socioeconomic status had a high socioeconomic status (e.g., higher level of education).
Twelve of the 21 studies recruited from a community setting (e.g., population-based registries)107, 112-116, 119, 121-125; the remaining studies recruited from a clinic or hospital106, 108-111, 117, 118 or from insurance rolls.105, 120 All studies recruited community-dwelling adults.
Nine trials did not specify any fall-risk criteria as a condition for inclusion of participants.105, 106, 110, 112, 114, 116, 119, 122, 124 The remaining 12 trials specified fall-risk criteria as a condition for inclusion of participants; the criteria varied widely.107-109, 111, 113, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 123, 125 Two identified participants with history of falls only,113, 120 one identified participants upon discharge from the hospital,117 and one used balance or gait.115 Seven studies defined fall risk using multiple risk factors (e.g., functional test, self-reported limitation in mobility, health status, history of falls, health care use) or used a risk assessment tool to determine risk status.107-109, 111, 118, 121, 123, 125 Overall, the most common fall-risk criterion was physical function/mobility limitation alone or in combination with other factors, self-reported or assessed using performance measures.107-109, 115, 121, 123, 125
The baseline measures of health or functional status reported in the studies varied. The measures included living alone, experiencing a fall in the past year, physical function, ADL or IADL baseline score, QOL or self-reported health rating, number of medications, and other factors. Overall, about half of the participants included in these RCTs lived alone and forty percent reported falling in the past year.
Intervention Details
The 21 exercise interventions varied along several dimensions: supervision, individual versus group exercise, duration, frequency, and exercise components (Table 17).
Intervention Groups
Supervision. With one exception,116 participants in all 21 exercise RCTs were supervised during the intervention. Supervision was conducted by a specialized exercise instructor,108, 109, 112, 114, 115, 118, 120, 121 physical or occupational therapist,107, 110, 111, 113, 117, 119, 122, 124 health professional,106, 123 or unspecified supervisor.105, 125 Participants in the unsupervised trial were self-directed using a written program.116
Individual versus group exercise. Fifteen of the interventions included group exercise alone105, 111, 112, 114, 119-121 or in combination with home-based exercise.107-109, 115, 118, 122, 123, 125 The remaining five interventions included only individual-based exercise.106, 110, 116, 117, 124
Duration. Exercise programs ranged from 2 months111 to 42 months.125 The most common duration was 12 months in five trials.106, 109, 110, 114, 117
Frequency. Exercise sessions were scheduled once per week112, 115, 121, 122 up to six times a week.117, 125 The most common number of sessions was three per week in seven trials.105, 106, 110, 111, 114, 118, 124
Exercise component. The ProFaNE taxonomy35 defines the following exercise components: gait, balance, and functional training; strength and resistance; flexibility; tai chi/3-D training; general physical activity; and endurance (Table 18). Eight of the RCTs employed a single exercise component.108, 111, 112, 115-117, 121 The maximum number of components was five.109, 118 The most common type of exercise component was gait, balance, and functional training; 17 of the 21 RCTs employed this component alone111, 115, 117, 121, 122 or in combination with another type of exercise.106, 107, 109, 110, 113, 114, 118-120, 123-125
Thirteen of the RCTs employed resistance training in combination with another exercise component,105, 106, 109, 110, 113, 114, 118-120, 122-125 eight included flexibility in combination with another exercise component,107, 109, 110, 118, 119, 122, 124, 125 and five included endurance training in combination with another exercise component.105, 108, 110, 118, 120 Three of the RCTs included 3-D training, specifically tai chi alone108, 112 or in combination with another exercise component.107, 109, 118 Five of the RCTs employed general physical activity alone116 or in combination with another exercise component.106, 107, 119, 125
Control Groups
Control groups in the trials were instructed to maintain usual activity levels105-108, 111-114, 118-124 and/or received minimal written information about health or preventing falls, or a social visit.109, 110, 115-117 One study assigned control group participants to receive a health education workshop that included weekly in-person sessions and 5- to 10-minute instructor-led stretching.125
Study Quality
Two studies reported the use of unblinded outcome assessors (e.g., those administering an interview who were not blinded or those abstracting medical records unblinded),105, 116 and an additional three studies114, 121, 124 did not provide enough information to determine whether the outcome assessors were blinded. To ascertain falls, most studies used prospectively recorded falls diaries with or without additional confirmation (i.e., medical records)105, 106, 108, 110-122; five studies recorded fall outcomes by recall every 1 to 6 months.107, 109, 123-125 Adherence to the intervention was reported by 11 of the RCTs as the average percentage of exercise sessions attended, which ranged from 57 percent117 to 95 percent.109 Eight of the RCTs reported adherence to the intervention as the percentage of participants classified as “adherent.”108-110, 115, 117, 118, 120, 122 “Adherent” was defined by the investigators and ranged from any sessions to all sessions. In some cases, adherence was defined as still participating in exercise after 12 months. The percentage of adherent participants reported for the studies ranged from 17 percent118 to 82 percent.120 Several studies did not adjust results for differences in baseline characteristics.105, 106, 109, 110, 114, 115, 117, 125 In addition, several studies reported poor retention of participants during followup108, 111, 118 or minor to moderate differences between intervention and control groups in attrition.105, 108, 116, 120, 122, 124
Meta-analysis of the 14 exercise RCTs (n=4,663) reporting the outcome of falls demonstrated a significant reduction in the rate of incident falls at the longest followup (6–24 months) in the exercise group compared to the control group, with substantial heterogeneity (IRR, 0.87 [95% CI, 0.75 to 1.00]; p=0.052; I2=57.3%) (Figure 11; Table 19). The baseline fall rate of control groups varied widely, from 0.04 per person-year124 to 1.6 per person-year.121 Individual RCTs reported substantial variation in effect and effect size, with IRR point estimates ranging from 0.47110 to 1.43,117 and wide and overlapping CIs. One RCT was notable for the higher fall rate in the exercise group (IRR, 1.43 [95% CI, 1.07 to 1.93]).117 That study recruited patients (mean age of 81 years) discharged from geriatric care, rehabilitation, and orthopedic wards at any of four public hospitals in Sydney, Australia. The intervention was an individually based program designed to improve balance; participants received instruction from a physical therapist and were asked to do the exercises at home six times a week. At 12 months, 57 percent were participating in exercise sessions and 29 percent were no longer exercising.117
We were unable to explain the high heterogeneity by any single variable, despite examining the outcome of falls by country, date of publication, rate of falls in the control group, inclusion criteria for average or high risk of falls, mean age, followup period, and intervention hours. We also evaluated variability based on the intervention exercise components (e.g., gait, balance, and functional training; strength or resistance; flexibility; tai chi/3-D training; general physical activity; endurance), the number of components in each intervention, and whether the intervention was group only, individual only, or group and individual. None of these characteristics was significant in explaining the variability. Visual examination of the funnel plot for the 14 pooled studies (not included in this report) did not suggest a small study bias, and the Egger test was not statistically significant (p=0.472).
