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Here are some suggestions to find what you are looking for:
- Search for the page or the content you are looking for by entering keyword(s) in the search field above.
- Use the tabs above to find the information you want.
- The Research tab has information about how NIAID conducts and supports research to understand, treat, and ultimately prevent disease, as well as useful resources and tools specifically for researchers.
- The Diseases & Conditions tab contains all the information about the research being done on some of the most serious conditions like Zika, the flu, and HIV/AIDS.
- Grants & Contracts allows you to find NIAID funding opportunities, helps you stay up-to-date with the latest Funding News, and will walk you step-by-step through the grant application process.
- Use the Clinical Trials tab to find a clinical trial, understand what it’s like to be a patient in a trial, and learn more about NIAID’s clinics.
- The News & Events tab keeps you up-to-date with the latest NIAID news releases and events as well as Congressional Testimony and useful NIAID media contacts.
- The About NIAID tab describes our organization, accomplishments, and history, offers career and training opportunities, and provides visitor and contact information.
- If you typed the page address in the address bar, make sure that you spelled it correctly.