Sponsorship and Exhibits - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Sponsorship and Exhibits

Gain Visibility. Make Connections. Find New Business.

The professionals who attend NCCHC conferences are the leaders and hands-on practitioners in the field. As an exhibitor, you have an unparalleled opportunity to help them provide high-quality care. Conference surveys show that attendees place a high value on the time they spend in the exhibit hall. They come looking for ways to improve health services in their facilities, and they want to forge solid relationships with the companies they select. With such enthusiastic interest in products and services geared toward the correctional health field, NCCHC conferences are the ideal venue for your company to build recognition and relationships with these important contacts.


National Conference on Correctional Health Care 

October 19 – 23 • Paris Hotel Las Vegas
Visit the event site.

Spring Conference on Correctional Health Care

April 5 – 8 • Louisville, KY 
Visit the 2024 event site

Correctional Mental Health Care Conference

July 20-21 • San Francisco
Visit the 2024 event site.

Marketing and Resource Guide

See the 2024 Marketing and Resource Guide for information on sponsorships and cost-effective advertising packages. NEW! the 2025 Marketing and Resource Guide is now available.

Conference Program Advertising

  • Conference Preliminary Programs are emailed to more than 25,000 correctional health care professionals. Your ad will deliver your message to this large and diverse group, even if they do not attend the conference.
  • Final Programs are distributed on-site to all attendee and are a great way to reach a highly motivated group of professionals. The program is an indispensable resource for conference-goers, and your ad will receive excellent, repeated exposure during and after the event.

Contact the Exhibits & Advertising Sales Manager at [email protected] or 773-880-1460, ext. 298.

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