Injurious Falls
Meta-analysis of the 10 exercise RCTs (n=4,622) reporting the outcome of injurious falls demonstrated a significant reduction in the rate of injurious falls at the longest followup (12–60 months) in the exercise group compared to the control (IRR, 0.81 [95% CI, 0.73 to 0.90]; I2=0.0%) (Figure 12; Table 20).106, 109, 113-115, 117, 118, 120, 122, 125 Specific definitions for fall-related injury outcomes were reported as injurious falls,106, 109, 113-115, 120, 122 fall-induced serious injuries,125 or falls with injuries resulting in health care.117 Nine of the ten RCTs reported an effect consistent with a benefit of exercise intervention.106, 109, 113-115, 118, 120, 122, 125 Three of the RCTs reported statistically significantly reduced rates of fall-related injuries,113-115 with significant effects ranging from 0.46113 to 0.80.115 One RCT reported a nonstatistically significant increase in the rate of injuries among the intervention group compared to the control group (IRR, 1.14 [95% CI, 0.76 to 1.73]).117
Three RCTs (n=2,047) reporting fall-related fractures show mixed results. One small RCT (n=72) reported a large reduction in the number of fall-related fractures at 60 months followup (IRR, 0.26 [95% CI, 0.07 to 0.97]).114 Two RCTs reported no statistically significant reduction in the rate of fractures in the exercise group compared to the control group (IRR, 0.92 [95% CI, 0.45 to 1.91]117 and IRR, 0.87 [95% CI, 0.63, 1.19]125) (Figure 4; Table 21). One study additionally reported a nonsignificant reduction in risk of hip fracture (IRR, 0.76 [0.37 to 1.57]) 125
People Experiencing a Fall
Meta-analysis of the 15 exercise RCTs (n=4,926) reporting the number of people experiencing a fall demonstrated a reduced risk of falling at the longest followup (6-24 months) in the exercise group compared to the control group (RR, 0.89 [95% CI, 0.81 to 0.97]; I2=43.9%) (Figure 13; Table 22).105, 107-112, 115-117, 119, 121-123 Individual RCTs reported substantial variation in effect and effect size, with wide and overlapping CIs and RR point estimates ranging from 0.40119 to 1.38.117 The results from three RCTs were consistent with a statistically significant reduction in the number of people experiencing a fall in the exercise group compared to the control group (14-60 percent reduced risk).115, 119, 122 One RCT reported a statistically significant increase in the number of people experiencing a fall in the exercise group compared with the control group (RR, 1.38 [95% CI, 1.11 to 1.73]).117 The remaining 11 RCTs showed a nonsignificant benefit in terms of fewer people experiencing a fall in the exercise group than in the control group.105, 107-112,116, 118, 121, 123 We explored heterogeneity by examining country, date of publication, prevalence of people experiencing a fall in the control group, average or high fall risk, mean age, followup period, and intervention hours, yet were unable to explain the high heterogeneity by any single variable. When trials with specific exercise components were examined separately for the number of people experiencing a fall, none of these characteristics was significant in explaining the variability.
Six RCTs109, 110, 112, 116, 121, 122 (n=1,890) reported results for the number of people experiencing two or more falls (Table 22). The results of these trials were consistent with a reduced risk of falling for those in the exercise group compared to the control group. Three of these studies reported a statistically significant reduced risk, which ranged from 0.21121 to 0.54.112 Two studies reported small or moderate nonsignificant reductions of risk of falling at least twice.110, 122 One study reported a risk estimate of 1.0.116
People Experiencing an Injurious Fall
Five RCTs (n=2,776) reported at least one outcome related to the number of people experiencing an injurious fall, with longest followup ranging from 12 to 60 months.109, 110, 114, 115, 125 All five trials reported results consistent with a reduced risk of injury, although none of the results was statistically significant. Reductions in risk among the exercise group ranged from 0.61114 to 0.90115 (Figure 14; Table 23).
People Experiencing a Fracture
One trial (n=1,635) showed a nonsignificant, decreased risk for people with fall-related fractures (RR, 0.87 [95% CI, 0.63 to 1.19]) and people with hip fractures (RR, 0.87 [95% CI, 0.41 to 1.81]) at 31 months in the exercise group compared to the control group (Table 23).125
Pooled analysis of 11 RCTs (n=4,263) showed no significant association with all-cause mortality at longest followup (12–60 months) in the exercise group compared to the control group (RR, 0.93 [95% CI, 0.71 to 1.22]; I2 =0.0%) (Figure 15, Table 24).106, 107, 109, 110, 113-115, 117, 121, 123 Individual study results showed no statistically significant differences, and RRs varied widely (0.16106 to 1.13125), with wide CIs. The few deaths in most trials made estimates unstable.
People Transitioning to Institutional Care
Two RCTs (n=206) reported no statistically significant difference in the number of people transitioning to institutional care between the exercise and control groups at longest followup (6–12 months). The wide confidence intervals reflect the rare event rate; the prevalence of institutionalization in the control groups varied from 2.8 percent over 6 months119 to 1.5 percent over 12 months121 (Figure 9, Table 25).
People Hospitalized
One RCT (n=98) reported the outcome of people hospitalized, which showed no statistically significant difference in hospitalization in the exercise group compared to the control group at 12 months123 (Figure 10, Table 26).
Three RCTs (n=1,179) reporting QOL outcomes as measured by SF-12,117 EuroQol EQ-5D,118 and the Australian Quality of Life scale116 at longest followup (6–12 months) showed no statistically significant differences between the exercise and control groups (Table 27). In general, mean changes in exercise group from baseline to followup were small and not clinically meaningful.
Three studies (n=363) reporting IADL outcomes as measured with the Lawton and Brody scale (original or modified) at longest followup (6–12 months)105, 110, 123 showed no statistically significant differences between the exercise and control groups (Table 27). In general, mean changes in exercise group from baseline to followup were small and not clinically meaningful.
Fall Risk Status
A little over half of the exercise trials (12/21) recruited participants defined as at high risk for falls using a variety of risk factor criteria. The most common risk factor used for recruitment alone or in combination with other risk factors was physical function/mobility limitation (self-reported or measured objectively). For any given outcome, more than half of the pooled trials recruited high-risk participants (falls, 8/14; people experiencing falls, 9/15; injurious falls, 7/10), and our exploratory analyses did not suggest differential treatment effect based on whether or not the trials recruited high-risk individuals, nor did we see an association between control group fall rate and treatment effect.
Eight RCTs (n=4,107) reported on harms113, 114, 117, 118, 120, 121, 123, 125, 131 in the intervention group. Two of these trials also reported harms in the control group for comparison and reported no difference in the rate of serious injuries between the intervention and control groups.118, 125, 131 Several studies reported that intervention participants experienced pain, bruising, or both, related to the exercise.115, 117, 118, 123, 131 One RCT115 reported a wrist fracture in a participant in the intervention group. Another RCT reported three serious fall injuries during 114,100 physical activity sessions (for a rate of 2.6 per 100,000 sessions).125 Several of the studies reported no severe or significant adverse effects or injuries.113, 120, 121 In general, adverse events reported for these exercise interventions were minor.
Critical Appraisal
The recruitment strategies in these exercise interventions generally represent community-dwelling older adults and primary care populations at risk of falling. Most of the studies were small, with eight RCTs enrolling fewer than 200 participants and only four including more than 500 participants. In general, interventions were heterogeneous in terms of duration, frequency, and exercise components. With one exception, interventions included exercise supervised by a professional, and in the majority of interventions participants exercised as part of a group rather than exercising alone. We were unable to determine any trial or participant characteristic associated with a reduced risk of falling or the number of falls. The magnitude of effects was generally small or moderate, and the CIs were generally wide and overlapping. Harms were inconsistently reported in a small proportion of the total studies, and those that were reported were generally minor or rare musculoskeletal complaints. The lack of collection of adverse events from the control groups limits further conclusions regarding the potential harms.
