Thank you for your interest in repurposing content from The New York Times. PARS International is the authorized reprint, permissions & licensing agent for The New York Times. We offer a full suite of products and services to help you leverage The New York Times content and promote your brand.

The breadth and depth of The Times platform has made it the world’s most subscribed to digital media organization.

123M – average monthly visitors1
1.7B – monthly pageviews2
61% – of readers are Gen Z or Millennials3

92% of Times readers say continuing to learn throughout their life is very important


We offer a full suite of products and services ranging from hardcopy and electronic reprints to plaques, posters, and permissions & licensing, including photocopies.

1. NYT Internal Fact Sheet
2. Ipsos Affluent USA Fall 2021, A18+ with HHI $125K+. Total Digital Brand Footprint (past 30 days)
3. MRI-Simmons Fall 2021, U.S. A18+. website/app (past 30 days) OR New York Times newspaper (Weekday/Sunday net).


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