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Epidemiology Branch

Ongoing Large Cohort Studies

For more information, please visit the study website links provided.

Agricultural Health (AHS)

Agricultural Health Study (AHS) explores a wide range of health outcomes among licensed pesticide applicators, their spouses and children potentially exposed to pesticides and other agricultural hazards.


Gulf Long-term Follow-up Study (GuLF Study) is the largest study of the potential health effects associated with an oil spill. With nearly 33,000 participants, it is focused on both short- and long-term health effects related to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. The GuLF Study has collected information that can be used by individuals, communities and governments to better understand the health consequences of oil spills and plan for future disasters. Due to the unique composition of the cohort, the Study also provides opportunities to investigate the health impacts of neighborhood, environmental, and socioeconomic stressors.

SELF study

Study of Environment, Lifestyle & Fibroids (SELF) is designed to prospectively identify new cases of uterine fibroids and follow fibroid growth. The goal is to identify risk factors for fibroid development with the aims of identifying factors that could prevent or delay onset and developing strategies for less invasive interventions.

Sister Study

The Sister Study is a nationwide prospective cohort study of 50,000 women whose sister had breast cancer but who themselves were breast cancer-free at enrollment. The study explores environmental, lifestyle and genetic risk factors for breast cancer and other diseases, with a focus on exposures across the lifespan and an eye toward identifying potentially preventable exposures.

Ongoing and Archived Study Resources

For more information contact the PI listed, or

Gitanjali S. Taneja, Ph.D.
Health Science Administrator
Tel 984-439-4428
[email protected]


Agricultural Health Studies logo

Agricultural Health Study (AHS) Add-On and Nested Studies: Lung Health Study (S London) is a case-cohort study of current asthma in the AHS conducted from 2009 to 2013. More than 3,000 AHS participants completed home visits that included lung function tests, height and weight measurement, and collection of blood, urine, and dust samples. Participants also completed a telephone interview about their history of respiratory diseases and lifetime farm exposures.

Early Pregnancy Study (EPS)

Early Pregnancy Study (AM Jukic, D Baird, A Wilcox, C Weinberg) was a detailed look at ovulation, conception and early pregnancy for a group of 221 women who provided a daily diary and urine specimens before and during early pregnancy.

Infant Feeding and Early Development

Infant Feeding and Early Development (W Rogan, D Umbach) was a study looking for evidence of infants’ response to estrogen exposure from soy formula as well as other putative endocrine disrupting chemicals.

LIFE and VALID Lung Studies

LIFE & VALID Lung Studies (J Taylor) — LIFE Study's evaluated the effectiveness of Lung Imaging Fluorescence Endoscopy (LIFE) in detecting and following early lung lesions in patients at high risk for developing lung cancer. VALID Study, a companion to the LIFE study, evaluated the effect of initial arterial ligation versus venous ligation during surgery on the risk of distant metastases in lung cancer patients.

Norway Facial Clefts Study (NCL)

Norway Facial Clefts Study (A Wilcox) was a population-based, case-control, parent-triad study that explored the environmental and genetic causes of cleft lip and palate.



Pregnancy And Childhood Epigenetics (PACE) The PACE consortium comprises researchers at NIEHS and around the world who are interested in studying the early life environmental impacts on human disease using epigenetics.

Postpartum Uterine Regression Study (PUR)

Uterine Fibroid Study (D Baird) was designed to determine the prevalence of fibroids, identify risk factors for fibroids, identify biological changes in tumor tissue and describe women's experience of symptoms and their change over time.