Single Interventions: Vitamin D
Summary of Results
Evidence from seven heterogeneous trials113, 148-153 (11 articles113, 135, 138, 148-155) (n=7,531) of different vitamin D3 formulations and dosing schedules and varying baseline fall risk in community-dwelling older adults shows mixed results. The single trial of annual high-dose cholecalciferol (500,000 International Units [IU]) showed an increase in falls, people experiencing a fall, and injurious falls;153 the trial of calcitriol showed a reduction in falls and fallers,149 and the remaining studies showed no statistical difference in falls, people experiencing a fall, or injurious falls. Pooled results showed no statistically significant difference in falls (k=5; n=3,529; IRR, 0.97 [95% CI, 0.79 to 1.20]; I2=75.8%), people experiencing a fall (k=6; n=6,519; RR, 0.97 [95% CI, 0.88 to 1.08]; I2= 60.3%) or mortality (k=6; n=7,084; RR, 1.08 [95% CI, 0.83 to 1.40]; I2=0%) One study showed no difference between vitamin D and control groups in QOL changes at 12 months. The number of people hospitalized or transitioned to institutional care, ADL, and IADL were not reported in any of these studies. Harms were reported variably in four studies and, with one exception, adverse events were no different between the vitamin D and placebo groups.148, 149, 152, 153 The exception was the single, annual high-dose cholecalciferol (500,000 IU) trial, which revealed a higher rate of falls, people experiencing a fall, and fall-related injuries among the intervention group.153
Characteristics of Included Studies
Of the seven included vitamin D trials, four were included in the previous review,148-151 and three were new.113, 152, 153 We excluded the four trials that did not recruit a population generalizable to a primary care population156-159 (e.g., those with vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency) and one poor-quality trial.160
Study Characteristics
We identified three fair-quality148-150 and four good-quality113, 151-153 RCTs (n= 7,531) with a primary or secondary aim of examining the effectiveness of vitamin D on falls, fall-related injuries, or both at 9 to 60 months of followup (Table 28). Two trials were conducted in the United States,149, 151 two in Australia,152, 153 and one each in the United Kingdom,150 Switzerland,148 and Finland.113 Trial size ranged from 204 participants113 to 3,314 participants150, 153 randomized to the vitamin D and matched control arms.
The outcomes reported in the trials that we included for analysis were falls (k=5; n=3,496), people experiencing a fall (k=6; n=6,519), injurious falls (2 RCTs; n=2,460), mortality (k=6; n=7,084), and QOL (k=1; n=3,314). No studies reported people experiencing an injurious fall, hospitalization, institutionalization, ADL, or IADL. Five studies (n= 3,955) reported harms.148, 149, 151-153
Population Characteristics
Five studies recruited participants aged 70 years and older,113, 148, 150, 152, 153 and two RCTs recruited participants aged 65 years and older (Table 29).149, 151 Mean age ranged from 71 years149, 151 to 76.8 years.150 Five of the seven studies were conducted exclusively with females,113, 149, 150, 152, 153 and two recruited about the same number of males and females.148, 151 In the three studies that reported race or ethnicity, the participants were almost exclusively white.149, 151, 152 Measures of socioeconomic status were not reported.
Five of the seven studies recruited from the community setting.113, 148, 149, 151, 153 One study recruited participants from general practices,150 and one RCT recruited from the community and clinics.152 All seven studies recruited community-dwelling adults.
Four trials recruited patients at average risk of falls where the only risk factor was age.148, 149, 151, 152 Three trials recruited only patients at high risk (based on varying definitions) for falls.113, 150, 153 One study defined high risk as a history of falls in the previous 12 months,113 and the two remaining studies150, 153 defined high risk as the presence of one or more risk factors, including maternal or family history of hip fracture,150, 153 self-reported fall,153 previous fracture,150, 153 low body weight (<58 kg),150 or self-reported health that was fair or poor.150
Baseline mean serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels ranged from 26.4 ng/ml152 to 31.8 ng/ml.149 These values were reflective of mean vitamin D levels in adults aged 60 and older based on 2009–2010 data of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D level, 29 ng/ml).62
Baseline measures of health or functional status varied. They included history of falls, comorbid conditions, baseline ADL or IADL score, QOL, and self-reported health rating.
Intervention Details
Vitamin D3 was administered orally in all studies with various formulations, including cholecalciferol,113, 150-153 1-hydroxycholecalciferol,148 and calcitriol (Table 30).149 The dosing schedules varied. The cholecalciferol trials used a dose of 700 IU daily,151 800 IU daily,113, 150 150,000 IU every 3 months,152 or 500,000 IU annually.153 The other two RCTs administered 1 μg of 1-hydroxycholecalciferol daily 148 and 0.25 μg of calcitriol twice daily.149 In two studies, the intervention group received calcium (500 mg/day of calcium citrate malate151 or 1,000 mg daily of calcium carbonate150) in addition to vitamin D.
Vitamin D was administered for 9 months up to 5 years; for two trials, the treatment duration and outcomes followup was 3 years149, 151 One trial continued therapy for 3 to 5 years and reported outcomes for up to 12 months after treatment was completed.153 The control groups received a matched placebo in six of the seven trials.113, 148, 149, 151-153 One open-label study gave participants an educational pamphlet on fall prevention and adequate consumption of calcium and vitamin D.150
Study Quality
Five of the seven trials ascertained falls prospectively.113, 148, 151-153 One of those trials also asked participants about falls every 6 months by interview151 and another also used medical records.148 Two trials measured falls retrospectively by participant recall at 1 month149 or 6 months.150 Fractures were ascertained by participant self-report with confirmation by a physician150 or radiologist.153 With the exception of the one open-label trial by Porthouse et al,150 which was not blinded, adequate blinding of outcome assessors was clearly reported.113, 148, 149, 151-153 Attrition was relatively low (5–15%) in all trials. Intention-to-treat analysis was used in all studies. Adherence to vitamin D therapy was measured by pill count,113, 149, 151 self-report,150 serum vitamin D level,148, 151, 153 or direct observed therapy.152 Adherence to therapy was approximately 60 percent in two studies,149, 150 98 to 100 percent in two other studies,113, 152 and 82 percent in one study151; the other two studies did not report adherence.148, 153 Trials were designed to have adequate power for outcomes of fracture,150, 153 bone mineral density,149, 151 and falls,152 or they were not reported.148 One factorial study was underpowered for falls for the arm with vitamin D alone.113 Three studies received funding from pharmaceutical companies.148-150
Meta-analysis of five RCTs (n=3,529) showed no statistically significant effect on falls at longest followup (9–36 months) (IRR, 0.97 [95% CI, 0.79 to 1.20]; I2=75.8%) (Figure 16; Table 31).113, 148, 149, 151, 153 This group of trials showed mixed results between the vitamin D and control groups. The RCT (n=213) that used calcitriol showed a statistically significant 37 percent reduction in fall rate in the vitamin D group compared to the control group at 3 years (annual fall rate, 0.27 vs. 0.43; IRR, 0.63 [95% CI, 0.47 to 0.84]).149 One trial of high-dose annual cholecalciferol treatment (n=2,256) showed a 16 percent increase in falls at 3 years (IRR, 1.16 [95% CI, 1.03 to 1.31]).153 The three remaining RCTs reporting this outcome showed no statistically significant difference in falls between the vitamin D and control groups (IRR point estimates 0.87 to 1.12).113, 148, 151 The fall rate of the control group varied widely, from 0.37148, 151 to 1.18 falls per person-year.113 Sensitivity analysis removing the high dose annual vitamin D trial showed no statistically significant difference in falls (IRR 0.91 [95% CI, 0.68 to 1.22]).
