Science Collaborative for Health disparities
and Artificial intelligence bias REduction

ScHARe is a cloud-based platform for population science including social determinants of health (SDOH), and data sets designed to fill four critical health disparities research and artificial intelligence (AI) gaps:

  • Increase participation of women and underrepresented populations with health disparities in data science through data science skills training, cross-discipline mentoring, and multi-career level collaborating on research.
  • Leverage population science, SDOH, and behavioral Big Data and cloud computing tools to expand and foster a paradigm shift in health disparities, health care delivery, and health outcomes research.
  • Advance AI bias mitigation and ethical inquiry by developing innovative strategies and securing diverse perspectives.
  • Provide a data science cloud computing resource for community colleges and low resource minority serving institutions and organizations.

Register for ScHARe

Page updated Jan. 8, 2025  |  created Jan. 18, 2023

innovation 4
Project 2