Injurious Falls
Two trials (n=2,460) reported falls with soft-tissue injury or injurious falls with mixed results (Figure 3; Table 32).113, 153 The annual high-dose (500,000 IU) cholecalciferol study by Sanders et al153 showed an increase in injurious falls in the vitamin D group (IRR, 1.15 [95% CI, 1.02 to 1.29]), whereas the study by Uusi-Rasi et al113 showed no difference at 24 months (IRR, 0.84 [95% CI, 0.45 to 1.57]).
One trial (n=2,256) administering high-dose (500,000 IU) vitamin D reported fractures. There was no statistically significant difference in fractures between the vitamin D and control groups at 36 months, although the point estimate was above 1 (IRR, 1.25 [95% CI, 0.97 to 1.61]) (Figure 4; Table 32).153
People Experiencing a Fall
Meta-analysis of six RCTs (n=6,519) showed no statistically significant difference in people experiencing a fall between the vitamin D and control groups at 9–36 months (RR, 0.97 [95% CI, 0.88 to 1.08]; I2= 60.3%) (Figure 17; Table 33).148-150, 152, 153, 155 Similar to the mixed results seen for the falls outcome, the calcitriol study (n=213) showed a statistically significant 23 percent reduction in people experiencing a fall in the vitamin D group compared to the control group (RR, 0.77 [95% CI, 0.61 to 0.98])149, 155 and the annual high-dose (500,000 IU) cholecalciferol study showed an 8 percent increase in people experiencing a fall in the vitamin D group (RR, 1.08 [95% CI, 1.03 to 1.14]).153 The remaining four RCTs showed no difference in people experiencing a fall between the vitamin D and control groups (RR, 0.84148 to 1.08152). A sensitivity analysis removing the high-dose annual vitamin D trial showed no statistically significant difference in people experiencing a fall (RR 0.94 [95% CI, 0.84 to 1.05]). An additional sensitivity analysis adding trials exclusively recruiting participants with vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency showed a nonstatistically significant reduction in people experiencing a fall with the upper confidence interval including 1 (RR 0.88 [95% CI, 0.78 to 1.00]; I2=83.2%).
People Experiencing an Injurious Fall
No trials reported this outcome.
People Experiencing a Fracture
Four trials (n=5,436) reported mixed results for people experiencing a fracture (Figure 7; Table 34).150-153 Two trials150, 151 showed a reduction in people experiencing a fracture; Porthouse et al.153 showed a nonstatistically significant reduction in people with physician-confirmed hip fractures at 25 months of followup (RR, 0.39 [95% CI, 0.11 to 1.34]) with wide CIs, and Bischoff-Ferrari et al.151, 154 showed a statistically significant reduction in people with nonvertebral fractures at 36 months (RR, 0.46 [95% CI, 0.23 to 0.90]). The high-dose (500,000 IU annually) cholecalciferol trial showed a nonstatistically significant increase in people with nonvertebral fractures at 36 months (RR, 1.22 [95% CI, 0.95 to 1.57]),153 and Glendenning et al.152 reported similar proportions of people experiencing a fracture in both groups (RR, 0.94 [95% CI, 0.40, 2.24]).
Six RCTs (n=7,084) reporting mortality at 9 to 36 months of followup showed mixed results.113, 148-150, 152, 153 Meta-analysis showed no statistically significant difference in deaths between the vitamin D and control groups (RR, 1.08 [95% CI, 0.83 to 1.40); I2=0%). No individual study reached statistical significance (Figure 18; Table 35). Wide CIs were particularly notable in trials with up to two events.
People Transitioning to Institutional Care
No trials reported this outcome.
People Hospitalized
No trials reported this outcome.
In one study (n=3,314), QOL exhibited similar mean differences in SF-12 mental and physical component scores between the vitamin D and control groups at 12 months compared to baseline (SF-12 mental component adjusted mean difference, 0.03 [95% CI, -0.04 to 0.97] and SF-12 physical component adjusted mean difference, -0.152 [95% CI, -0.10 to 0.7]) (Table 36).150
No trials reported this outcome.
Fall Risk Status
Three of the seven trials recruited participants at high risk for falls where the most common definition of increased fall risk was based on history of falls as a single factor or as one of many risk factors. Given the few trials and heterogeneity of dosages and formulations, no conclusions can be made about associations between baseline fall risk and treatment effectiveness.
Five RCTs (n=3,955) reported harms associated with vitamin D and showed no difference in the frequency of adverse events attributable to treatment (Table 37).148, 149, 151-154 As noted above in the sections on falls and persons experiencing a fall, one trial reported an increase in falls, people experiencing a fall, and fall-related injuries associated with the annual high dose (500,000 IU) of cholecalciferol. The event rates for several of the reported events that did occur were rare (e.g., kidney stones, diabetes). Transient hypercalcemia was reported in two trials148, 149 and described as mild or clinically asymptomatic; a single case of hypercalciuria was reported in the treatment group in one trial.151, 154 Most of the conditions are unlikely to be attributable to vitamin D.
Critical Appraisal
These seven vitamin D trials tested various formulations and dosing schedules for community-dwelling older adults at average or high risk of falls who were not specifically selected for vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency. Although most trials had followup lasting more than 12 months, only three of the seven trials were designed to have adequate power to detect differences in falls or fractures in these trials. Given the high statistical heterogeneity in the meta-analyses for falls, people experiencing falls, and mortality, we have limited confidence in interpreting these mixed results.
Single Interventions: Environment
Summary of Results
We identified three trials122, 161, 162 (four articles122, 129, 161, 162) that examined the effect of an environment intervention (i.e., a single home visit to reduce home hazards) on falls in older adults at varying fall risk (n=2,175). The results were mixed: one trial162 showed a 46 percent reduction in falls, while two trials showed no effect. None of the trials reporting people experiencing a fall or injurious falls showed differences between the environment intervention group and the control group. One trial reporting changes in QOL and ADL showed no difference between these groups. No trials reported the outcomes of mortality, people hospitalized, people transitioning to institutional care, or harms. All studies were conducted outside of the United States, and the overall conclusions were limited by few studies that were underpowered for fall outcomes.
Characteristics of Included Studies
Of the three included environment trials, one was included in the previous review161 and two were newly identified.122, 162 One study from the previous review was excluded because the population was not representative of the general primary care population.141
Study Characteristics
We found one good-quality RCT162 and two fair-quality RCTs122, 161 that examined the effect of environment interventions on falls (k=3, n=2,175) (Table 38). Two of the trials had a primary aim to reduce falls,122, 161 and the other trial had a secondary aim of falls prevention.162 Two trials took place in Australia122, 161 and one took place in the United Kingdom.162 Trial size ranged from 165 to 1,879 randomly assigned participants. All three trials reported on falls and people experiencing a fall; one of these also reported injurious falls.122
Population Characteristics
All three studies recruited community-dwelling adults aged 70 years and older (Table 39).122, 161, 162 One required that all participants had fallen in the year preceding the study162; the other two studies reported that 27 percent of their participants had fallen in the previous year161 or 6 percent within the past month.122 Mean age ranged from 76 to 79 years. The percentage of females ranged from 52 to 69 percent. The two studies that reported ADLs indicated that participants were still performing most ADLs without limitations (mean score, 18 out of 20162 or 5.3 out of 6122).
Intervention Details
A nurse,161 home-maintenance staff member,122 or occupational therapist162 conducted a one-time assessment of the participant’s home to identify environment hazards within the home that could contribute to a fall (Table 40). Each study provided some kind of modification to reduce the hazard of falls. Modifications were made during the assessment (if possible)161, 162 or through a city program (which paid up to $100).122 For hazards not modified during the assessor’s visit or through a city program, the participant was responsible for making changes or hiring someone to complete the work. Only one of the trials had a systematic approach to identifying home hazards and also provided followup phone calls.162
Participants in the control group in two of the trials were not given any intervention but could continue to receive usual care.161, 162 The third trial offered a delayed intervention.122
Study Quality
All three trials reported adequate randomization methods, used blinded outcome assessors, collected prospective data on falls, and analyzed data using an intention-to-treat approach. Two of the fair-quality trials had a higher attrition rate (10–15%) than the good-quality study did, but the loss was similar between the intervention and control groups.122, 161 Participants’ adherence to the intervention was variably reported. In one study, 76 percent received help to make the home modifications.122 In another, 70 percent partially or fully adhered to the recommendations.162 The third reported that several hazards (e.g., unsafe steps, rugs, or mats; rooms with trailing cords; rooms with an unsafe favorite chair) were significantly reduced.161 The trials either were not powered to assess the outcomes of falls or did not report power calculations.
Only one trial of high-risk participants, Pighills et al,162 reported a statistically significant reduction in the number of falls in the intervention group compared to the control group (IRR, 0.54 [95% CI, 0.36 to 0.83]) (Figure 19; Table 41). This trial had a prescriptive protocol for the home assessment and provided followup phone calls as well.162 The other two trials showed no effect on the rate of falls (IRR, 0.98 [95% CI, 0.81 to 1.19]122 and IRR, 1.02 [95% CI, 0.83 to 1.27]161).
Injurious Falls
Only one trial captured injurious falls (i.e., a fall that resulted in a cut, scrape, gash, bruise, fracture, head injury, or hospitalization). There were no differences between the intervention and control groups (IRR, 0.97 [95% CI, 0.75 to 1.26])122 (Figure 3; Table 42). The same trial found that the intervention group had a nonstatistically significant higher rate of falls with injuries resulting in health care (IRR, 1.47 [95% CI, 0.81 to 2.67]).
People Experiencing a Fall
All three studies reported that the intervention group had fewer people experiencing a fall than the control group, but the differences were not statistically significant (Figure 20; Table 43). RR or point estimates ranged from 0.83 to 0.93. One study also looked at people experiencing recurrent falls and found similar nonstatistically significant results (people experiencing two or more falls: RR, 0.94 [95% CI, 0.66 to 1.33]; people experiencing three or more falls: RR, 0.73, [95% CI, 0.42 to 1.27]).122
People Experiencing Injurious Falls
None of the studies reported people experiencing injurious falls.
No studies reported mortality outcomes.
People Transitioning to Institutional Care
No trials reported this outcome.
People Hospitalized
No studies reported hospitalization.
Using the EuroQol and SF-12, one study reported on the QOL of participants in the intervention and control groups (Table 44). There was no difference from baseline to 12 months between the two groups.162
One study reported ADLs, measured with the Barthel index (Table 44). There was no difference from baseline to 12 months between the intervention and control groups.162
Fall Risk Status
Only one of these three trials recruited participants at high risk for falls based on history of prior falls, so it is not possible to make conclusions about associations between baseline fall risk and treatment effectiveness.
No studies reported harms.
Critical Appraisal
These three environment trials of average or high-risk, community-dwelling older adults showed mixed results. The largest of the three trials (more than 1,500 participants) had no effect on fall outcomes,161 but the smallest trial, which was of good quality and had a designated protocol and provided telephone followup, resulted in a large reduction in falls.162 These mixed results suggest that larger studies replicating the trial by Pighills et al162 are needed.
Single Interventions: Medication Management
Summary of Results
Evidence is limited to two underpowered RCTs163, 164 (3 articles163-165) in high-risk older adults, which showed no difference in falls, injurious falls, people experiencing a fall, or mortality with an intervention involving medication management. There were no studies reporting people hospitalized, people transitioning to institutional care, QOL, ADL, or harms. Evidence of the effectiveness and harms of these interventions to reduce falls and fall-related injuries is too limited for conclusions.
Characteristics of Included Studies
Both trials were newly identified studies.
Study Characteristics
We identified two fair-quality RCTs (n=266) conducted in the United States with a primary aim of examining the effectiveness of medication management on recurrent falls163, 164 and fall-related injuries (Table 45).163 The fall-related outcomes reported in the trials that we included for analysis were falls, people experiencing a fall, fall-related injuries, and mortality at 6 months164 and 1 year163 of followup.
Population Characteristics
Both RCTs recruited participants aged 65 and older (mean age, 75 years) (Table 46). The majority of participants were women (73%), were white (92%), and had an education beyond high school (74%).
One trial recruited participants from a central electronic database from a community pharmacy chain,163 while the second trial recruited participants from a fall-prevention workshop.164 Both trials recruited participants at high risk for falls (i.e., fell at least once in the prior year,163, 164 had a fear of falling164 or took four or more long-term prescription medications,163 of which one or more was a central nervous system medication (e.g., benzodiazepines, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, sedative-hypnotics, narcotic analgesics, antipsychotics, skeletal muscle relaxants).
All participants were community-dwelling and had no significant cognitive impairment (fewer than three errors on a six-item MMSE-derived screening test163 or able to provide their own consent164). One study reported that 43 percent of participants used a cane or walker and 49 percent had fallen two or more times in the year prior to randomization.163 The second trial reported that 40 percent had fallen in the prior 6 months; most of the participants assessed their health to be good or better.164
Intervention Details
In both trials, the intervention and control groups received an educational fall-prevention brochure (Table 47).
The medication management intervention included an algorithm-driven consultation with a pharmacist164 or pharmacy resident.163 One trial included a single, 45-minute, face-to-face medication review consultation,163 while the second trial included one 60-minute, face-to-face medication review consultation and a followup telephone call at 3 months.164 The pharmacist either contacted the prescriber to approve the medication changes163 or developed an action plan with prescriber communication only when deemed necessary.164
Study Quality
Participants recorded falls by using calendars that were turned in monthly and by participating in telephone interviews every 1164 to 3 months.163 One trial specified that personnel who had patient contact or collected data were blinded,163 while the other trial did not report blinding.164 One trial conducted analyses controlling for potential confounders (two or more falls in the year prior to randomization, use of a cane or walker, number of high-risk medical conditions, and number of days per week engaged in physical activity),163 while the other did not.164 One trial reported no loss to followup,164 while the other trial reported that 78 percent of the intervention group received the intervention; 28 and 16 percent were lost to followup in the intervention and control groups, respectively, but all randomized patients were analyzed using intention to treat methods. In these two trials, there was wide variation in adherence to medication discontinuation recommendations (16% and 77% of the intervention groups actually discontinued high-risk medications in the two trials.) Both trials were underpowered for any fall-related outcomes.
One study163 reported no difference in the rate of falls between the medication management group and the control group (2.2 vs. 2.1 falls per person year; IRR, 1.01 [95% CI, 0.81 to 1.26]) (Figure 19; Table 41).
Injurious Falls
The same trial163 reported no difference in injurious falls between the intervention and control groups at 12 months (IRR, 0.87 [95% CI, 0.62 to 1.24]) (Figure 3; Table 42).
No trials report this outcome.
People Experiencing a Fall
Both trials reported no difference in people experiencing one or more falls between the medication management group and the control group (RR, 1.02 [95% CI, 0.79 to 1.31] for Blalock et al.,163 RR, 1.16 [95% CI, 0.55 to 2.41] for Mott et al164) (Figure 20; Table 43).
People Experiencing an Injurious Fall
No trials reported this outcome.
People Experiencing a Fracture
No trials reported this outcome.
There was no difference in mortality between the medication management and control groups in one study.163 However, the events were rare (3 vs. 2 deaths; RR, 1.50 [95% CI, 0.26 to 8.77]) (Figure 21; Table 48).
People Transitioning to Institutional Care
The trials did not report this outcome.
People Hospitalized
The trials did not report this outcome.
The trials did not report this outcome.
The trials did not report this outcome.
Fall Risk Status
Both trials recruited participants at high risk for falls based on history of prior falls, fear of falling and/or high-risk medication usage, so it is not possible to make conclusions about associations between baseline fall risk and treatment effectiveness.
Neither study on medication management reported harms.
Critical Appraisal
The evidence on medication management is limited to two underpowered studies that showed no statistically significant effect on the outcome of falls. The literature is too limited to make any conclusions about the effectiveness or harms of medication management interventions.
Single Interventions: Psychological
Summary of Results
Two trials166, 167 (five articles166-170) of cognitive behavioral interventions _targeted community-dwelling older adults at high risk of falling. An 8-week group-based intervention and 16-week individual-based intervention trial showed nonstatistically significant reductions in falls and people experiencing a fall, at 12 and 14 month followup. One trial reported a statistically significant reduction in people experiencing two or more falls at 14 months of followup. Trial results on injurious falls were mixed. Larger trials adequately powered for fall-related outcomes are needed. Neither study reported fracture, people experiencing an injurious fall, people experiencing a fracture, people hospitalized, or people transitioning to institutional care.
Characteristics of Included Studies
We identified two new studies that used cognitive behavioral interventions for reducing fear of falling.166, 167
Study Characteristics
These two fair-quality RCTs (n=929 randomized), conducted in the Netherlands, were aimed to reduce fear of falling and activity avoidance 166 or to address concerns about falls167 in community-dwelling older adults (Table 49). Both trials measured falls, injurious falls, people experiencing a fall, mortality, and IADL changes at 12–14 months of followup.
Population Characteristics
Zijlstra et al166 recruited community-dwelling older adults with a fear of falling or those who avoided activities due to a fear of falling (Table 50). Similarly, Dorresteijn et al recruited community-dwelling older adults who perceived their general health as fair or poor and who had concerns about falling and associated activity avoidance.167 The mean age was 78 years. Seventy-one percent of participants were female. Approximately half (55%) of the participants lived alone, and more than one-third had fallen more than once in the 6 months before the trial was started in the study by Zijlstra et al.166 The participants in the study by Dorresteijn et al167 were more frail, with 61 percent falling in the 6 months prior to the start of the study, 13 percent reporting their general health as poor, 26 percent often or very often concerned about falls, and 23 percent often or very often avoiding activities due to concerns about falls.
Intervention Details
Both studies used a cognitive behavioral intervention designed to reduce fear of falling. A nursing professional facilitated the intervention in both studies (Table 51). Zijlstra et al166 used a group-based approach with eight weekly 2-hour sessions with the purpose of addressing misconceptions, setting realistic goals for safe activity, reducing home hazards, and promoting physical exercise to increase strength and balance. Six of the eight sessions included 15 minutes of low-intensity physical exercise. Every weekly session assigned homework that included physical exercise. A booster session was provided 6 months after the eight weekly sessions were completed. Dorresteijn et al167 used an individual approach, with seven total sessions (3 home visits, 4 telephone contacts) over 16 weeks aimed to address concerns about falls, thoughts about falling, physical exercise, asserting oneself, overcoming personal barriers; safe behavior, and managing concerns about falls. The session length varied, with in-person visits ranging from 60-75 minutes and telephone contacts of 35 minutes. The control group for both studies received usual care.
Study Quality
Both studies were of fair quality: randomization was adequate, outcome assessors were blinded, and intention to treat analysis was conducted. Data on falls were measured by participants’ diaries, which were collected monthly167 or every 3 months.166 The power calculation for sample size determination was not reported for the study by Zijlstra et al,166 and the study by Dorresteijn et al167 was powered for falls efficacy. There was differential attrition between the intervention and control groups for both studies.
In both trials, the intervention group had nearly identical results with nonstatistically significant lower rates of falls compared with the control group at 12 to 14 months of followup (adjusted IRR, 0.86 [95% CI, 0.65 to 1.14]166 and adjusted IRR, 0.86 [95% CI, 0.65, 1.13]167) (Figure 19; Table 41).
Injurious Falls
The trial results for injurious falls were mixed. At 12–14 months, one trial showed a nonstatistically significant reduction in fall-related injuries resulting in medical care in the intervention group compared to the control (adjusted IRR, 0.78 [95% CI, 0.45 to 1.34]),166 but the other trial showed the opposite effect (adjusted IRR, 1.42 [95% CI, 0.96, 2.10])167 (Figure 3; Table 42).
Both trials did not report this outcome.
People Experiencing a Fall
There was a statistically significant 28 percent reduction in people experiencing a fall at 14 months in the intervention compared to the control group in one trial (RR, 0.72 [95% CI, 0.58 to 0.90]) however after adjustment these results were not statistically significant (adjusted OR, 0.50 [95% CI, 0.23 to 1.08]).166 There was a statistically significant reduction in people who fell at least twice in the intervention group compared with the control group (RR, 0.59 [95% CI, 0.43 to 0.81]) and these results remained statistically significant even after adjustment for confounders (adjusted OR, 0.38 [95% CI, 0.17 to 0.84]). The study by Dorresteijn et al167 reported similar results at 12 months, although none was statistically significant (Figure 20; Table 43).
People Experiencing an Injurious Fall
Both trials did not report this outcome.
People Experiencing a Fracture
Both trials did not report this outcome.
There was no difference in the number of participants who died between the intervention and control groups in either trial (RR, 0.93 [95% CI, 0.30 to 2.84]166; RR, 1.01 [95% CI, 0.36 to 2.81]167) at 12–14 months of followup (Figure 21, Table 48). The study by Zijlstra et al166, 170 also reported mortality at 7 years and found no difference between the intervention and control groups (RR, 0.98 [95% CI, 0.77 to 1.25]) (Table 48).
People Transitioning to Institutional Care
Both trials did not report this outcome.
People Hospitalized
Both trials did not report this outcome.
Both trials did not report this outcome.
The study by Dorresteijn et al167 reported statistically significant improvements in ADL (measured with the Groningen Activity Restriction Scale) for the intervention group versus control group at 12 months followup, but the difference between groups was small (adjusted mean difference, -0.83) (Table 44).
The study by Zijlstra et al166 examined IADL using the Frenchay Activities Index and found no differences between the intervention and control group over 14 months of followup. The study by Dorresteijn et al167 reported statistically significant improvements in ADL (measured with the Groningen Activity Restriction Scale) for the intervention group versus control group at 12 months followup, but the difference between groups was small (adjusted mean difference, -1.01) (Table 44).
The study by Dorresteijn et al167 reported statistically significant improvements in ADL/IADL (measured with the Groningen Activity Restriction Scale) for the intervention group versus control group at 12 months followup, but the difference between groups was small (adjusted mean difference, -1.81) (Table 44).
Fall Risk Status
Both psychological trials recruited participants at high risk for falls based on fear of falling; evidence is too limited to make conclusions about associations between baseline fall risk and treatment effectiveness.
One trial reported no adverse events or side effects;166 the other did not report adverse events.167
Critical Appraisal
These two trials of a primary care referable group or individual, home-based cognitive behavioral intervention for community-dwelling older adults at high risk of falling were fairly well designed. While results showed a nonstatistically significant reduction in falls and number of people experiencing a fall, both trials’ primary aims were to reduce participants’ fear of falling, and in one trial, fall outcomes were collected for the purpose of monitoring safety rather than for assessing primary outcomes.166 These trials were underpowered to detect differences in fall outcomes, so larger trials are necessary to determine if cognitive behavioral intervention has any effect on fall-related outcomes.
Multiple Interventions
Summary of Results
Six fair- to good-quality RCTs113, 120, 122, 171-173 (10 articles113, 120, 122, 129, 135, 138, 171-174) examined the effectiveness of multiple interventions with one to two trials testing each of the following combinations of interventions compared to a control group: exercise+environment, exercise+psychological, exercise+knowledge+fall risk assessment, exercise+vitamin D, and knowledge+environment in older adults of varying risk. There is limited evidence based on three trials designed to have adequate power for falls that knowledge+environment (n=310), exercise+environment+vision (n=272), and exercise+psychological (n=378) interventions reduce falls and/or fallers by 20 to 46 percent. A single underpowered trial (n=453) of exercise+knowledge+falls risk assessment compared to control revealed a nonstatistically significant reduction in falls (IRR, 0.75 [95% CI, 0.52 to 1.09]), but no difference was seen in people experiencing a fall. Two trials of exercise+psychological (n=153) and exercise+vitamin D (n=204) showed no effect on falls (IRRs, 0.94 and 0.99); however, the exercise+vitamin D trial showed a large statistically significant reduction in injurious falls (IRR, 0.38 [95% CI, 0.17 to 0.81]). The evidence on QOL, ADL, IADL, or mortality outcome was limited. No trials reported the outcomes of fracture, people experiencing fracture, people hospitalized, or people transitioning to institutional care.
Characteristics of Included Studies
Of the six included multiple intervention studies, two were included in the previous review,71, 172 and four were newly identified.113, 120, 122, 173
Study Characteristics
We identified three fair-quality122, 171 and three good-quality113, 120, 172 RCTs (n=1,770) with a primary or secondary aim of examining the effectiveness of multiple interventions on falls, fall-related injuries, or both (Table 52). One trial was conducted in the United States,172 two in Australia,122, 171 two in Germany,120, 173 and one in Finland.113 Three RCTs had factorial designs113, 120, 122 and one was a cluster-randomized trial of general practices.173 Trial sizes ranged from 153120 to 453172 participants (randomly allocated to multiple interventions or matched control groups). Followup time ranged from 12 to 24 months. The outcomes reported in the trials that we included for analysis were falls (k=6; n=1,770), people experiencing a fall (k=4; n=1,413), injurious falls (k=5, n=1,460), people experiencing a fall-related injury (k=1, n=378), mortality (k=3; n=1,035), QOL (k=1; n=258), and harms (k=3, n=810). No studies reported on hospitalization, institutionalization, ADL, or IADL.
Population Characteristics
Four of the six studies recruited participants aged 70 years and older;113, 120, 122, 171 two of these studies had upper age limits (80 years113 or 90 years120) (Table 53). Two RCTs recruited participants aged 65 and older.172, 173 Mean age ranged from 74.0 years113 to 78.4 years.171 One study recruited women exclusively,113 while in the other five studies women comprised nearly half 120 to up to three-fourths of the participants.171-173 Only the U.S. study reported on race or ethnicity; nearly all were white (95%).172 Measures of socioeconomic status were reported in only the study by Freiberger et al120 (35.4 percent with low educational attainment and 25.7 percent with low income). All but one study173 excluded patients with cognitive impairment.
All six studies recruited community-dwelling adults. Four of the studies recruited a general population of participants from a community171, 172 or used population-based registries.113, 122 The remaining studies recruited participants from a health insurance company database120 or clinic.173
Two trials recruited participants at average risk of falling where the only risk factor for falls was the participant’s age.122, 172 Four trials recruited patients at high risk for falls, as defined as either a history of falls (in the previous 6 or 12 months),113, 120, 171, 173 a fear of falling,120, 171, 173, low physical function (TUG test or Chair Stand Test >10 seconds) or balance deficits.173
The measures of health or functional status at baseline in the studies varied. The measures included a history of falls, comorbid conditions, number of medications, baseline ADL or IADL score, quality of life, living alone, and self-reported health rating.
Intervention Details
The trial by Clemson et al171 (knowledge+environment assessment) offered educational sessions (2-hour sessions each week for 7 weeks), an educational session reviewing safety hazards in the home, a home visit and 1.5 hour booster session 3 months after the last session (Table 54). The trial by Fitzharris et al122 (exercise+environment+vision intervention) included supervised group exercise classes (1-hour weekly session for 15 weeks), a home visit to modify hazards, and vision screening with appropriate referral. The trial by Freiberger et al120 (exercise+psychological) included progressive supervised group exercises or a multicomponent cognitive behavioral program that addressed the thoughts and concerns of elderly people about falls and the hazards of falls (1-hour sessions twice per week for 16 weeks). This trial also provided cognitive training by using exercises to improve participants’ ability to concentrate, process information faster, and improve short-term memory. The second exercise+psychological trial was conducted by Siegrist et al173 and included a progressive supervised group exercise program with strength, power, balance, and gait training, a self-management program with perception and functional training, and a cognitive behavioral program aimed to increase self-efficacy (1-hour weekly sessions for 16 weeks) and a 12-week home exercise program. The trial by Shumway-Cook et al172 (exercise+knowledge+falls risk assessment) involved a total of 156 progressive group exercise sessions (1-hour sessions 3 times per week), nurse-led educational classes (1-hour monthly classes for 6 months), and an assessment of the participant’s risk of falling that was mailed to his or her PCP. The factorial design trial by Uusi-Rasi et al113 (exercse+vitamin D) offered 800 IU daily of cholecalciferol plus 78 weekly or twice weekly group exercise classes offered over 104 weeks.
For four of the RCTs that used multiple exercise components,113, 120, 122, 172 group exercise sessions were supervised by exercise instructors, physical therapists, or fall-prevention instructors. The interventions in all five trials lasted between 7 weeks171 and 104 weeks.113 All five RCTs included some exercise for gait and balance as well as for strength and resistance. One study specifically mentioned flexibility training172; however, stretching was a part of other study protocols as well.113, 120 The trial by Clemson et al171 had the least intensive exercise component (educational sessions with brief exercise practice and review).
The intensity and duration of the supervised group exercise classes varied, as detailed above. The total number of exercise sessions offered in the trials ranged from 7171 to 156172 sessions over 15122 to 104 weeks.113 Four RCTs also made recommendations for home training programs.113, 120, 122, 173
Control groups received usual care.113, 120, 122, 171-173 One study provided brochures on preventing falls.172 In another study the control group received two social visits.171 In the single study with the vitamin D intervention, the control group received placebo in addition to usual care.113
Study Quality
In all six RCTs, study participants used diaries to record the outcomes of falls prospectively. Blinding of the assessors for these outcomes was clearly reported in four of the studies. 113, 120, 122, 171 Four of the five RCTs had similar baseline characteristics between the intervention groups. Two of the five RCTs reported statistically significant baseline differences between the intervention and control groups171, 173 (higher baseline rate hip fracture in the control group in one study122 and higher TUG, CST, falls efficacy scale scores and higher proportion needing walking aids in control group in another study173). Despite being controlled for some of these differences in the analyses, these trials may overestimate any benefit from the intervention. All studies used intention-to-treat analysis. Overall attrition at 12 to 24 months was low for these trials (completion rates >90%,120, 171, 172 88%,122 72%,120 or 79%173). Participants’ attendance at the exercise sessions was reported in different ways but was relatively high in the four studies that reported compliance for the multiple intervention group: 84 percent (at least 75 percent of the 16-week twice-weekly sessions120), 82 percent (attended more than 10 out of 16 training sessions173), mean of 72 percent (twice per week or weekly 24-month exercise sessions113), and median of 58 percent (12-month, thrice-weekly exercise classes172). In the study by Clemson et al,171 90 percent attended at least five of the seven educational sessions. Three of the studies adjusted for confounders in the results for fall outcomes.113, 120, 173 Three studies were designed to have adequate power for a falls outcome.122, 171, 173 Three studies were underpowered for a falls outcome: one had had a low recruitment rate,172 one was powered for TUG scores,120 and the last was a factorial design not powered specifically for a fall outcome in the multiple interventions arm.113
Six multiple intervention trials (n=1,770) reported a falls outcome.113, 120, 122, 171-173 The rate of falls in the control groups ranged from 0.51 to 2.4 per person-year in the individual studies. The three RCTs designed to have adequate power for falls (exercise+environment+vision,122 knowledge+environment,171 and exercise+psychological173) showed statistically significant reductions in falls in the multiple intervention group (IRR, 0.80 [95% CI, 0.65 to 0.98]122; IRR, 0.68 [95% CI, 0.57 to 0.83]171; IRR, 0.54 [95% CI, 0.35 to 0.84]173). Unlike the other studies in this group, the trial by Clemson et al171 did not have a distinct dedicated supervised exercise program; instead, it provided eight weekly 2-hour educational sessions in which some exercise education and practice was a part of three of the sessions. One underpowered exercise+knowledge+falls risk assessment RCT172 showed a nonstatistically significant trend that favored the intervention group with an IRR in the same range as the studies by Fitzharris et al122 and Clemson et al,171 with an IRR of 0.75 (95% CI, 0.52 to 1.09).172 The one RCT of exercise+vitamin D, which had the most intensive and longest duration of the exercise intervention, showed no difference in falls (IRR, 0.99 [95% CI, 0.72 to 1.39])113 (Figure 19; Table 41).
Injurious Falls
Five studies (n=1,460) reported injurious falls at 12 to 24 months.113, 120, 122, 172, 173 One study of exercise+vitamin D showed a 62 percent reduction in injurious falls (i.e., falls resulting in medical care) at 24 months (RR, 0.38 [95% CI, 0.17 to 0.81])113; interestingly, this exercise+vitamin D trial showed no effect on overall falls (IRR, 0.99 [95% CI, 0.72 to 1.39]). Three studies (exercise+knowledge+falls risk assessment,157 exercise+environment+vision,105 and exercise+psychological173 showed similar nonstatis tic ally significant reductions in injurious falls but with different definitions (i.e., minor or major injuries or those requiring hospitalization,122 falls resulting in medical care,172 or not defined173) (IRR, 0.72, 147 0.79,173 and 0.80105 respectively). The remaining trial of exercise+psychological intervention showed no effect on injurious falls.120 (Figure 3; Table 42).
No trials reported this outcome.
People Experiencing a Fall
Four multiple intervention RCTs (n=1,413) demonstrated mixed results regarding the number of people experiencing a fall.122, 171-173 The prevalence of people in the control group who fell was similar in the three studies (49.4%,17358.2%,146 63.5%,105 57.3%147). The trial by Fitzharris et al122 (n=272) (exercise+environment+vision) reported a 33 percent statistically significant reduction in people experiencing a fall at 18 months of followup (RR, 0.67 [95% CI, 0.51 to 0.88]). The other three RCTs showed no difference at 12 to 14 months of followup (n=310; RR, 0.90 [95% CI, 0.73 to 1.10], 146 n=453; adjusted RR, 0.96 [95% CI, 0.82 to 1.13], 147 and n=378; RR 0.85 [95% CI, 0.68, 1.06]). The two studies, which reported the number of people who had had two or more falls, revealed a beneficial trend favoring the multiple intervention group (RR, 0.74171 and 0.70122), but they were not statistically significant (Figure 20; Table 43).
People Experiencing an Injurious Fall
One exercise+psychological trial (n=378) reported a reduction of people experiencing an injurious fall in the intervention group compared to the control group (RR, 0.75 [95% CI, 0.56 to 1.00])173 (Table 55).
People Experiencing a Fracture
No trials reporting this outcome.
Three studies (n=1,035) reported mortality outcomes at 12 to 24 months (Figure 21; Table 48).113, 172 The individual studies reported RRs of 0.67 (95% CI, 0.11 to 3.97) for the exercise+knowledge+fall-risk assessment trial147; 0.25 (95% CI, 0.01 to 5.48) for the exercise+vitamin D trial, 115 and 0.56 (95% CI, 0.23 to 1.39) for the exercise+psychological trial.173 The wide CIs reflected a relatively uncommon outcome with 10 or fewer events in each group.
People Transitioning to Institutional Care
No trials reported this outcome.
People Hospitalized
No trials reported this outcome.
Only one study (n=258) reported on SF-36 physical and mental health components.171 No statistically significant mean differences between the multiple intervention group and the control group were found (SF-36 physical component mean difference, 0.70 [95% CI, -2.94 to 1.88]; SF-36 mental health component mean difference 0.53 [95% CI, -2.95 to 1.88]) (Table 44).171
No trials reported this outcome.
Fall Risk Status
Most of these multiple trials (4 of 6) recruited participants at high risk for falls based on history of prior falls, fear of falling, or functional tests of balance/gait; evidence is too limited to make conclusions about associations between baseline fall risk and treatment effectiveness.
Three trials (n=810) reported either no adverse events120, 172 or no severe adverse events113 associated with the intervention. However, it is unclear how the adverse events were collected or measured.113, 120, 172
Critical Appraisal
Due to the various combinations of intervention types, these fair- to good-quality trials of community-dwelling older adults do not provide a coherent body of evidence; thus, pooling the results is inappropriate. Three trials showed statistically significant reductions in the rate of falls (and one of these showed a reduction in people experiencing a fall as well) despite the differences in the intervention combinations (knowledge+environment, exercise+environment+vision, exercise+psychological).122, 171, 173
- Is There Direct Evidence That Primary Care Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults at Average or High Risk for Falls, Used Alone or in Combination, Reduce Falls or Fall-Related Injury, Improve Quality of Life, Reduce Disability, or Reduce Mortality?
- What Are the Adverse Effects Associated With Primary Care Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults?
- Results - Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A S...Results - Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
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